Home » Germany » Olga Grjasnowa

Olga Grjasnowa


Olga Grjasnowa was born in Baku in 1984. Her father was a lawyer and her mother a musicologist. The family moved to Hesse in 1996, She took a degree in art history and Slavic studies at the University of Göttingen and then creative writing at the German Institute for Literature in Leipzig. After studying abroad, in Poland, Russia and Israel she studied dance at the Free University of Berlin but did not complete her degree course. She is married to the Syrian actor Ayham Majid Agha. She has written one play and three novels.

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Olga Grjasnowa
Olga Grjasnowa
Olga Grjasnowa (in German)
Olga Grjasnowa (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)
Interview (in German)


2012 Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt (All Russians Love Birch Trees)
2014 Die juristische Unschärfe einer Ehe
2017 Gott ist nicht schüchtern (City of Jasmine)
2020 Der verlorene Sohn
2021 Die Macht der Mehrsprachigkeit. Über Herkunft und Vielfalt