Dag Solstad
Dag Solstad was born in Sandefjord, Norway in 1951. His father died when he was eleven. His grocery business went bankrupt and Solstad’s mother had to feed the family by selling shoes. After secondary school, Solstad became a teacher. He also played amateur football and would report on football later in life. His first work was published in 1965 and he has since written many novels, stories, articles and plays. During the 1970s, he was a communist and wrote to meet the demands of the communist movement that authors should write for the people. He also flirted with existentialism. After his third marriage, he became the son-in-law of writer Jens Bjørneboe. He died in 2025.
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Dag Solstad
Dag Solstad
Norway’s Greatest Living Writer is Actually Dag Solstad
One Minute With: Dag Solstad, novelist
Dag Solstad (in Norwegian)
1965 Spiraler (stories)
1967 Svingstol (short prose pieces)
1968 Georg: sit du godt? (drama)
1969 Irr! Grønt! (novel)
1971 Arild Asnes (novel)
1974 25. septemberplassen (novel)
1975 Kamerat Stalin, eller familien Nordby (drama)
1977 Svik. Førkrigsår (novel)
1977 Tilbake til Pelle Erobreren? (articles)
1978 Krig. 1940 (novel)
1980 Brød og våpen (novel)
1981 Artikler om litteratur 1966–1981 (literature)
1982 Gymnaslærer Pedersens beretning om den store politiske vekkelsen som har hjemsøkt vårt land (novel)
1983 Sleng på byen (short pieces)
1984 Forsøk på å beskrive det ugjennomtrengelige (novel)
1987 Roman 1987 (novel)
1990 Medaljens forside (novel)
1992 Ellevte roman, bok atten (Novel 11, Book 18) (novel)
1993 14 artikler på 12 år (articles)
1994 Genanse og verdighet (Shyness And Dignity) (novel)
1994 Svingstol og andre tekster (short prose pieces)
1996 Professor Andersens natt (Professor Andersen’s Night) (novel)
1997 3 essays (essays)
1999 T. Singer (T. Singer) (novel)
2002 16.07.41 (novel)
2004 Artikler 1993–2004 (articles)
2006 Armand V. (Armand V.) (novel)
2009 17. roman (novel)
2013 Det uoppløselige episke element i Telemark i perioden 1591-1896 (novel)
2015 Artikler 2005–2014 (articles)
2019 Tredje, og siste, roman om Bjørn Hansen (novel)
2019 Kan man ødelegge et nasjonalt språk? Er det nødvendig? (stories/essays)
2021 Om mat (food)
2021 Artikler om litteratur 2015–2021 (literature)