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Patrick Modiano


Patrick Modiano was born in Boulogne-Billancourt, Paris in 1945. Hs father was a Jew of Italian origin and he was nearly deported during the war. His mother was a Belgian actress. Modiano was initially brought up by his maternal grandparents. His parents had separated and his father was absent while his mother was often on tour. He had a troubled childhood but was, from the age of fifteen, mentored by Raymond Queneau, who was a friend of his mother. Queneau introduced him to the literary world and he was able to publish his first novel – La Place de l’Étoile (La Place de l’Étoile) – at the age of twenty-two. Since that time, he has written many novels, screenplays, children’s books and plays. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2014.

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Patrick Modiano
Patrick Modiano
Lamplight and Shadow (profile)
The Oddly Bewitching Novels of Nobel Laureate Patrick Modiano
rench writer Patrick Modiano wins the 2014 Nobel prize in literature
The Mystery of Patrick Modiano
The Melancholy of Patrick Modiano
The Unforgotten Patrick Modiano’s mysteries
Patrick Modiano: the Nobel Prize-winner nobody had read
Why nobody knows what to think about Patrick Modiano winning the Nobel Prize for Literature
His Nobel Prize acceptance speech
Patrick Modiano (in French)
Le Réseau Modiano (in French)
His Nobel Prize acceptance speech (in French)
Au Temps Dictionnaire Patrick Modiano (in French)
Le Paris de Modiano, version Google Map (in French)


1968 La Place de l’Étoile (La Place de l’Étoile) (novel)
1969 La Ronde de nuit (UK: Night Watch; US: Night Rounds) (novel)
1972 Les Boulevards de ceinture (Ring Roads) (novel)
1975 Villa Triste (Villa Triste) (novel)
1977 Livret de famille (Family Record) novel)
1978 Rue des Boutiques obscures (Missing Person) (novel)
1979 Memory Lane (story)
1981 Une jeunesse (Young Once) (novel)
1981 Memory Lane (novel)
1982 De si braves garçons (Such Fine Boys) (novel)
1985 Quartier perdu (A Trace of Malice) (novel)
1986 Dimanches d’août (Sundays in August) (novel)
1986 Une aventure de Choura (children’s)
1987 Une fiancée pour Choura (children’s)
1988 Remise de peine (Suspended Sentences) (novel)
1988 Catherine Certitude (Catherine Certitude) (children’s)
1989 Vestiaire de l’enfance (novel)
1990 Dimanches d’août (novel)
1990 Voyage de noces (Honeymoon) (novel)
1990 Paris Tendresse (essay)
1991 Fleurs de ruine (Flowers of Ruin) )(novel)
1992 Un cirque passe (After the Circus) (novel)
1993 Chien de printemps (Afterimage) (novel)
1995 Du plus loin de l’oubli (Out of the Dark) (novel)
1996 Elle s’appelait Françoise (with Catherine Deneuve)
1997 Dora Bruder (Dora Bruder; The Search Warrant: Dora Bruder) (novel)
1999 Des inconnues (novel)
2001 La Petite Bijou (Little Jewell ) (novel)
2002 Éphéméride (essay)
2003 Accident nocturne (Paris Nocturne) (novel)
2005 Un pedigree (Pedigree) (novel)
2007 Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue (In the Café of Lost Youth) (novel)
2010 L’Horizon (novel)
2011 La Petite Bijou (novel)
2012 L’Herbe des nuits (The Black Notebook) (novel)
2012 Des inconnues (novel)
2012 Vestiaire de l’enfance (story)
2014 Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le quartier (So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighbourhood) (novel)
2016 Cathérine Certitude (Catherine Certitude) (juvenile)
2017 Souvenirs dormants (Sleep of Memory) (novel)
2017 Nos débuts dans la vie (drama)
2019 Encre sympathique (Invisible Ink) (novel)
2021 Chevreuse (Scene of the Crime) (novel)
2023 La Danseuse (The Ballerina)