Home » Poland » Rafał Wojasiński

Rafał Wojasiński


Rafał Wojasiński) was born in Lubraniec, Poland in 1974. He graduated from the Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno – Pedagogiczna (Higher School of Humanities and Pedagogy) in Łowicz in Polish. He taught in primary schools and has since been a literary editor and lecturer in contemporary literature. He has written novels and plays.

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Rafał Wojasiński
Rafał Wojasiński (in Polish)


2000 Pocieszenie i dziesięć listów (novel)
2004 Złodziej ryb
2005 Przyjemność życia (novel)
2006 Humus (novel)
2009 Piękno świata (novel)
2009 Jan Nowicki droga do domu (novel)
2011 Stara (novel)
2018 Olanda (Olanda) (novel)
2020 Dramaty (drama)
2022 Tefil (Tefil) (novel)