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Lydie Salvayre


Lydie Salvayre was born Lydie Arjona in Autainville in 1948. Her parents were exiled Spanish Republicans. She grew up in Auterive, near Toulouse, with other Spanish refugee families. She grew up speaking Spanish and in an almost totally Spanish environment. She studied literature at the University of Toulouse but then switched to medicine and qualified as a psychiatrist. She started writing in her early twenties and has since gone on to write many well-received novels, several of which have been translated into English.

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Lydie Salvayre (in French)
Lydie Salvayre (in French)
Lydie Salvayre (in French)


1990 La Déclaration
1991 La Vie commune (Everyday Life)
1993 La Médaille (The Award)
1995 La Puissance des mouches (The Power of Flies)
1997 La Compagnie des spectres (The Company of Ghosts)
1997 Quelques conseils aux élèves huissiers
1999 La Conférence de Cintegabelle (The Lecture)
2000 Les Belles âmes
2001 Le Vif du vivant, Cercle d’Art.
2002 Et que les vers mangent le bœuf mort
2002 Contre
2003 Passage à l’ennemie
2005 La méthode Mila
2006 Dis pas ça
2006 Lumières sur la CCAS. Les activités sociales des salariés de l’énergie
2007 Portrait de l’écrivain en animal domestique (Portrait of the Writer as a Domesticated Animal)
2008 Petit traité d’éducation lubrique
2009 BW
2011 Hymne
2013 Sept femmes. Emily Brontë, Marina Tsvetaeva, Virginia Woolf, Colette, Sylvia Plath, Ingeborg Bachmann, Djuna Barnes, Librairie Académique Perrin
2014 Pas pleurer (Cry, Mother Spain)
2017 Tout homme est une nuit
2019 Marcher jusqu’au soir
2021 Rêver debout
2023 Irréfutable essai de successologie
2024 2024 : Depuis toujours nous aimons les dimanches