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Guðbergur Bergsson


Guðbergur Bergsson was born in Grindavík in 1932. His father was a fisherman and carpenter. He also worked as a fisherman before graduating from teachers’ training college and becoming a teacher. He then went to Spain where he graduated from the University of Barcelona with a degree in Spanish language and literature. After that, he worked at various menial jobs before becoming a full-time writer. He spent a lot of time in Spain but maintained his residence in Iceland. He had difficulty finding a publisher for his early work, as it was considered improper. After starting with realist works, he became a leading exponent of modernist works in Iceland. His second novel – Tómas Jónsson, metsölubók [Tómas Jónsson, Bestseller] – brought him considerable success. He continued to publish novels, stories, poetry and children’s works with considerable success. Only one of his works – Svanurinn (The Swan) – has been published in English, though others have been published in other languages.

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Guðbergur Bergsson


1961 Músin sem læðist (novel)
1961 Endurtekin orð (poetry)
1963 Leikföng leiðans (stories)
1966 Tómas Jónsson, metsölubók [Tómas Jónsson, Bestseller] (novel)
1967 Ástir samlyndra hjóna (novel)
1968 Anna (novel)
1970 Hvað er eldi guðs? (stories)
1973 Það sefur í djúpinu (novel)
1974 Hermann og Dídí (novel)
1974 Flateyjar – Freyr (poetry)
1976 Það rís úr djúpinu (novel)
1979 Saga af manni sem fékk flugu í höfuðið (novel)
1980 Sagan af Ara Fróðasyni og Hugborgu konu hans (novel)
1982 Hjartað býr enn í helli sínum (novel)
1982 Tóta og táin á pabba (children’s)
1984 Hinsegin sögur (stories)
1985 Leitin að landinu fagra (novel)
1985 Froskmaðurinn (novel)
1988 Maðurinn er myndavél (stories)
1988 Brúðan (stories)
1991 Svanurinn (The Swan) (novel)
1993 Sú kvalda ást sem hugarfylgsnin geyma (novel)
1994 Ævinlega (novel)
1995 Jólasögur úr samtímanum (stories)
1998 Eins og steinn sem hafið fágar
2000 Vorhænan og aðrar sögur (stories)
2000 Allir með strætó (children’s)
2001 Stígar (poetry)
2002 Hundurinn sem þráði að verða frægur (children’s)
2002 Hugsanabókin. Sjötíu hugsanir
2004 Lömuðu kennslukonurnar (novel)
2006 11/2 bók Hryllileg saga (novel)
2008 Leitin að barninu í gjánni (novel)
2010 Missir [Loss] (novel)
2012 Hin eilífa þrá – lygadæmisaga (novel)
2014 Þrír sneru aftur (novel)