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Nikos Bakolas


Nikos Bakolas was born in 1927 in Thessaloniki, where he lived most of his life. His father worked fo the local electricity company. He did his military service in the air force and then studied maths at university. After university he became a journalist, a career he followed for much of his professional life. He also became a translator, translating US writers such as Henry James and William Faulkner into Greek. As well a his journalism, he started writing short stories and poetry. He continued writing stories and poetry but also wrote novels, three of which have beeen published in English. He was also a keen drama critic. He died in 1999, a few weeks before the announcement that his last novel had been awarded a prize. He was also working on a translation of Faulkner’s Sartoris.

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Nikos Bakolas
Summary of his books in English
ίκος Μπακόλας (in Greek)


(Only works published in English)

1958 Ο κήπος των πριγκίπων (The Garden of the Princes)
1977 Μυθολογία ( Mythology)
1987 Η Μεγάλη Πλατεία (Crossroads)