Pierre Senges
Pierre Senges was born in Romans-sur-Isère in 1968. He was first interested in music, particularly jazz, playing saxophone and then guitar. He even gave a few concerts before turning to writing. He studied sociology at the University of Grenoble but spent more time in the library than studying. His writing is very much influenced by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, using numbered sequences. He is also concerned with the play between truth and untruth as well as using erudite sources.
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Pierre Senges
Pierre Senges (in French)
Pierre Senges (in French)
Pierre Senges, à propos et avec (in French)
L’apocalypse selon Senges (in French)
Pierre Senges, fragile et d’aplomb (in French)
Les fictions encyclopédiques de Pierre Senges (in French)
2000 Veuves au maquillage (novel)
2002 Essais fragiles d’aplomb (essays)
2002 Ruines-de-Rome (novel)
2004 La réfutation majeure (The Major Refutation)
2004 Géométrie dans la poussière (Geometry in the Dust) (story)
2005 L’idiot et les hommes de paroles (essay)
2006 Sort l’assassin, entre le spectre (novel)
2008 Fragments de Lichtenberg (Fragments of Lichtenberg) (novel)
2008 Les carnets de Gordon McGuffin (novel)2009 Les aventures de Percival : un conte phylogénétique (The Adventures of Percival: A Phylogenetic Tale) (novel)
2010 Etudes de silhouettes (Studies of silhouettes) (novel)
2010 Proxima du Centaure (story)
2011 Environs et mesures (essay)
2012 Zoophile contant fleurette (novel)
2015 Achab (séquelles) (AHab Sequels)
2016 Cendres des hommes et des bulletins (novel)
2019 Falstaff : Apotheosis
2020 Projectiles au sens propre
2021 L’Art de faire naufrage
2021 L’histoire du calife sauvé par une brindille (children’s)
2021 Le singe et l’épouvantail : d’après les fables de La Fontaine (children’s)
2022 Rabelais’s Doughnuts (essays)