Home » Catalonia » Ventura Ametller

Ventura Ametller


Ventura Ametller was born Bonaventura Clavaguera in 1933 in Pals. By profession he was a veterinary surgeon. He wrote poetry, essays and prose fiction, much of which is still unpublished. He was a local news editor for the Revista de Palafrugell. He was friends with various other Catalan writers, particularly Josep Pla. It was Salvador Espriu who gave him the name Ventura Ametller. He died in 2018.

Other sites

Ventura Ametller (in Catalan)
Ventura Ametller (in Catalan)
Ventura Ametller (in Catalan)
Ventura Ametller (in Catalan)
Twitter page devoted to Ventura Ametller (in Catalan)


1979 Teoria general de l’universalisme assaig
1981 El primer quadern de Bel Dezir poemari
1986 Summa kaòtica (Summa Kaotica)
1991 Paradigmes esotèrics : obra completa 1947-63
2008 Resta kaòtica
2016 Puigventós
2016 Antologia d’emergència