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Esther Tusquets


Esther Tusquets was born in Barcelona in 1936. She attended universities in Barcelona and Madrid, studying literature and history, and then teaching them. In 1960, she took over management of the publishing house, Lumen, started by her father. She didn’t publish her first novel till 1978, El mismo mar de todos los veranos (The Same Sea as Every Summer), the first of a trilogy. She died in 2012.

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Esther Tusquets
Esther Tusquets (in Spanish)
Esther Tusquets (in Spanish)
Esther Tusquets (in Spanish)
Tusquets, Esther (in Spanish)
Esther Tusquets Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Obituary (in Spanish)
Obituary (in Spanish)
Obituary (in Spanish)


1978 El mismo mar de todos los veranos (The Same Sea as Every Summer) (novel)
1979 El amor es un juego solitario (Love is a Solitary Game) (novel)
1979 Juego o el hombre que pintaba mariposas (novel)
1979 La conejita Marcela (novel)
1980 Varada tras el Último naufragio (Stranded) (novel)
1981 Siete miradas en un mismo paisaje (Seven Views of the Same Landscape) (stories)
1982 Recuerdo de Safo (novel)
1985 Para no volver (Never to Return) (novel)
1986 Olivia (stories)
1987 Libro de Moisés: Biblia I, Pentateuco (novel)
1989 Después de Moisés (novel)
1990 Relatos eróticos (stories)
1993 La reina de los gatos (children’s)
1994 Libros”de lujo” para niños (essays)
1996 La niña lunática y otros cuentos (stories)
1997 Con la miel en los labios (stories)
2000 Ser madre (essays)
2001 Correspondencia privada (Private Correspondence) (novel)
2002 Orquesta de verano y otros cuentos (stories)
2005 Confesiones de una editora poco mentirosa (memoirs)
2006 Prefiero ser mujer (articles)
2007 ¡Bingo! (novel)
2007 Habíamos ganado la guerra (We Had Won The War) (memoirs)
2008 Pasqual Maragall, el hombre y el político (memoirs)
2009 Confesiones de una vieja dama indigna (biography – with Mercedes Vilanova)
2009 Carta a la madre y cuentos completos (stories)
2010 Pequeños delitos abominables (essays)
2012 Tiempos que fueron (memoirs – with Oscar Tusquets)