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Katherine Pancol
Katherine Pancol was born in 1954 in Casablanca, where her father was working as a ciivil engineer. The family returned to France when she was five years old. She studied literature at Nanterre, obtaining a master’s and a doctorate. She worked as a journalist, first for Paris Match and then Cosmopolitan, before the publisher Robert Laffont asked her to write a novel, which became her first novel, Moi d’abord. The novel had considerable success and she subsequently moved to New York, where she spent some ten years, studying creative writing at Columbia University. She continued to publish novels and work as a journalist. It was with Les Yeux jaunes des crocodiles (The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles) that she had her greatest success, selling over two million copies and being translated into over thirty languages.
Other sites
Katherine Pancol
Her own website (in French)
Katherine Pancol (in French)
Katherine Pancol, romancière de proximité (in French)
La recette Pancol (in French)
Katherine Pancol, notre nouvel Hemingway (in French)
1979 Moi d’abord
1981 La Barbare
1985 Scarlett, si possible
1990 Les hommes cruels ne courent pas les rues
1993 Vu de l’extérieur
1994 Une si belle image
1998 Encore une danse
1999 J’étais là avant
2001 Et monter lentement dans un immense amour…
2002 Un homme à distance
2003 Embrassez-moi
2006 Les Yeux jaunes des crocodiles (The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles)
2008 La Valse lente des tortues (The Slow Waltz of Turtles)
2010 Les écureuils de Central Park sont tristes le lundi
2014 Muchachas 1
2014 Muchachas 2
2014 Muchachas 3
2017 Trois baisers
2019 Bed Bug
2020 Eugène et moi