Home » Belgium » Anne-Marie La Fère

Anne-Marie La Fère


Anne-Marie La Fère was born in 1940 in Brussels. She studied Romance languages and then went to teach in Africa, before taking part in the May 1968 events in France. She has written novels and poetry and also illustrated the books of others.

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Anne-Marie La Fère (in French)


1982 Le semainier [The Semainier] (novel)
1983 Cérémonies (with André Janssens)
1984 Autour de ma chambre: entretiens avec onze écrivains et un peintre (with André Janssens)
1988 Aux six jeunes hommes (novel)
1999 La renarde, autoportrait (novel)
1999 Les yeux noirs (with André Janssens) (poetry)