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Edoardo Sanguineti


Edoardo Sanguineti was born in Genoa in 1930. His father worked for a bank. The family moved to Turin when Sanguineti was four. He was diagnosed with a heart problem at an early age but only learned later that the diagnosis was wrong. Learning that he was healthy led to him becoming keen on physical exercise. He attended the University of Turin, where he wrote a thesis on Dante. He became a professor Italian literature, firstly at the University of Turin and then at the University of Salerno, before finishing up at the University of Genoa. He has been a major figure in Italian literature, producing not only a large amount of poetry but also having written plays, criticism and fiction. He has also translated many works from English, French, German, Latin and Greek into Italian. He was a member of the Italian parliament for the Communists between 1979 and 1983. He was associated with the Italian New Avant-Garde/Gruppo 63 movement. Very little of his work has been translated into English. He died in 2010.

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Edoardo Sanguineti
Edoardo Sanguineti (in Italian)
Edoardo Sanguineti (in Italian)
Edoardo Sanguineti (in Italian)
Edoardo Sanguineti (in Italian)
Edoardo Sanguineti (in Italian)
Obituary (in Italian)
Obituary (in Italian)
Interview (in Italian)
Interview (in Italian)


1956 Laborintus (poetry)
1960 Opus metricum (poetry)
1961 Interpretazione di Malebolge (criticism)
1961 Tra liberty e crepuscolarismo (criticism)
1961 Tre studi danteschi (criticism)
1962 Alberto Moravia (criticism)
1963 Capriccio italiano (novel)
1964 Triperuno (poetry)
1965 Ideologia e linguaggio (criticism)
1966 Guido Gozzano. Indagini e letture (criticism)
1966 Il realismo di Dante (criticism)
1967 Il Giuoco dell’Oca (novel)
1968 T.A.T. (poetry)
1969 Teatro (drama)
1971 Renga (poetry)
1971 Storie naturali (Natural Stories) (drama)
1972 Wirrwarr (poetry)
1974 Catamerone (poetry)
1974 Omaggio a Emilio Vedova (poetry)
1975 Antonio Bueno (criticism)
1976 Giornalino (articles)
1978 Postkarten (poetry)
1979 Giornalino secondo (articles)
1980 Stracciafoglio (poetry)
1981 Fame di Tonno (poetry)
1981 Scartabello (I–My Glance Through) (poetry)
1982 Segnalibro (poetry)
1983 Codicillo (poetry)
1984 Alfabeto apocalittico. 21 ottave con un’acquaforte e 21 capilettera (poetry)
1984 Due Ballate (poetry)
1984 Rebus (poetry)
1985 Omaggio a Pascoli. L’ultima passeggiata (poetry)
1985 Quintine (poetry)
1985 Scribilli (articles)
1986 Novissimum Testamentum (poetry)
1986 Smorfie (novellas/stories)
1987 Bisbidis (poetry)
1987 La missione del critico (criticism)
1988 Ghirigori (articles)
1989 Lettura del Decameron (criticism)
1992 Dante reazionario (criticism)
1992 Senzatitolo (poetry)
1993 Gazzettini (articles)
1995 Libretto (Libretto) (poetry)
1995 Malebolge 1994/1995 o del malgoverno (poetry)
1995 Per una critica dell’avanguardia poetica in Italia e in Francia, (criticism)
1996 Corollario (poetry)
1998 Corto (poetry)
1998 Taccuinetto (poetry)
1998 Wunderkammer (poetry)
1999 Cose (poetry)
1999 Sulphitarie (poetry)
2000 Il chierico organico (criticism)
2000 La letteratura italiana di Edoardo Sanguineti (criticism)
2001 Atlante del Novecento italianoe (criticism)
2001 Ideologia e linguaggio (criticism)
2001 Verdi in technicolor (criticism)
2002 Carol Rama (criticism)
2002 Il Gatto Lupesco (poetry)
2002 L’orologio astronomico (novel)
2003 Omaggio a Goethe (poetry)
2004 Mikrokosmos. Poesie 1951-2004 (poetry)
2004 Omaggio a Shakespeare, nove sonetti (poetry)
2007 Smorfie (novel)