Home » Spain » Agustín Fernández Mallo

Agustín Fernández Mallo


Agustín Fernández Mallo was born in 1967 in La Coruña. He is a qualified physicist and still works as a physicist. In his non-fiction writing he coined the term poesía postpoética, which involves the need to incorporate scientific and mathematical imagery into poetry as well as film fragments and fragments taken from the Internet, to create a poetry which better reflects the modern world. He has applied these ideas in his own poetry. However, he is better-known, particularly in the English-speaking world, as the author of novels, particularly the the Nocilla trilogy. (Nocilla is a hazelnut and chocolate spread similar to Nutella). It has given its name to a literary movement.

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Agustín Fernández Mallo
Agustín Fernández Mallo
Agustín Fernández Mallo
Agustín Fernández Mallo
The Reluctant Leader of Spain’s Literary Avant-Garde (profile)
His homepage (in Spanish)
His Twitter page (in Spanish)
His Facebook page (in Spanish)
His Instagram page (in Spanish)
Agustín Fernández Mallo (in Spanish)
Agustín Fernández Mallo (in Spanish)
Agustín Fernández Mallo (in Spanish)
Agustín Fernández, el loco de la pospoesía (in Spanish)
Agustín Fernández Mallo (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
(in Spanish)


2001 Yo siempre regreso a los pezones y al punto 7 del Tractatus (poetry)
2004 Creta, Lateral Travelling (poetry)
2005Joan Fontaine Odisea (mi deconstrucción) (poetry)
2006 Nocilla Dream (UK: Nocilla Dream; US: Dream) (novel)
Antibiótico (poetry)
2008 Carne de Píxel (Pixel Flesh) (poetry)
2008 Nocilla Experience (UK: Nocilla Experience; US: Experience) (novel)
2009 Nocilla Lab (UK: Nocilla Lab; US: Lab) (novel)
2009 Postpoesía. Hacia un nuevo paradigma (essay)
2011 El hacedor (de Borges) Remake (stories)
2014 Limbo (novel)
2015 Ya nadie se llamará como yo + Poesía reunida (1998 – 2012)
2018 Trilogía de la guerra (The Things We’ve Seen) (novel)
2018 Teoría general de la basura (cultura, apropiación, complejidad) (essay)
2021 La mirada imposible (essay)
2022 El libro de todos los amores (novel)
2023 La forma de la multitud (essay)