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Hari Kunzru


Hari Kunzru was born in London in 1969 of a Kashmiri father and English mother. He studied English literature at Oxford University. After doing a variety of odd jobs, he went to Warwick University where he met the editor of Wired, for whom he started working, graduating to writing about music and travel before turning to novel writing, where he had considerable success with his first novel, The Impressionist.

Other sites

His own website
Hari Kunzru
Hari Kunzru
Hari Kunzru
Hari Kunzru
Why I refused a literary award sponsored by the xenophobic Mail on Sunday
The Mob who Shouldn’t Really Be Here (Kunzru on the radical group King Mob)
Airline security: was I the victim of terrorist profiling? (article by Kunzru)


2002 The Impressionist (novel)
2004 Transmission (novel)
2005 Noise (stories)
2007 My Revolutions (novel)
2011 Gods Without Men (novel)
2013 Memory Palace (story)
2014 Twice Upon a Time: Listening to New York (essay)
2017 White Tears (novel)
2020 Red Pill (novel)
2024 Blue Ruin (novel)