Home » Netherlands
De Jong, Groen, Grunberg, Haasse, Heeresma, Hermans, Mulisch, Nooteboom, Reve, Rosenboom
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Dutch Literature
Dutch Literature
Literary perspectives: The Netherlands
Dutch Foundation for Literature
10 Books from Holland
NRC’s Best Dutch novels
Women Writers’ Network (mainly Dutch women writers born before 1900)
Novels: Coming to terms with Calvinism, colonies and the war
Countering the Forgetting: Dutch Indies Literature in the Twenty-First Century
Dutch Literature (Jewish perspective)
Bi(bli)ografieën (in Dutch)
Literair Nederland (in Dutch)
Nederlandse literatuur (in Dutch)
Nederlandse literatuur (in Dutch)
Nederlandse literatuur van de twintigste eeuw (in Dutch)
Terug naar de wereld: proza 1990-2009 (in Dutch)
Top 100 van de Nederlandse literatuur van de 20e eeuw (in Dutch)
Schrijvers – Nederland (in Dutch)
ijst van Nederlandstalige schrijvers (in Dutch)
Top 100 Beste Nederlandse Schrijvers [2023 (in Dutch)
De Nederlandse klassieken anno 2002 (in Dutch)
Dutch literary canon as of 2022 (scroll down to p 39 for the actual list)
50 best Dutch books of 21st century (in Dutch)