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Marie Darrieussecq
Marie Darrieussecq was born in Wiiurtennsee in the Netherlands in 1969 but later moved to Bayonne. She studied maths at college and is now known for her witty but occasionally disturbing writing. She became involved in a controversy with writer Camille Laurens, who accused Darrieussecq of “psychological plagiarism” in her book Tom est mort, as Darrieussecq’s book tells of a woman whose baby dies soon after birth, something which actually happened to Laurens and about which she had written a book, published by the same publisher. Both wrote a book on the controversy.
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Marie Darrieussecq
Affair of the state (Darrieussecq on the Bruni-Sarkozy relationship)
Marie Darrieussecq (in French)
Marie Darrieussecq (in French)
Marie Darrieussecq (in French)
Marie Darrieussecq, à fleur de peau (in French)
Interview (in French)
On the feud with Camille Laurens
Is experience intellectual property?
Short Cuts
Marie Darrieussecq:”L’accusation de plagiat est une mise à mort” (in French)
Marie Darrieussecq – Camille Laurens / Yannick Haenel – Claude Lanzmann – Annette Wieviorka / Polémique (in French)
Interview about feud with Camille Laurens (in French)
Interview with Camille Laurens about feud with Marie Darrieussecq (in French)
1996 Truismes (Pig Tales)
1998 Dans la maison de Louise (Louise’s House)
1998 Naissance des fantômes (My Phantom Husband)
1999 Le Mal de mer (UK: Breathing Underwater; US: Undercurrents)
1999 Précisions sur les vagues
2000 Il était une fois… la plage
2001 Bref séjour chez les vivants (A Brief Stay with the Living)
2002 Le Bébé (The Baby)
2003 White (White)
2004 Claire dans la forêt. Suivi de Penthésilée premier combat
2005 Le Pays [The Country]
2006 Zoo (stories)
2007 Tom est mort (Tom is Dead)
2009 Le Musée de la mer
2010 Rapport de police: accusations de plagiat et autres modes de surveillance de la fiction
2011 Clèves (All the Way)
2013 Il faut beaucoup aimer les hommes (Men)
2016 Être ici est une splendeur. Vie de Paula M.Becker (Being Here Is Everything: The Life of Paula Modersohn-Becker) (biography)
2017 Notre vie dans les forêts (Our Life in the Forest)
2019 La Mer à l’envers (Crossed Lines)
2021 Pas dormir (Sleepless)
2024 Fabriquer une femme