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Books reviewed in chronological order – 2010-2019


César Aira: Yo era una mujer casada [I Was a Married Woman]
Susan Albulhawa: Mornings in Jenin
Naomi Alderman: The Lessons
Gün G. Ayurzana: Бөөгийн домог [Legend of the Shaman]
Guðbergur Bergsson: Missir [Loss]
Bergsveinn Birgisson: Svar við bréfi Helgu (Reply to a Letter from Helga)
Jonathan Buckley: Contact
Ruxandra Cesereanu: Angelus (Angelus)
Christos Chrissopoulos, : Ο βομβιστης του Παρθενώνα ( The Parthenon Bomber)
Jonathan Coe: The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim
Maryse Condé: En attendant la montée des eaux (Waiting for the Waters to Rise)
Diego Cornejo Menacho: Las segundas criaturas [The Second Creatures]
Don DeLillo: Point Omega
Jennifer Egan: A Visit From the Goon Squad
Gustavo Faverón Patriau: El Anticuario (The Antiquarian)
Jonathan Franzen: Freedom
Teolinda Gersâo: A cidade de Ulisses (City of Ulysses)
Nino Haratischwili: Juja (Juja)
Adam Haslet: Union Atlantic
Hwang Jungeun: 百의 그림자 (One Hundred Shadows)
Hye Young-Pyun: 재와 빨강 (City of Ash and Red)
Lloyd Jones: Hand Me Down World
Oleg Kashin: Роисся вперде (Fardwor Russia!)
Joanna Kavenna: The Birth of Love
Sahar Khalifeh: الأول رواية (My First and Only Love)
Andrey Kurkov: Садовник из Очакова (The Gardener from Ochakov)
Sergey Kuznetsov: Хоровод воды (The Round Dance of Water)
Deborah Levy: Swimming Home
Adriana Lisboa: Azul-corvo (Crow Blue)
Hugh Lupton: The Ballad of John Clare
valter hugo mãe: a máquina de fazer espanhóis [The Machine for Making Spaniards]
Karl Marlantes: Matterhorn
Tom McCarthy: C
Ian McEwan: Solar
Eduardo Mendoza: Riña de gatos (An Englishman in Madrid)
David Mitchell: The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet
Nadifa Mohamed: Black Mamba Boy
Jordi Puntí: Maletes perdudes (Lost Luggage)
James Robertson: And The Land Lay Still
Kim Sagwa, : 나b책 (b, Book and Me)
Albert Salvadó: Una vida en joc [A Life at Stake]
Habib Selmi: نساء البساتين (Souriez, vous êtes en Tunisie !) [Smile, You Are In Tunisia]
Mikhail Shishkin: Письмовник (The Light and the Dark)
Mahmoud Shukair: القدس و حدها هناك (Jerusalem Stands Alone)
Mario Vargas Llosa: El sueño del celta (The Dream of the Celt)
Sebastiano Vassalli: Le due chiese [The Two Churches]
Enrique Vila-Matas: Dublinesca (Dublinesque)
Juan Pablo Villalobos: Fiesta en la madriguera (Down the Rabbit Hole)
Harald Voetmann: Vågen (Awake)
Risa Wataya: 勝手にふるえてろ [Tremble All You Want]
Teddy Wayne: Kapitoil
Mirta Yáñez: Sangra por la herida (Bleeding Wound)
Serhiy Zhadan: Ворошиловград (Voroshilovgrad)
Zou Jingzhi: 九栋 (Ninth Building)


Abdulaziz Al-Mahmoud: القرصان (The Corsair)
César Aira: Festival (Festival)
David Albahari: Kontrolni punkt (Checkpoint)
Rosa Beltrán: Efectos secundarios [Secondary Effects]
Luis Jorge Boone: Las afueras [The Outskirts]
Jaume Cabré: Jo confesso (Confessions)
Selma Dabbagh: JOut of It
Viola Di Grado: Settanta acrilico trenta lana (70% Acrylic 30% Wool)
Dong Xi: 后悔录 (Record of Regret)
Yvette Edwards: A Cupboard Full of Coats
Berit Ellingsen: The Empty City
Anne Enright: The Forgotten Waltz
Nuruddin Farah: Crossbones
Elena Ferrante: L’amica geniale (My Brilliant Friend)
Eve Gil: Sho-shan segunda temporada [Violet Ink: Sho-shan second season]
Tomás González: La luz difícil (Difficult Light)
Alexander Grigorenko: Мэбэт (Mebet)
Hakan Günday: Az (The Few)
Nino Haratischwili: Mein sanfter Zwilling (My Soul Twin)
Chad Harbach: The Art of Fielding
Jane Harris: Gillespie and I
Alan Hollinghurst: The Stranger’s Child
Zurab Karumidze: დაგნი ანუ სიყვარულის დღესასწაული (Dagny or a Love Feast)
Mieko Kawakami: すべて真夜中の恋人たち (All the Lovers in the Night)
A L Kennedy: The Blue Book
Hari Kunzru: Gods Without Men
Sergei Lebedev: Предела забвения (Oblivion)
Deborah Levy: Swimming Home
Yamen Manai: La Sérénade d’Ibrahim Santos [The Serenade of Ibrahim Santos]
Javier Marías: Los enamoramientos (The Infatuations)
Benjamin Markovits: Childish Loves
Clare Morgan: A Book for All and None
Alexei Nikitin: Истеми (Y.T)
Helen Oyeyemi: Mr Fox
Ann Patchett: State of Wonder
Victor Pelevin: S.N.U.F.F. (S.N.U.F.F.)
Elena Poniatowska: Leonora (Leonora)
Christopher Priest: The Islanders
Sarah Quigley: The Conductor
Luis Sagasti: Bellas artes (Fireflies)
Sunjeev Sahota: Ours are the Streets
Boualem Sansal: Rue Darwin
Ellis Sharp: Intolerable Tongues
Ali Smith: There But For The
Burhan Sönmez: Masumlar (Sins & Innocents)
Graham Swift: Wish You Were Here
Tan Twan Eng: The Garden of Evening Mists
Barry Unsworth: The Quality of Mercy
Ivan Vladislavic: Double Negative
Mirza Waheed: The Collaborator
David Foster Wallace: The Pale King
Frédéric Werst: Ward: Ier-IIe siècle [Ward: 1st-2nd century]
Colson Whitehead: Zone One
Ghassan Zaqtan: النقل القديم مع الستائر، (An Old Carriage with Curtains)


Abdulaziz Al-Farsi: تبكي الأرض– يضحك زحل (Earth Weeps, Saturn Laughs)
Ali al-Muqri: >حرمة (Hurma)
Muhsin al-Ramli: حدائق الرئيةة (The President’s Gardens)
Saud Alsanousi: لبامبو (The Bamboo Stalk)
Paul Atanya: Bloodshed in Mana
Shalom Auslander: Hope: A Tragedy
Pat Barker: Toby’s Room
Ned Beauman: The Teleportation Accident
Jana Beňová: Preč! Preč! (Away! Away!)
Sergio Bizzio: Borgestein
Peter Carey: The Chemistry of Tears
Alberto Chimal: La torre y el jardín [The Tower and the Garden]
Leila S Chudori: Pulang (Home)
Joël Dicker: La Vérité sur l’affaire Harry Quebert (The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair)
Jens Dittmar: Sterben kann jeder [Anyone Can Die]
Lawrence Durrell: Judith
Jenny Erpenbeck: Aller Tage Abend (The End of Days)
Jenni Fagan: Panopticon
Elena Ferrante: Storia del nuovo cognome (The Story of a New Name)
Juan Francisco Ferré: Karnaval
Azza Filali: Outann [Outann]
Carlos Fuentes: Federico en su balcón (Nietzsche on His Balcony)
Alisa Ganieva: Праздничная гора (The Mountain and the Wall)
Georgi Gospodinov: Физика на тъгата (The Physics of Sorrow)
Kirsty Gunn: The Big Music
Vigdis Hjorth: Leve posthornet! (Long Live the Post-Horn)
A. M. Homes: May We Be Forgiven
Hamid Ismailov: Jinlar Bazmi (The Devil’s Dance)
Rachel Joyce: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Margarita Khemlin: Дознаватель (The Investigator)
Eugenia Kononenko: Російський сюжет (A Russian Story)
Caroline Lamarche: La Chienne de Naha [The Bitch of Naha]
John Lanchester: Capital
Tryno Maldonado: Teoría de las catástrofes [Catastrophe Theory]
Tanja Maljartschuk: Біографія випадкового чуда (A Biography of a Chance Miracle)
Hilary Mantel: Bring up the Bodies
Claudia Marcucetti Pascoli: Heridas de agua [Wounds of Water]
Ian McEwan: Sweet Tooth
Sara Mesa: Cuatro por cuatro (Four by Four)
Minae Mizumura: 母の遺産 (Inheritance of Mother)
Emiliano Monge: El cielo árido (The Arid Sky)
Alison Moore: The Lighthouse
Hassouna Mosbahi: The الطلييتيم الدهر (Solitaire)
Scholastique Mukasonga: Notre-Dame du Nil (Our Lady of the Nile)
Vaddey Ratner: In the Shadow of the Banyan
Keith Ridgway: Hawthorn & Child
Patrick Roegiers: Le Bonheur des Belges [The Happiness of the Belgians]
Ramon Saizarbitoria: Martutene (Martutene)
Ramiro Sanchiz: Trashpunk
James Salter: All That Is
Jean-Luc Seigle: En vieillissant les hommes pleurent [Men Cry As They Get Older]
Will Self: Umbrella
Clemens J. Setz: Indigo (Indigo)
Zadie Smith: NW
Christopher Sun: Four Kings
Jeet Thayil: Narcopolis
Colm Tóibín: The Testament of Mary
Enrique Vila-Matas: Aire de Dylan [Looks Like Dylan]
Eugene Vodolazkin: Лавр (Laurus)
Yuriy Vynnychuk: Танґо смерті (Tango of Death)
Juli Zeh: Nullzeit (Decompression)


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
César Aira: Margarita
César Aira: El testamento del mago tenor [The Will of the Tenor Magician]
Ahmet Altan: Son Oyun (Endgame)
Rodolfo Arias Formoso: Guirnaldas (bajo tierra) [Garlands (Underground)]
Kate Atkinson: Life After Life
Patrick Boltshauser: Stromschnellen (Rapids)
Carmen Boullosa: Texas (Texas: The Great Theft)
Ahlam Bsharat: الاار للناس الغائبين (Trees for the Absentees)
NoViolet Bulawayo: We Need New Names
Eleanor Catton: The Luminaries
Rafael Chirbes: Rafael Chirbes: En la orilla (On the Edge)
J M Coetzee: The Childhood of Jesus
Jim Crace: Harvest
Marie Darrieussecq: Il faut beaucoup aimer les hommes [You Should Love Men a Lot]
Kathryn Davis: Duplex
Viola Di Grado: Cuore cavo (Hollow Heart)
Richard Flanagan: The Narrow Road to the Deep North
Jeremías Gamboa: Contarlo todo [Tell It All]
Miljenko Jergović: Rod (Kin)
Daniel Kehlmann: F (F)
Hannah Kent: Burial Rites
,Khaled Khalifa: لا سكاكين في مطابخ هذه المدينة (No Knives in the Kitchens of This City)
Jhumpa Lahiri: The Lowland
Pierre Lemaitre: Au revoir là-haut [Goodbye, Up There]
Valeria Luiselli: La historia de mis dientes (The Story of My Teeth)
Alain Mabanckou: Lumières de Pointe-Noire (The Lights of Pointe-Noire)
Marco Mancassola: Gli amici del deserto [The Friends of the Desert]
Saber Mansouri: Je suis né huit fois [I Was Born Eight Times]
Eimear McBride: A Girl is a Half-formed Thing
Colum McCann: TransAtlantic
Fiona McFarlane: Night Guest
Clemens Meyer: Im Stein [In Stone]
Terézia Mora: Das Ungeheuer [The Monster]
Haruki Murakami: 色彩を持たない多崎つくると、彼の巡礼の年 (Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage)
Sonia Nimr: الاتمرتبة الأولى في جائزة الاتصالات (Wondrous Journeys in Strange Lands)
Hiroko Oyamada: 場 (The Factory)
Hiroko Oyamada: いたちなく (Weasels in the Attic)
Ruth Ozeki: A Tale for the Time Being
George Packer: The Unwinding: Thirty Years of American Decline
Francesco Pecoraro: La vita in tempo di pace [Life in Peacetime]
Gine Cornelia Pedersen: Null (Zero)
Francesco Piccolo: Il desiderio di essere come tutti [The Desire to be Like Everyone]
Thomas Pynchon: Bleeding Edge
Taiye Selasi: Ghana Must Go
Sheng Keyi: 死亡賦格 (Death Fugue)
Vladimir Sorokin:Теллурия (Telluria)
Agnieszka Taborska: Niedokończone życie Phoebe Hicks (The Unfinished Life of Phoebe Hicks)
Donna Tartt: Goldfinch
EceTemelkuran: Düğümlere Üfleyen Kadınlar (Women Who Blow on Knots)
Rupert Thomson: Secrecy
Mario Vargas Llosa: El héroe discreto (The Discreet Hero)
Erhard von Büren: Ein langer blauer Montag (A Long Blue Monday)
Tim Winton: Eyrie
Yun Ko-eun: 밤의 여행자들 (The Disaster Tourist)
Zyranna Zateli: Και με το φως του λύκου επανέρχοντα ( (At Twilight They Return)


César Aira: Artforum (Artforum)
Carmen Amoraga: La vida era eso [Such Was Life]
Ibtisam Azem: وسفر الاختفاء (The Book of Disappearance)
Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès: L’Île du Point Némo (Island of Point Nemo)
Javier Cercas: El Impostor (The Impostor)
Amit Chaudhuri: Odysseus Abroad
Réda Dalil: Le Job [The Job]
Kamel Daoud: Meursault, contre-enquête (Meursault, Counter Investigation)
Clara Dupont-Monod: Le roi disait que j’étais diable [The King Said I Was a Devil]
Azza Filali: Les intranquilles [Uncertain Times]
Jon Fosse: Trilogien (Trilogy)
Jorge Franco: El mundo de afuera [The World Outside]
Rodrigo Fresán: La parte inventada (The Invented Part)
Gauz: Debout-Payé (Standing Heavy)
Wioletta Greg (Grzegorzewska): Guguły (Swallowing Mercury)
Hendrik Groen: Pogingen om iets van het leven te maken. Het geheime dagboek van Hendrik Groen, 83 1/4 jaar (Attempts to Make Something of Life. The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 1/4 Years Old)
Han Kang: 소년이 온다 (Human Acts)
Nino Haratischwili: Das achte Leben (The Eighth Life)
Esther Kinsky: Am Fluss (River)
Niviaq Korneliussen: Homo sapienne (UK: Crimson; US: Last Night in Nuuk)
Jorge Enrique Lage: La Autopista: The Movie Freeway- La Movie)
Sergei Lebedev: Год кометы (The Year of the Comet)
Gertrud Leutenegger: Panischer Frühling [Panic Spring]
Brenda Lozano: Cuaderno ideal (Loop)
Shukri Mabkhout: الطلياني (The Italian)
Emily St. John Mandel: Station Eleven
Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi: Kintu
Javier Marías: Así empieza lo malo (Thus Bad Begins)
Ian McEwan: The Children Act
David Mitchell: The Bone Clocks
Patrick Modiano: Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le quartier (So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighbourhood)
Gerald Murnane: A Million Windows
Fiston Mwanza Mujila: Tram 83 (Tram 83)
Lars Mytting: Svøm med dem som drukner (The Sixteen Trees of the Somme)
Guadalupe Nettel: Después del invierno (After the Winter)
Geoff Nicholson: The City Under the Skin
Andrej Nikolaidis: Devet (Till Kingdom Come)
Heather O’Neill: The Girl Who Was Saturday Night
Orhan Pamuk: Kafamda bir tuhaflik (A Strangeness in My Mind)
Richard Powers: Orfeo
Zakhar Prilepin: Обитель (The Monastery)
Bernard Prou: Alexis Vassilkov ou la vie tumultueuse du fils de Maupassant [Alexis Vassilkov or the Tumultuous Life of the Son of Maupassant]
Marilynne Robinson: Lila
Dušan Šarotar: Panorama (Panorama)
Joanna Scott: De Potter’s Grand Tour
Lutz Seiler: Kruso
Oleg Shynkarenko: Кагарлик (Kaharlyk)
Ali Smith: How to Be Both
Aleš Šteger: Odpusti (Absolution)
Sara Stridsberg: Beckomberga: Ode till min familj (Gravity of Love)
Irina Teodorescu: La Malédiction du bandit moustachu [The Curse of the Moustached Bandit]
Olga Tokarczuk: Księgi Jakubowe (The Books of Jacob)
Enrique Vila-Matas: Kassel no invita a la lógica (The Illogic of Kassel)
Harald Voetmann: Alt under månen (Sublunar)
Antônio Xerxenesky: F


César Aira: El santo [The Saint]
Rabai al-Madhoun, : كونشرتو الهولوكوست والنكبة (رواية، (Fractured Destinies)
Kate Atkinson: A God in Ruins
Attila Bartis: A vége (The End)
Claire-Louise Bennett: Pond
Milena Busquets: También esto pasará (This Too Shall Pass)
Juan Cárdenas: Ornamento (Ornamental)
Mircea Cărtărescu: Solenoid
Bernard Chambaz: Vladimir Vladimirovitch
Jonathan Coe: Number 11
Mia Couto: Mulheres de Cinzas (Woman of the Ashes)
Mark Danielewski: The Familiar, Volume 1: One Rainy Day in May
Lesia Daria: Forty-One
Anne Enright: The Green Road
Mathias Enard: Boussole (Compass)
Jenny Erpenbeck: Gehen, ging, gegangen (Go, Went, Gone)
Jonathan Franzen: Purity
Alisa Ganieva: Жених и невеста (Bride and Groom)
Marjana Gaponenko: Wer ist Martha? (Who is Martha?)
Tomás González: Niebla al mediodía (Fog at Noon)
Sarah Hall: The Wolf Border
Rodrigo Hasbún: Los afectos (Affections)
Michel Houellebecq: Soumission (Submission)
Hwang Sok-yong: 해질무렵 (At Dusk)
Hye Young-Pyun: 선의 법칙 (The Law of Lines)
Abubakar Adam Ibrahim: Season of Crimson Blossoms
Nora Ikstena: Mātes piens (Soviet Milk)
Rita Indiana: La mucama de Omicunlé (Tentacle)
Kazuo Ishiguro: The Buried Giants
Elnathan John: Born on a Tuesday
Adrian Jones Pearson: Cow Country
Ismail Kadare: Kukulla (The Doll)
Markiyan Kamysh: Оформляндія або прогулянка в Зону (Stalking the Atomic City)
Maki Kashimada: 六〇〇〇度の愛 (Love at Six Thousand Degrees)
Alexandra Kleeman: You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine
Andriy Kokotiukha: Адвокат iз Личакiвської (The Lawyer from Lychakiv Street)
AndriyLyubka: Карбід (Carbide)
Maurizio Maggiani: Il romanzo della nazione [The Novel of the Nation]
Sindiwe Magona: Chasing the Tails of My Father’s Cattle
Claudio Magris: Non luogo a procedere (Blameless)
Lisa McInerney: Glorious Heresies
Marcel Melthérorong: Tôghàn
Emiliano Monge: Las tierras arrasadas (Among the Lost)
Paul Murray: The Mark and the Void
Amélie Nothomb: Le crime du comte Neville [The Crime of Count Neville]
Irenosen Okojie: Butterfly Fish
Max Porter: Grief is the Thing With Feathers
Manuel Rivas: O último día de Terranova (The Last Days of Terranova)
Ricardo Romero: La habitación del presidente (The President’s Room)
Tahi Saihate: 星か獣になる季節 (Astral Season Beastly Season)
Boualem Sansal, : 2084 la fin du monde (2084: The End Of The World)
Clemens J. Setz, : Die Stunde zwischen Frau und Gitarre [The Hour Between Woman and Guitar]
Ellis Sharp: Lamees Najim
Ellis Sharp: Quin Again
Ellis Sharp: To Wetumpka
Anna Smaill: The Chimes
Ersi Sotiropoulos, : Τι μενει απο τη νυχτα (What’s Left of the Night)
Rupert Thomson: Katherine Carlyle
Jeanette Winterson: The Gap of Time
Adrienne Yabouza: Co-épouses et co-veuves, (Co-wives, Co-widows)
Guzel Yakhina: Зулейха открывает глаза (Zuleikha)
Yan Lianke: 日熄 (The Day the Sun Died)
Ghassan Zaqtan: يث اختفى الطائر : رواية (Where the Bird Disappeared)


Kai Aareleid: Linnade põletamine (Burning Cities)
Yassin Adnan: ت ماروك (Hot Maroc)
Rabih Alameddine: The Angel of History
Naomi Alderman: The Power
Fernando Aramburu: Patria (Homeland)
Jana Bodnárová: Náhrdelník/Obojok (Necklace/Choker)
Ivana Bodrožić: Rupa (We Trade Our Night for Someone Else’s Day)
Isabel Bogdan: Der Pfau (The Peacock)
Rafael Chirbes: Paris-Austerlitz
J M Coetzee: The Schooldays of Jesus
Paolo Cognetti: Le otto montagne (The Eight Mountains)
Sam Coll: The Abode of Fancy
Mia Couto: TA Espada e a Azagaia (The Sword and the Spear)
Alonso Cueto: La viajera del viento (The Wind Traveller)
Susan Daitch: The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir
Don DeLillo: Zero K
Négar Djavadi: Désorientale (Disoriental
Igor Eliseev: One-Two
Gaël Faye: Petit pays (Small Country)
Michael Hughes: The Countenance Divine
Hye Young-Pyun: 홀 (The Hole)
Jowhor Ile: And After Many Days
Ivan Jablonka: Laëtitia ou la Fin des hommes [Laetitia or the End of Men]
Daniel Kehlmann: Du hättest gehen sollen (You Should Have Left)
A L Kennedy: Serious Sweet
Siegfried Lenz: Der Überläufer (The Turncoat)
Dmitri Lipskerov: О нём и о бабочках (The Tool and the Butterflies)
Rodrigo Márquez Tizano: Yakarta (Jakarta)
Eimear McBride: The Lesser Bohemians
Ian McEwan: Nutshell
C. E. Morgan: The Sport of Kings
Sayaka Murata: ンビニ人間 (Convenience Store Woman)
Amélie Nothomb: Riquet à la houppe [Riquet with the Tuft]
Orhan Pamuk: Kırmızı saçlı kadın (The Red-Haired Woman)
Georges Perec: L’Attentat de Sarajevo [The Sarajevo Assassination]
Gervasio Posadas : El mentalista de Hitler The Clairvoyant
Christoph Ransmayr: Cox oder Der Lauf der Zeit [Cox or the Course of Time]
Marie Redonnet: La femme au Colt 45 [The Woman with the Colt 45]
James Robertson: To Be Continued
Mohammed Said Hjiouij: وت ماركافكا في طنجةك (Kafka in Tangier
Zsuzsa Selyem: Moszkvában esik (It’s Raining in Moscow)
Leïla Slimani: Chanson douce (Lullaby (UK), The Perfect Nanny (US))
Ali Smith: Autumn
Zadie Smith: Swing Time
Lize Spit: Het smelt [The Melting]
Tatiana Țîbuleac: : Vara în care mama a avut ochii verzi [The Summer When Mum Had Green Eyes]
Mario Vargas Llosa: Cinco Esquinas (The Neighbourhood)
Juan Pablo Villalobos: No voy a pedirle a nadie que me crea (I Don’t Expect Anyone To Believe Me)
Eugene Vodolazkin: Авиатор (The Aviator)
Xue Yiwei: 希拉里, 密和, 我 (Celia, Misoka, I)
Yao-Chang Chen: 傀儡花 (Puppet Flower)
Ali Zamir: Anguille sous Roche [Eel Under Rock]
Zhang Yueran: 九栋 (Cocoon)

Omaima Al-Khamis: رواية مسرى الغرانيق في مدن العقيق (The Book Smuggler)
Hala Alyan: Salt Houses
Johannes Anyuru: De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar (They Will Drown in Their Mothers’ Tears)
Andrés Barba: República luminosa (A Luminous Republic)
Christophe Bernard: La Bête Creuse [The Hollow Beast]
Max Besora: Aventures i desventures de l’insòlit i admirable Joan Orpí, conquistador i fundador de la Nova Catalunya (Adventures and Misadventures of the Extraordinary and Admirable Joan Orpí)
Javier Cercas: El monarca de las sombras (Lord of All Dead)
Artem Chekh: Точка нуль (Absolute Zero)
Choi Jin-young: 해가 지는 곳으로 (To the Warm Horizon)
Robert Coover: Huck Out West
Mia Couto: O Bebedor de horizonte (The Drinker of Horizons)
Kamel Daoud: Zabor ou Les psaumes (Zabor or The Psalms)
Sasha Filipenko: Красный крест (Red Crosses)
Raül Garrigasait: Els estranys (The Others)
Belén Gopegui: Quédate este día y esta noche conmigo ( Stay This Day And Night With Me)
Olga Grjasnowa: Gott ist nicht schüchtern (City of Jasmine)
Abdulrazak Gurnah: Gravel Heart
Eduardo Halfon: Duelo (Mourning)
Claudia Hernández: Roza, tumba, quema (Slash and Burn)
Jaroslav Kalfar: Spacemen of Bohemia
Daniel Kehlmann: Tyll (Tyll)
Faysal Khartash: Tدوار الموت ما بين حلب والرقة (Roundabout of Death)
Nicole Krauss: Forest Dark
Miki Liukkonen: O [O]
Zülfü Livaneli: Huzursuzluk (Disquiet)
Javier Marías: Berta Isla (Berta Isla)
Fernanda Melchor: Temporada de huracanes (Hurricane Season)
Robert Menasse: Die Hauptstadt (Capital)
Fiona Mozley: Elmet
Haruki Murakami: 騎士団長殺し (Killing Commendatore)
Geoff Nicholson: The Miranda
Erlend O. Nødtvedt: Vestlandet [Westland]
Amélie Nothomb: Frappe-toi le coeur [Strike Your Heart]
Josef Pánek: Láska v době globálních klimatických změn [Love in the Time of Global Climate Change]
Lyudmila Petrushevskaya: Нас украли. История преступлений (Kidnapped)
Joanna Scott: Careers for Women
Javier Serena : Últimas palabras en la Tierra (Last Words on Earth)
Anne Serre: Voyage avec Vila-Matas [Journey with Vila-Matas]
Adania Shibli>: تفصيل ثانوي (Minor \Detail)
Ali Smith: Winter
Maria Stepanova: Памяти памяти (In Memory of Memory)
Adelle Stripe: Black Teeth and a Brilliant Smile
Enrique Vila-Matas: Mac y su contratiempo (Mac’s Problem)
Serhiy Zhadan: Інтернат (The Orphanage)


Beka Adamashvili: ამ რომანში ყველა კვდება (Everybody Dies in this Novel)
César Aira: Prins
Eva Baltasar: Permagel (Permafrost)
Pat Barker: The Silence of the Girls
Lana Bastašić: Uhvati zeca (Catch the Rabbit)
Agustina Bazterrica: Cadáver exquisito (Tender Is the Flesh)
Najwa Bin Shatwan: الطليانوج حياة خاصة (Catalogue of a Private Life)
Glen James Brown: Ironopolis
Jonathan Coe: Middle England
David Diop: Frère d’âme (At Night All Blood Is Black)
Will Eaves: Murmur
Ashraf El-Ashmawi: اال>سيدة الزمالك، (The Lady of Zamalek)
Gustavo Faverón Patriau: Vivir abajo [Living in the Basement]
Agustín Fernández Mallo: Trilogía de la guerra (The Things We’ve Seen)
Juan Andrés Ferreira: Mil de fiebre [A Temperature of a Thousand Degrees]
Michael Ferrier: François, portrait d’un absent (François, Portrait Of An Absent Friend)
Stella Gaitano: رواح إدو (Edo’s Souls)
Alisa Ganieva: Оскорблённые чувства (Offended Sensibilities)
Nicolás Giacobone: El cuaderno tachado (The Crossed-Out Notebook)
Margherita Giacobino: L’età ridicola (The Ridiculous Age)
Arnon Grunberg: Goede mannen (Good Men)
Rana Haddad: The Unexpected Love Objects of Dunya Noor
Petra Hůlová: Stručné dějiny Hnutí (The Movement)
Sonallah Ibrahim: لعمامة والقبعة (The Turban and the Hat)
Haji Jabir: رغوة سوداء، (Black Foam)
Ismail Kadare: Kur sunduesit grinden (A Dictator Calls)
A L Kennedy: The Little Snake
Mohamed Kheir: عباصلأا تلافإة (Slipping)
Esther Kinsky: Hain (Grove)
László Krasznahorkai: Aprómunka egy palotaért (Spadework for a Palace)
Andrey Kurkov: Серые пчелы (Grey Bees)
Patrick Langley: Arkady
Sergei Lebedev: Гусь Фриц (Goose Fritz)
Ma Jian: 中国梦 (China Dream)
Shahriar Mandanipour: ابرو هلالیز (Moonbrow)
Paolo Maurensig: Il diavolo nel cassetto (A Devil Comes to Town)
Chris McCabe: Dedalus
Eduardo Mendoza: El rey recibe [The King Receives]
Sayaka Murata: 地球星人 (Earthlings): 地球星人 (Earthlings)
Francis Nenik: Reise durch ein tragikomisches Jahrhundert (Journey Through a Tragicomic Century)
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: Kenda Mũiyũru (The Perfect Nine)
Amélie Nothomb: Les prénoms épicènes [The Epicene First Names]
Katja Perat: Mazohistka (The Masochist)
Robert Perišić: (A Cat at the End of the World)
Richard Powers: The Overstory
Manon Steffan Ros: Llyfr Glas Nebo (Blue Book of Nebo)
Simon Sellars: Applied Ballardianism: Memoir From a Parallel Universe
Shatila Stories
Germán Sierra: The Artifact
Peter Stamm: Die sanfte Gleichgültigkeit der Welt (The Sweet Indifference of the World)
Sara Stridsberg: Kärlekens Antarktis (Antarctica of Love)
Manuel Vilas: Ordesa
Rafał Wojasiński: Olanda (Olanda)
Wolf Wondratschek: Selbstbild mit russischem Klavier (Self-Portrait with Russian Piano)
Guzel Yakhina: Дети мои (A Volga Tale)
Javier Pedro Zabala: The Mad Patagonian
Juli Zeh: Neujahr (New Year)


César Aira: El presidente [The President]
Ibrahim Al-Koni: ـلـيـل فـي حـق الـنـهـار، روايـ (The Night Will Have Its Say)
Chloe Aridjis: Sea Monsters
Margaret Atwood: The Testaments
Najwa Barakat: مستر نون (Mister N)
Mitja Čander: Slepec (Blind Man)
Jan Carson: The Fire Starters
Javier Cercas: Terra Alta (Even the Darkest Night)
Lucy Ellmann: Ducks, Newburyport
Luis Felipe Fabre: Declaración de las canciones oscuras (Recital of the Dark Verses)
Jon Fosse: Det Andre Namnet – Septologien I-II (The Other Name – Septology I-II)
Emilio Fraia: Sevastopol (Sevastopol)
Rabeah Ghaffari: To Keep the Sun Alive
Isabella Hammad: The Parisian
Michel Houellebecq: Sérotonine (Serotonin)
Hamid Ismailov: Ялмоғиз Гея ё мўр-малаҳ маликаси (Gaia)
Karmele Jaio: Aitaren etxea (My Father’s House)
Jamil Jan Kochai: 99 Nights in Logar
John Lanchester: The Wall
Valeria Luiselli: El archivo de los niños perdidos (Lost Children Archive)
Oksana Lutsyshyna: Іван і Феба (Ivan and Phoebe)
Ian McEwan: Machines Like Me
Ian McEwan: The Cockroach
Patrick Modiano: Encre sympathique (Invisible Ink)
FelixNesi: : Orang orang Oetimu (People from Oetimu)
Rémy Ngamije: The Eternal Audience of One
Amélie Nothomb: Soif [Thirst]
Pola Oloixarac : Mona (Mona)
A. G. Porta: Me llamo Vila-Matas, como todo el mundo [My Name is Vila-Matas, Like Everyone]
Sebastijan Pregelj : V Elvisovi sobi (In Elvis’s Room)
Volodymyr Rafeyenko: Мондеґрін. Пісні про смерть і любов (Mondegreen : Songs about Death and Love)
Jaroslav Rudiš: Winterbergs letzte Reise (Winterberg’s Last Journey)
Ali Smith: Spring
Luiz Ruffato: O verão tardio (Late Summer)
Salman Rushdie: Quichotte
FIona Snyckers: Lacuna
Ahmed Taibaoui: اختفاء السيد لا أحد (The Disappearance of Mr. Nobody)
Mario Vargas Llosa: Tiempos recios [Hard Times]
Enrique Vila-Matas: Esta bruma insensata [That Mindless Mist]
Ivan Vladislavic: The Distance
Eugene Vodolazkin: Брисбен (Brisbane)

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Modern US literature chronological order