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Sylvie Germain
Sylvie Germain was born in 1954 in Châteauroux. The family moved frequently when she was a child. She studied philosophy at Paris-Nanterre. She started writing novels and stories but her first collection of stories was rejected byGallimard but her first novel , a family saga, was accepted. She has gone on to write many novels, stories and works of non-fiction, for which she has received many prizes. Several of her works have been published in English. She has lived in Prague where she taught French and philosophy but has lived in France since 1993. She was elected to the Académie française in 2013.
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Sylvie Germain
Sylvie Germain
Sylvie Germain
“The Sylvie Germain Affair”, Violent or… Retarded Students? Chronicle “C’est la vie”
“Sylvie Germain (in French)
Sylvie Germain, avant ces jours de colère des élèves de première (in French)
Sylvie Germain, l’écrivaine devenue la bête noire des candidats au bac de français (in French)
1985 Le Livre des nuits (The Book of Nights)
1987 Nuit d’ambrets (Night of Amber)
1989 Jours de colère (Days of Anger) (novel)
1989 Opéra muet
1991 La Pleurante des rues de Prague (The Weeping Woman on the Streets of Prague)
1992 L’Enfant Méduse (The Medusa Child)
1993 Vermeer : patience et songe de lumière
1992 Immensités (Infinite Possibilities)
1996 Éclats de sel
1996 Les Échos du silence
1997 Céphalophores
1998 Tobie des marais (The Book of Tobias )
1998 Bohuslav Reynek à Petrkov
1999 L’Encre du poulpe
1999 Etty Hillesum
2000 Cracovie à vol d’oiseaux
2000 Mourir un peu (Desclée
2000 Grande nuit de Toussaint
2001 Célébration de la paternité
2002 Le vent ne peut être mis en cage
2002 Chanson des mal-aimants (The Song of False Lovers)
2002 Couleurs de l’invisible
2003 Songes du temps
2004 Les Personnages
2004 Ateliers de lumière
2007 Magnus (Magnus)
2008 L’Inaperçu (Hidden Lives)
2009Hors champ
2010 Patinir. Paysage avec Saint Christophe
2011 Quatre actes de présence
2011 Chemin de croix
2011 Mourir un peu
2011 Le Monde sans vous
2012 Rendez-vous nomades
2013 Petites scènes capitales
2015 À la table des hommes
2019 Le vent reprend ses tours
2021 Brèves de solitude
2022 La puissance des ombres