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Jacques Mercanton


Jacques Mercanton was born in Lausanne in 1910. He studied literature at the University of Lausanne and then taught at school and university. In the Thirties he travelled in France, Germany and Italy. He met and became friends with James Joyce. After the war he became involved with the influential magazine Labyrinthe and met the artist Giacometti and writers such as Malraux and Mauriac. He later met and became friends with Thomas Mann. He continued his travels and wrote not only novels and stories set abroad but also accounts of his travels. He died in 1996. Note that he is not the Jacques Mercanton that filmed Mr. Hulot’s Holiday.

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Jacques Mercanton (in French)
Jacques Mercanton (in French)

L’humanisme tragique de Jacques Mercanton (in French)


1941 Le secret de vos coeurs (stories)
1942 Thomas l’Incrédule (novel)
1947 Poètes de l’univers
1948 Le Soleil ni la mort
1948 Christ au désert (stories)
1951 La joie d’amour (novel)
1954 Maroc, terre et ciel
1956 Celui qui doit venir (stories)
1957 Andalousie (travel)
1962 De peur que vienne l’oubli (novel)
1963 Les châteaux magiques de Louis II de Bavière
1966 Racine
1967 La Sybille (stories)
1967 Les heures de James Joyce
1974 L’été des Sept-Dormants [The Summer of the Seven Sleepers] (novel)
1979-1985 Oeuvres complètes
1980 L’Amour dur (stories)
1980 Récits et nouvelles. Tome 1 et 2 (stories)
1981 Le Siècle des grandes ombres (essay)
1981 Thomas l’incrédule (novel)
1985 Ceux qu’on croit sur parole: essais sur la littérature européenne (essay)
1986 L’ami secret et l’enfant mystéRieux (novel)
1991 Mozart avant l’adieu et autres essais (essays)
1995 Racine devant Dieu (literature)
1995 Rome et la mort (story)
1996 L’amour dur: trois nouvelles (stories)
1999 Le rêve arabe (travel)