Grazia Deledda
Grazia Deledda was born in Nuoro, Sardinia in 1871. Her parents were wealthy landowners. Her father died in 1892 and the family faced financial difficulties as a result. One of her brothers was mentally ill and the other a spendthrift. Unlike most of her contemporaries in Sardinia, she had received a good education, with private tutoring. She was also well read in contemporary literature. She started writing early, with her stories appearing in newspapers and magazines. Her first book of stories appeared when she was only nineteen. These stories, as was the case with her later work, were very evocative of the wild Sardinian landscape. She continued to be fascinated by Sardinian folklore. In 1900, she married Palmiro Madesani, a civil servant, and they moved to Rome. She was glad to escape Nuora and started writing novels. She would go on to produce a large amount of stories, novels and plays. She became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature and still the only Italian woman to do so. She died in 1936.
Grazia Deledda
Grazia Deledda
Grazia Deledda
Grazia Deledda (in Italian)
Grazia Deledda (in Italian)
Grazia Deledda (in Italian)
Texts of her works (in Italian)
1890 Nell’azzurro
1891 Stella d’Oriente
1891 Fior di Sardegna
1892 Amore regale
1892 La regina delle tenebre
1893 Anime oneste (Honest Souls)
1894 Racconti sardi
1894 Tradizioni popolari di Nuoro in Sardegna
1896 La via del male
1897 Il tesoro
1897 L’ospite
1897 Paesaggi sardi
1899 I tre talismani
1899 N.S. del buon consiglio: Leggenda sarda
1899 La giustizia
1899 Giaffah
1899 Le disgrazie che può cagionare il denaro
1899 Le tentazioni
1900 Il vecchio della montagna
1902 Dopo il divorzio (later: Naufraghi in porto) (After the Divorce)
1902 La regina delle tenebre
1903 Elias Portolu (Elias Portolu)
1904 Cenere (Ashes)
1905 I giuochi della vita
1905 Nostalgie (Nostalgia …)
1907 Amori moderni
1907 L’ombra del passato
1908 L’edera
1908 Il nonno
1910 Il nostro padrone
1910 Sino al confine
1911 Nel deserto
1912 Chiaroscuro (Chiaroscuro and Other Stories)
1912 Colombi e sparvieri
1912 L’edera (with Camillo Antona-Traversi)
1913 Canne al vento (Reeds in the Wind)
1914 Le colpe altrui
1915 Marianna Sirca (Marianna Sirca)
1916 Il fanciullo nascosto
1918 L’incendio nell’uliveto
1919 Il ritorno del figlio e La bambina rubata
1920 La madre (The Woman and the Priest; later: The Mother)
1921 La grazia (with Claudio Guastallo, and Vicentino Michetti)
1921 Cattive compagnie
1921 Il segreto dell’uomo solitario
1922 Il Dio dei viventi
1923 Il flauto nel bosco
1924 La danza della collana
1925 La fuga in Egitto
1926 Cani, gatti, pulcini ed altri animali: Scene rustiche
1926 Il sigillo d’amore
1927 Il cieco di Gerico
1927 Annalena Bilsini
1928 Il vecchio e i fanciulli
1930 Il dono di Natale
1930 La casa del poeta
1931 Il paese del vento
1932 La vigna sul mare
1933 Sole d’estate
1934 L’argine
1936 La chiesa della solitudine (The Church of Solitude)
1937 Cosima (Cosima)
1938 Versi e prose giovanili
1939 Il cedro del Libano
1959 Lettere di Grazia Deledda a Marino Moretti, 1913-1923
1972 La festa del Cristo e altre novelle
2006 Come solitudine: storie e novelle da un’isola