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Francis Nenik


Francis Nenik is a pseudonym He was born in 1981 and grew up in Leipzig. He studied Latin, archaeology and aesthetics. He initially published short prose pieces and essays but has since written longer works. His first novel – XO – was published in loose leaf pages, inspired by B. S. Johnson‘s The Unfortunates. He has since written experimental novels and biographies, a fictitious diary dealing with Donald Trump as well as stories, essays and poems. He works as a farmer and lives with his daughter in Leipzig.

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Francis Nenik
Francis Nenik
In Praise of an American Egg Wholesaler (story by Nenik)
Links to sources of various of his publications) in English and German)
Francis Nenik (in German)
Francis Nenik (in German)


2012 XO (available here – German only)
2012 Hunter Mayhem nach Uruguay reiste (How Hunter Mayhem traveled to Uruguay) (story)
2013 Ach, bald crashen die Entrechteten furchtlos gemeingefährliche, hoheitliche Institutionen, jagen kriegserfahrene Leutnants mit Nachtsichtgeräten oder parlieren querbeet Russisch, Swahili, Türkisch und Vietnamesisch, während Xanthippe Yamswurzeln züchtet (stories using alliteration) (available here – German only)
2016 Münzgesteuerte Geschichte (Coin-operated History) (novel)
2016 Doppelte Biografieführung (The Marvel of Biographical Bookkeeping) (narrative non-fiction)
2017 Die Untergründung Amerikas (novel)
2017 Tagebuch eines Hilflosen (Diary of a Derelict (fictitious diary about Donald Trump)
2018 Reise durch ein tragikomisches Jahrhundert (Journey Through a Tragicomic Century) (narrative non-fiction)
2018 Seven Palms (about Thomas Mann’s house in Pacific Palisades)
2021 E. oder Die Insel (novel)
2021 Tagebuch eines Hilflosen : Skizzen aus dem Amerika Donald Trumps