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Thomas Brussig
Thomas Brussig was born in 1965 in East Berlin. After school, he trained in the construction industry. After national service, he worked at various jobs (museum guard, dishwasher, hotel porter, amongst others) and then went to university, studying first sociology and then film-making. In the meantime he had written his first novels. As well as his novels and a play, he has also written the screenplay for one of his novels.
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Thomas Brussig
His website (in German)
Thomas Brussig (in German)
Liebe zu Zeiten der Kohl-Ära (article by Brussig – in German)
1991 Wasserfarben
1995 Helden wie wir (Heroes Like Us)
1999 Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee (The Short End Of The Sonnenallee)
2001 Heimsuchung. Schauspiel für fünf Personen
2001 Leben bis Männer
2004 Wie es leuchtet
2007 Berliner Orgie
2007 Schiedsrichter Fertig
2011 Der Wurm am Turm (with Kitty Kahane)
2015 Das gibts in keinem Russenfilm
2017 Beste Absichten
2020 Die Verwandelten