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Julián Ríos


Julián Ríos was born in Galicia in 1941. He has worked with both Octavio Paz and a variety of painters, including R B Kitaj as well as producing several novels, some of which are interrelated and all of which are noted for their word and other games.

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Julián Ríos
Julián Ríos (in Spanish)
Julián Ríos (in Spanish)


1973 Solo a dos voces (with Octavio Paz)
1974 Teatro de signos (with Octavio Paz)
1983 Larva (Larva)
1986 Poundemonium (Poundemonium)
1989 Impresiones de Kitaj: la novela pintada (Kitaj: Pictures and Conversations)
1991 Las tentaciones de Antonio Saura
1991 Retrato de Antonio Saura
1991 La vida sexual de las palabras
1992 Ulises ilustrado
1993 Sombreros para Alicia
1995 Amores que atan (Loves that Bind)
1995 Album de Babel
1999 Monstruario (Monstruary)
2000 La vida sexual de las palabras
2001 Nuevos sombreros para Alicia
2003 Casa Ulises (The House of Ulysses)
2008 Cortejo de sombras (Procession of Shadows)
2008 Quijote e hijos
2009 Puente de Alma