Home » Portugal » Gonçalo M. Tavares

Gonçalo M. Tavares


Gonçalo M. Tavares was born in Luanda, Angola in 1970. (He is always known as Gonçalo M. Tavares, so as not to confuse him with the singer Gonçalo Tavares). His father was a construction worker and his mother a professor of mathematics. He moved to Portugal when Tavares was still young. They moved to Lisbon when he was eighteen and has lived there ever since. He teaches the theory of science at the University of Lisbon. He has published a large number of novels, poetry, stories and essays in a relatively short time.

Other links

His blog (mainly reviews of his work, in various languages)
Gonçalo M. Tavares
Gonçalo M. Tavares on man, machines and society
Gonçalo M. Tavares (in Portuguese)
Interview (in Portuguese)


2001 Livro da dança (poetry)
2002 Investigações. Novalis (poetry)
2002 O Senhor Valéry (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series) (Mister Valéry) (novel)
2003 O Senhor Henri (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series)) (The Neighborhood (novel)
2003 Um Homem: Klaus Klump (O Reino (The Kingdom) series) (A Man: Klaus Klump) (novel)
2003 A Colher de Samuel Beckett (drama)
2004 A Máquina de Joseph Walser (O Reino (The Kingdom) series) (Joseph Walser’s Machine) (novel)
2004 Jerusalém (O Reino (The Kingdom) series) (Jerusalem) (novel)
2004 O Senhor Brecht (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series) (novel)
2004 O Senhor Juarroz (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series) (The Neighborhood) (novel)
2004 1 (poetry)
2004 Biblioteca (literature)
2004 A perna Esquerda de Paris seguido de Roland Barthes e Robert Musil(story/essay)
2005 O Senhor Calvino (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series) (The Neighborhood) (novel)
2005 O Senhor Kraus (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series) (The Neighborhood) (novel)
2005 Histórias falsas (stories)
2006 Água, cão, cavalo, cabeça (stories/fragments)
2006 O Senhor Walser (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series) (The Neighborhood) (novel)
2006 Breves notas sobre ciência (Enciclopédia series)
2007 Breves notas sobre o medo (Enciclopédia series)
2007 Aprender a Rezar na Era da Técnica (O Reino (The Kingdom) series) (Learning to Pray in the Age of Technique) (novel)
2008 O Senhor Breton (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series) (novel)
2009 Breves notas sobre as ligações (Enciclopédia series)
2009 O Senhor Swedenborg e as Investigações geométricas (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series) (novel)
2010 O Senhor Eliot (O Bairro (The Neighbourhood) series) (novel)
2010 Uma Viagem á Índia (A Voyage to India) (novel)
2010 Matteo perdeu o emprego (novel)
2011 Short Movies (stories)
2011 Canções Mexicanas (stories)
2013 Atlas do Corpo e da Imaginação (atlas)
2013 Poemas (poetry)
2014 Uma menina está perdida no seu século à procura do pai (A Girl Is Lost in Her Century, Looking for Her Father) (novel)
2014 Animalescos (stories)
2014 Os velhos também querem viver: a partir de Alceste de Eurípides (poetry)
2018 Breves Notas sobre Literatura (Front cover image for Reading is Walking)
2020 O Osso do Meio – Relógio d’Água (The Kingdom) series) (novel)
2021 Diário da Peste: O Ano de 2020
2022 A Pedra e o Desenho
2022 O Diabo
2022 Dicionário de Artistas