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Generación del “crack” (Crack generation)
Firstly it has – so they claim – nothing to do with crack cocaine but, rather, crack in the sense of break (because they represent a break with the previous generation). The movement was started by five young Mexican writers – Ignacio Padilla, Jorge Volpi, Eloy Urroz, Vicente Herrasti y Ricardo Chávez Castañeda – who produced a manifesto in a small and now defunct literary magazine. They called for intelligent writing, a rejection of what they called banana writing – simplistic, rural writing. They wanted a writing where the reader had to think. Their idols were William Faulkner and, in Mexico, Fuentes and Rulfo. In short, they wished to returned to the ideals of the Latin American boom.
Other links
Crack Movement
La generación del crack (in Spanish)
México: la generación del Crack (in Spanish)
La nueva generación ‘crack’ de narrativa mexicana irrumpe en el panorama europeo (in Spanish)