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Yordan Radichkov


Yordan Radichkov (also Radičkov) was born in 1929 in Kalimanitza, a poor village. His father was a farmer and a mason and his mother was a midwife and folk medicine healer. After high school he worked as a journalist and soon became an editor. He then moved to Sofia. He wrote stories for a newspaper. His first published book was a collection of journalistic sketches, before he turned to publishing books of stories, of which he published many. He went on to write many stories, as well as novels, plays and film-scripts of his works. His writing was very influential on later Bulgarian writers. He died in 2004. A collection of his stories and two of his plays have been translated into English but these are very hard to find. Several of his works have been translated into French and German.

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Yordan Radichkov


1959 Сърцето бие за хората (stories)
1965 Свирепо настроение (stories)
1965 Горещо пладне (Hot Noon)
1966 Неосветените дворове (novel)
1967 Водолей (stories)
1967 Козята брада (stories)
1968 Вятърът на спокойствието (stories)
1968 Ние, врабчетата (stories)
1969 Барутен Буквар (stories)
1969 Коженият пъпеш (stories)
1972 Плява и Зърно (stories)
1975 Всички и никой (novel)
1975 Януари (January) (drama)
1977 Прашка (novel)
1977 Шест малки матрьошки и една голяма (stories)
1979 Лазарица (Treed Lazarus) (drama)
1980 Малка северна сага (stories)
1980 Педя земя (stories)
1984 Верблюд (stories)
1984 Изпаднали от каруцата на бога (stories)
1985 Скандинавците (stories)
1988 Ноев ковчег (novel)
1990 Хора и свраки (stories)
1994 Малки жабешки истории (stories)
1994 Les récits de Tcherkaski [Tales from Cherkazki] (stories from Горещо пладне and Свирепо настроение)
1995 Смокове в ливадите (stories)
1997 Мюре (stories)
1997 Умиване лицето на Богородица (stories)
1999 Автострада (stories)
2000 Пупаво време (stories)