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Books reviewed in chronological order – 2000-2009


Héctor Abad Faciolince: Basura [Rubbish]
César Aira: Un episodio en la vida del pintor viajero (An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter)
César Aira: El juego de los mundos (Game of the Worlds)
Ibrahim Al-Koni: أنوبيس (Anubis)
Isabel Allende: Retrato en Sepia (Portrait in Sepia)
J. G. Ballard: Super-Cannes
Mario Bellatin: El jardín de la señora Murakami (Mrs. Murakami’s Garden)
Roberto Bolaño: Nocturno de Chile (By Night in Chile)
Matthew Branton: Coast
A S Byatt: The Biographer’s Tale
Dmitry Bykov: ЖД (Living Souls)
Peter Carey: True History of the Kelly Gang
Michael Chabon: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
Upamanyu Chatterjee: The Mammaries of the Welfare State
Rafael Chirbes: La caída de Madrid [The Fall of Madrid]
Jordi Cussà: Cavalls salvatges (Wild Horses)
Mark Danielewski: House of Leaves
Carl de Souza: Jours de Kaya (Kaya Days)
Anne Enright: What Are You Like?
Jon Fosse: Morgon og kveld (Morning and Evening)
Santiago Gamboa: Vida feliz de un joven llamado Esteban [Happy Life of a Young Man Called Esteban]
David Gascoyne: April
Amitav Ghosh: The Glass Palace
Juan Goytisolo: Carajicomedia (A Cock-Eyed Comedy)
Niall Griffiths: Grits
Arnon Grunberg:: Fantoompijn (Phantom Pain)
Xiaolu Guo: A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary For Lovers
Wolfgang Hilbig: Das Provisorium (The Interim)
Sonallah Ibrahim: االلجن وردة (Warda)
Kazuo Ishiguro: When We Were Orphans
Lloyd Jones: The Book of Fame
Ismail Kadare: Lulet e ftohta të marsit (Spring Flowers, Spring Frost)
Ismail Kadare: Vajza e Agamemnonit (Agamemnon’s Daughter)
Matthew Kneale: English Passengers
Camille Laurens: Dans ces bras-là (UK: In Those Arms, US: In His Arms)
Sándor Márai: Szabadulás [Liberation]
Diego Marani: Nuova grammatica finlandese (New Finnish Grammar)
Justine Mintsa: Histoire d’Awu [The Story of Awu]
Amélie Nothomb: Métaphysique des tubes (The Character of Rain)
Yōko Ogawa: 沈黙博物館 [Museum of Silence]
Michael Ondaatje: Anil’s Ghost
Ann Patchett: Bel Canto
José Luís Peixoto: Nenhum Olhar (UK: Blank Gaze; US: The Implacable Order of Things)
Goran Petrović: Код срећне руке (At the Lucky Hand)
Richard Powers: Plowing the Dark
Atiq Rahimi: خاک و خاکستر (Earth and Ashes)
Miguel Sánchez-Ostiz: La flecha del miedo [The Arrow of Fear]
José Saramago: A caverna (The Cave)
Moacyr Scliar: Os leopardos de Kafka (Kafka’s Leopards)
Ellis Sharp: Unbelievable Things
Zadie Smith: White Teeth
Heloneida Studart: Selo das despedidas (later: Sem dizer adeus) [Seal of Farewell]
Iván Thays: La disciplina de la vanidad [The Discipline of Vanity]
Mario Vargas Llosa: La fiesta del chivo (The Feast of the Goat)
Erhard von Büren: Wespenzeit (Wasp Days)
Marina Warner: The Leto Bundle


César Aira: La villa (Shantytown)
Michal Ajvaz: Zlatý věk (The Golden Age)
António Lobo Antunes: Conhecimento do Inferno (Knowledge of Hell)
António Lobo Antunes: Que farei quando tudo arde? (What Can I Do When Everything’s On Fire?)
Paola Capriolo: Una di loro [One of Them]
Magda Cârneci: FEM (FEM)
Jordi Coca: Sota la pols (Under the Dust)
Lyubko Deresh: Культ [Cult]
David Anthony Durham: Gabriel’s Story
Kossi Efoui: La fabrique de cérémonies [The Ceremony Factory]
Rosario Ferré: El Vuelo del Cisne (Flight of the Swan)
Richard Flanagan: Gould’s Book of Fish
Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections
Niall Griffiths: Sheepshagger
Miguel Gutiérrez: El mundo sin Xóchitl [The World Without Xochitl]
Barry Hannah: Yonder Stands Your Orphan
Vigdis Hjörth: Y Om bare (If Only)
Hamid Ismailov: Hayy-ibn-Yakzan (Of Strangers and-Bees)
Ivan Kakovitch: Mount Semele
Hiromi Kawakami: 先生の鞄 (US: The Briefcase; UK: Strange Weather in Tokyo)
Ian McEwan: Atonement
David Mitchell: number9dream
Mo Yan: 檀香刑 (Sandalwood Death)
Antonio Moresco: Canti del caos [Songs of Chaos]
Antonio Muñoz Molina: Sefarad (Sepharad)
Harry Mulisch: Siegfried (Siegfried)
Geoff Nicholson: Bedlam Burning
Maik Nwosu: Alpha Song
Ólafur Jóhann Ólafsson (Olaf Olafsson): Höll minninganna (Walking into the Night)
Alek Popov: Мисия Лондон (Mission to London)
Rita Rahman: Liefdesgeuren (Love’s Perfumes)
Cristina Rivera-Garza: Nadie me verá llorar (No One Will See Me Cry)
W G Sebald: Austerlitz (Austerlitz)
Ali Smith: Hotel World
Alexis Stamatis: Μπαρ Φλωμπέρ (Bar Flaubert)
Sami Tchak: Place des Fêtes
Manjushree Thapa: The Tutor of History
Uwe Timm: Rot [Red]
Ivan Vladislavic: The Restless Supermarket
Enrique Vila-Matas: Bartleby y compañía (Bartleby & Co.)
Colson Whitehead: John Henry Days
Tim Winton: Dirt Music
Yan Lianke: 堅硬如水 (Hard Like Water)


Mouna-Hodan Ahmed: Les Enfants du khat [The Children of Khat])
César Aira: El mago [The Magician]
César Aira: Varamo (Varamo)
Bakhtiyar Ali: Duwahamîn Henarî Dunya (The Last Pomegranate Tree In The World)
Alaa al Aswany: عمارة يعقوبيان (The Yacoubian Building)
John Banville: Shroud
Robert Barclay: Meļaļ
Alessandro Baricco: Senza sangue (Without Blood)
Richard Bausch: Hello to the Cannibals
Carmen Boullosa: De un salto descabalga la reina (Cleopatra Dismounts)
William Boyd: Any Human Heart
A S Byatt: A Whistling Woman
Mircea Cărtărescu:: Orbitor, Corpul [Dazzling, Body]
Paulina Chiziane: Niketche: Uma História de Poligamia (Niketche : A Story of Polygamy; later: Fìrst Wife)
J M Coetzee: Youth: Scenes from Provincial Life II
Daša Drndić: Doppelgänger
Karen Duve: Dies ist kein Liebeslied (This is Not a Love Song)
Chiya Fujino: ルート225 [Route 225]
Ričardas Gavelis: Sun–Tzu gyvenimas šventame Vilniaus mieste (Sun-Tzu’s Life in the Holy City of Vilnius)
Margo Glantz: El rastro (The Wake)
Vasily Golovanov: Остров или Оправдание бессмысленных путешествий [Island or A Justification for Meaningless Travel]
Almudena Grandes: Los aires difíciles (The Wind from the East)
Sarah Hall: Haweswater
Peter Handke: Der Bildverlust (Crossing the Sierra de Gredos)
Miljenko Jergović: Buick Riviera [Buick Riviera]
Lloyd Jones: Here at the End of the World We Learn to Dance
Lídia Jorge: O Vento Assobiando nas Gruas (The Wind Whistling in the Cranes)
Jamaica Kincaid: Mr. Potter
Colette Samoya Kirura: La femme au regard triste [The Woman with the Sad Look]
Hari Kunzru: The Impressionist
Sharon Maas: Peacocks Dancing
Alain Mabanckou: Les Petits-fils nègres de Vercingétorix [The Negro Grandsons of Vercingetorix]
Javier Marías: Tu rostro mañana 1: Fiebre y lanza (Your Face Tomorrow 1: Fever and Spear)
Yann Martel: Life of Pi
John McGahern: That They May Face the Rising Sun (US: By the Lake)
Efraim Medina Reyes: Técnicas de masturbación entre Batman y Robin [Techniques of Masturbation between Batman and Robin]
Minae Mizumura: 本格小説 新潮社 (A True Novel)
Haruki Murakami: 海辺のカフカ (Kafka on the Shore)
Joyce Carol Oates: I’ll Take You There
Ondjaki: O Assobiador (The Whistler)
Orhan Pamuk: Kar (Snow)
Inês Pedrosa: Fazes-me Falta [I Miss You]
Christopher Priest: The Separation
Taras Prokhasko: НепрОсті (The Unsimple)
Roberto Quesada: Nunca entres por Miami (Never through Miami)
José Saramago: O homem duplicado (The Double)
Rollan Seisenbayev: Мертвые бродят в песках (The Dead Wander in the Desert)
Donna Tartt: The Little Friend
Enrique Vila-Matas: El mal de Montano (Montano’s Malady)
Wu Ming: 54 (54)


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Purple Hibiscus
Peter Adolphsen: Brummstein (The Brummstein)
César Aira: El tilo (The Lime Tree; The Linden Tree)
César Aira: La Princesa primavera [Princess Springtime]
Yousef Al-Mohaimeed: فخاخ الرائحة (Wolves of the Crescent Moon)
Talasbek Asemkulov: Талтус (Полдень) (A Life at Noon)
Paul Auster: Oracle Night
Monica Ali: Brick Lane
Tullio Avoledo: L’elenco telefonico di Atlantide [The Atlantis Telephone Directory]
Jan Balabán: Kudy šel anděl? (Where Was the Angel Going?)
J. G. Ballard: Millennium People
Marcu Biancarelli: 51 Pegasi astru virtuali (51 Pegasi, astre virtuel) [51 Pegasi, Virtual Star]
T. Coraghessan Boyle: Drop City
Peter Carey: My Life as a Fake
Bernardo Carvalho: Mongólia [Mongolia]
J M Coetzee: Elizabeth Costello
Jim Crace: Six (US: Genesis)
Marie Darrieussecq: White (White)
Don DeLillo: Cosmopolis
Carlos Fuentes: La silla del águila (The Eagle’s Throne)
Barbara Gowdy: The Romantic
Juan Goytisolo: Telón de boca (The Blind Rider)
Xiaolu Guo: 我心中的石头镇 (Village of Stone)
Miljenko Jergović: Dvori od oraha (Walnut Mansion)
Ismail Kadare: Pasardhësi (The Successor)
Hiromi Kawakami: ニシノユキヒコの恋と冒険 (UK: The Ten Loves of Mr Nishino; US: The Ten Loves of Nishino)
Daniel Kehlmann: Ich und Kaminski (Me and Kaminski)
László Krasznahorkai: Északról hegy, Délről tó, Nyugatról utak, Keletről folyó (A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East)
Jhumpa Lahiri: The Namesake
Guillaume Lecasble: Lobster (Lobster)
Lo Yi-Chin: 遠方 (Faraway)
Nicole Lundrigan: Unraveling Arva
Maria Maïlat: La cuisse de Kafka [Kafka’s Thigh]
Joseph McElroy: Actress in the House
Mo Yan: 四十一炮 (Pow!)
Nicholas Mosley: Inventing God
Paul Murray: An Evening of Long Goodbyes
Yōko Ogawa: 博士の愛した数式 (The Housekeeper and the Professor)
Edmundo Paz Soldán: El delirio de Turing (Turing’s Delirium)
Per Petterson: Ut og stjæle hester (Out Stealing Horses)
Richard Powers: The Time of Our Singing
Keith Ridgway: The Parts
Sjón: Skugga-Baldur (The Blue Fox)
Gonçalo M. Tavares: Um Homem: Klaus Klump (O Reino (The Kingdom) series) (A Man: Klaus Klump)
Adam Thirlwell: Politics
Mario Vargas Llosa: El paraíso en la otra esquina (The Way to Paradise)
Enrique Vila-Matas: París no se acaba nunca (Never Any End to Paris)


Chris Abani: Graceland
Peter Ackroyd: The Lambs of London
César Aira: Las noches de Flores [The Nights of Flores]
Kate Atkinson: Case Histories
Roberto Bolaño: 2666 (2666)
Volker Braun: Das unbesetzte Gebiet [The Unoccupied Area]
Sergio Chejfec: Los incompletos (The Incompletes)
Cheon Myeong-Kwan: 고래 (Whale)
Jonathan Coe: The Closed Circle
Sophie Cooke: The Glass House
Louis de Bernières: Birds Without Wings
Lucia Etxebarría: Un milagro en equilibrio [A Miracle in the Balance]
Nuruddin Farah: Links
Jon Fosse: Det er Ales (Aliss at the Fire)
Sarah Hall: The Electric Michelangelo
Peter Handke: Don Juan (erzählt von ihm selbst) (Don Juan: His Own Version)
Christoph Hein: Landnahme (Settlement)
Lloyd Jones: Paint Your Wife
Hari Kunzru: Transmission
Sergei Lebedev : Белая дама (Lady of the Mine)
Dan Lungu: Raiul găinilor [Chicken Heaven]
Jorge Marchant Lazcano: La joven de blanco [The Girl in White]
Javier Marías: Tu rostro mañana 2: Baile y sueño (Your Face Tomorrow 2: Dance and Dream)
Maria Matios: Солодка Даруся (Sweet Darusya)
Thomas McMahon: Ira Foxglove
Haruki Murakami: アフターダーク (After Dark)
Irène Némirovsky: Suite française (Suite française)
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: Murogi was Kagogo (Wizard of the Crow)
Geoff Nicholson: Hollywood Dodo
Cees Nooteboom: Paradijs Verloren (Lost Paradise)
Amélie Nothomb: Biographie de la faim (The Life of Hunger)
Josip Novakovich: April Fool’s Day
Joyce Carol Oates: The Falls
Bengt Ohlsson: Gregorius (Gregorius)
Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir: Rigning í nóvember (Butterflies in November)
Kristín Ómarsdóttir: Hér (Children in Reindeer Woods)
Hanne Ørstavik: Presten (The Pastor)
Victor Pelevin: Священная книга оборотня (The Sacred Book of the Werewolf)
Marilynne Robinson: Gilead
José Saramago: Ensaio sobre a Lucidez (Seeing)
Rafik Schami: Die dunkle Seite der Liebe (The Dark Side of Love)
Pierre Senges: La réfutation majeure (The Major Refutation)
Antonio Tabucchi: Tristano muore (Tristano Dies)
Gonçalo M. Tavares: A Máquina de Joseph Walser (O Reino (The Kingdom) series) (Joseph Walser’s Machine)
Gonçalo M. Tavares: Jerusalém (O Reino (The Kingdom) series) (Jerusalem)
Janne Teller: Hvis der var krig i Norden (War)
Olga Tokarczuk: Czysty kraj [Pure Country]
Dumitru Tsepeneag: La belle Roumaine (La Belle Roumaine)
Dubravka Ugrešić: Ministarstvo boli (The Ministry of Pain)
Marlene van Niekerk: Agaat (UK: The Way of the Women; US, SA: Agaat)
Jeanette Winterson: Lighthousekeeping


Leila Aboulela: Minaret
Milena Agus: Mentre dorme il pescecane [While the Shark Is Asleep]
César Aira: El pequeño monje budista (The Little Buddhist Monk)
Sarah A. Al Shafei: Yummah
David Albahari: Pijavice (Leeches)
Julian Barnes: Arthur & George
Peter Carey: Theft
Russell Celyn Jones: Ten Seconds From The Sun
Javier Cercas: La velocidad de la luz (The Speed of Light)
Kunzang Choden: The Circle of Karma
J M Coetzee: Slow Man
Marie Darrieussecq: Le Pays [The Country]
Daša Drndić: Pupi
Duong Thu Huong: Chốn Vắng (No Man’s Land)
Sebastian Faulks: Human Traces
Filip Florian: Degete mici (Little Fingers)
Déwé Gorodé: L’épave [The Wreck]
Charlotte Grimshaw: Foreign City
Abdulrazak Gurnah: Desertion
Johan Harstad: Buzz Aldrin, hvor ble det av deg i alt mylderet? (‘Buzz Aldrin, What Happened to You in All the Confusion?)
Maria de la Pau Janer: Pasiones romanas [Roman Passions]
Daniel Kehlmann: Die Vermessung der Welt (Measuring the World)
A L Kennedy: Paradise
Nicole Krauss: The History of Love
Benjamin Kunkel: Indecision
Mario Levrero: La novela luminosa (The Luminous Novel)
José Carlos Llop: El mensajero de Argel [The Messenger from Algiers]
Nicole Lundrigan: Thaw
Declan Lynch: The Rooms
Alain Mabanckou: Verre Cassé (Broken Glass)
Claudio Magris: Alla cieca (Blindly)
Hilary Mantel: Beyond Black
Tom McCarthy: Remainder
Ian McEwan: Saturday
Jeannette Miller: La vida es otra cosa [Life Is Something Else]
Sue Miller: Lost in the Forest
Selim Özdoğan: Die Tochter des Schmieds (The Blacksmith’s Daughter)
Christos Papadimitriou : >Turing : A Novel about Computation
Boualem Sansal: Harraga (Harraga)
José Saramago: As Intermitências da Morte (UK: Death at Intervals; US: Death with Interruptions)
Ingo Schulze: Neue Leben (New Lives)
Shalash: شلش العراقيية (Shalash the Iraqi)
Mikhail Shishkin: Венерин Волос (Maidenhair)
Sjón: Argóarflísin (The Whispering Muse)
Uwe Tellkamp: Der Eisvogel [The Kingfisher]
Rupert Thomson: Divided Kingdom
Thuận:: Chinatown : tiẻ̂u thuyé̂t (Chinatown)
Christos Tsiolkas: Dead Europe
Sandro Veronesi: Caos calmo [Quiet Chaos]
Enrique Vila-Matas: Doctor Pasavento


Peter Ackroyd: The Fall of Troy
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Half of a Yellow Sun
Peter Adolphsen: Machine (Machine)
Milena Agus: Mal di pietre (US: From the Land of the Moon; Australia: The House in Via Manno)
César Aira: La cena (Dinner)
J. G. Ballard: Kingdom Come
Carmen Boullosa: La novela perfecta [The Perfect Novel]
Mircea Cărtărescu: Orbitor Vol 3, Aripa dreaptă [Blinding – The Right Wing]
Kathryn Davis: The Thin Place
Agnès Desarthe: Mangez-moi (Chez Moi)
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi: تھے سر آسماں (The Mirror of Beauty)
Arnon Grunberg: Tirza
Katharina Hacker: Die Habenichtse (The Have-Nots)
Nancy Huston: Lignes de faille (Fault Lines)
Miguel Ildefonso: Hotel Lima [Hotel Lima]
Gail Jones: Dreams of Speaking
Lloyd Jones: Mister Pip
J. M. G. Le Clézio: Ourania [Urania]
Jonathan Littell: Les Bienveillantes (The Kindly Ones)
Cormac McCarthy: The Road
Clemens Meyer: Als wir träumten (While We Were Dreaming)
David Mitchell: Black Swan Green
Andrej Nikolaidis: Sin (The Son)
Yōko Ogawa: ミーナの行進 (Mina’s Matchbox)
Pola Oloixarac : Las constelaciones oscuras (Dark Constellations)
Masatsugu Ono: 森のはずれで (At the Edge of the Woods)
Antonio Ortuño: El buscador de cabezas [The Head Hunter]
Ignacio Padilla: Si volviesen sus majestades [If Their Majesties Were to Return]
Katherine Pancol: Les Yeux jaunes des crocodiles (The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles)
José Luís Peixoto: Cemitério de Pianos (The Piano Cemetery)
Victor Pelevin: Ампир В (Empire V)
Richard Powers: The Echo Maker
Zakhar Prilepin: Санькя (Sankya)
Thomas Pynchon: Against the Day
Christoph Ransmayr: Der fliegende Berg [The Flying Mountain]
Luca Rastello: Piove all’insù (The Rain’s Falling Up)
James Robertson: The Testament of Gideon Mack
German Sadulaev: Я — чеченец! (I am a Chechen!)
Elif Shafak: Baba ve Piç (The Bastard of Istanbul)
Shi Tiesheng: 我的丁一之旅 (My Travels in Ding Yi)
Olga Slavnikova: 2017 (2017)
Dag Solstad: Armand V. (Armand V.)
Antonio Soler: El sueño del caimán (The Alligator’s Trap) )
Vladimir Sorokin: День опричника (Day of the Oprichnik)
Saša Stanišić: Wie der Soldat das Grammofon repariert (How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone)
Sara Stridsberg: Drömfakulteten (UK: Faculty of Dreams; US: Valerie)
David Toscana: El ejército iluminado (The Enlightened Army)
Ludmila Ulitskaya: Даниэль Штайн, переводчик (Daniel Stein, Interpreter)
Un Su Kim: 벗 캐비닛 (The Cabinet)
Mario Vargas Llosa: Travesuras de la niña mala (The Bad Girl)
Colson Whitehead: Apex Hides the Hurt
Alexis Wright: Carpentaria
Yan Ge: 异兽志 (Strange Beasts of China)
Guixing, Zhang : 傀儡花 (Elephant Herd)


César Aira: Las conversaciones (Conversations)
Bakhtiyar Ali: Ghazalnūs wa bāghakānı̄ khayāl (I Stared at the Night of the City)
Tahmima Anam: The Good Muslim
Andrea Bajani: Se consideri le colpe (If You Kept a Record of Sins)
Oya Baydar: Kayıp Söz (The Lost Word)
Muharem Bazdulj: Tranzit, kometa, pomračenje (Transit, Comet, Eclipse)
Carmen Boullosa: El Velázquez de París [The Velazquez of Paris]
Alfredo Bryce Echenique: Las obras infames de Pancho Marambio [The Infamous Works of Pancho Marambio]
Abderrahman Budda Hamadi: Lágrimas de Alegría [Tears of Joy]
Javier Calvo: Mundo maravilloso (Wonderful World)
Emmanuel Carrère: Un roman russe ( My Life as a Russian Novel: A Memoir)
Rafael Chirbes: Crematorio [The Crematorium]
Jonathan Coe: The Rain Before it Falls
Michael Chabon: The Yiddish Policemen’s Union
Matthew Condon: The Trout Opera
Marie Darrieussecq: Tom est mort (Tom is Dead)
Don DeLillo: Falling Man
Junot Díaz: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Maryna and Serhiy Dyachenko: Vita Nostra (Vita Nostra)
Anne Enright: The Gathering
Fadia Faqir: My Name is Salma (US: The Cry of the Dove)
Nuruddin Farah: Knots
Dayo Forster: Reading The Ceiling
Julia Franck: Die Mittagsfrau (UK: The Blind Side of the Heart; US: Blindness of the Heart)
Espido Freire: Soria Moria
Almudena Grandes: El corazón helado (The Frozen Heart)
Alasdair Gray: Old Men In Love
Xiaolu Guo: 20 Fragments of a Ravenous Youth
Steven Hall: The Raw Shark Texts
Mohsin Hamid: The Reluctant Fundamentalist
Han Kang: 채식주의자 (The Vegetarian)
Peter Handke: Kali [Potash]
Ansomwin Ignace Hien: Une flamme dans le noir [A Flame in the Dark]
Hiromi Ito: とげ抜き 新巣鴨地蔵縁起 (The Thorn Puller)
Panos Karnezis: The Birthday Party
A L Kennedy: Day
Goretti Kyomuhendo: Waiting
Javier Marías: Tu rostro mañana 3. Veneno y sombra y adios (Your Face Tomorrow 3: Poison, Shadow and Farewell)
Ian McEwan: On Chesil Beach
Patrick Modiano: Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue (In the Café of Lost Youth)
Blake Morrison: South of the River
Daur Nachkebia: Берег ночи (The Shore of Night)
Ibrahim Nasrallah: زمن الخيول البيضاء (Time of White Horses)
Amélie Nothomb: Ni d’Ève Ni d’Adam (Tokyo Fiancée)
Michael Ondaatje: Divisadero
Vladislav Otroshenko: Приложение к фотоальбому (Addendum to a Photo Album)
Koen Peeters: Grote Europese roman [Great European Novel]
Iraj Pezeshkzad: حافظ ناشنيده پند (Hafez in Love)
Ellis Sharp: Walthamstow Central
Bogdan Suceavă: Miruna, o poveste (Miruna, A Tale)
Tan Twan Eng: The Gift of Rain
Adam Thirlwell: Miss Herbert (US: The Delighted States: A Book of Novels, Romances, & Their Unknown Translators, Containing Ten Languages, Set on Four Continents, & Accompanied by Maps, Portraits, Squiggles, Illustrations, and a Variety of Helpful Indexes)
Michael Thomas: Man Gone Down
Rupert Thomson: Death of a Murderer
Olga Tokarczuk: Bieguni (Flights)
Esther Tusquets: ¡Bingo!
José Vásquez: Historia secreta de Costaguana (The Secret History of Costaguana)
Enrique Vila-Matas: Exploradores del abismo [Explorers of the Abyss]
Jeanette Winterson: The Stone Gods
Juli Zeh: Schilf (UK: Dark Matter; US: In Free Fall)


Inga Abele: Paisums (High Tide)
César Aira: Las aventuras de Barbaverde [The Adventures of Barbaverde]
Michal Ajvaz: Cesta na jih (Journey to the South)
Andrés Barba: Las Manos Pequeñas (Such Small Hands)
Gioconda Belli: El infinito en la palma de la mano (Infinity in the Palm of her Hand: A Novel of Adam and Eve)
Andrei Bitov: Преподаватель симметрии (The Symmetry Teacher)
Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès: Là où les tigres sont chez eux (Where Tigers are at Home)
Peter Carey: His Illegal Self
Eleanor Catton: Rehearsal
Paulina Chiziane: O alegre canto da perdiz (The Joyful Cry of the Partridge)
Sophie Cooke: Under The Mountain
Catherine Cusset: Un brillant avenir [A Brilliant Future]
Maylis de Kerangal: Corniche Kennedy [Kennedy Corniche]
Sergio de la Pava: A Naked Singularity
Rodrigo de Souza: Todos os Cachorros São Azuis (All Dogs are Blue)
Jenny Diski: Apology for the Woman Writing
Najat El Hachmi: L’últim patriarca (The Last Patriarch)
Samir El-Youssef, : The Illusion of Return
Mathias Enard: Zone (Zone)
Jenny Erpenbeck: Heimsuchung (Visitation)
Gilbert Gatore: Le passé devant soi [The Past In Front of You]
Amitav Ghosh: Sea of Poppies
Arnon Grunberg: Onze oom [Our Uncle]
Peter Handke: Die morawische Nacht (The Moravian Night)
Mohammed Hanif: A Case of Exploding Mangoes
Augusto Higa Oshiro: La iluminación de Katzuo Nakamatsu [The Illumination of Katzuo Nakamatsu]
Ismail Kadare: Aksidenti (Accident)
Ismail Kadare: Darka e gabuar (The Fall of the Stone City)
Shehan Karunatilaka: Chinaman
Hernán Lara Zavala: Península, Península [Peninsula, Peninsula]
Vladimir Lorchenkov: Все там будем (The Good Life Elsewhere)
valter hugo mãe: o apocalipse dos trabalhadores [The Apocalypse of the Workers]
Ma Jian: 北京植物人 (Beijing Coma)
Marco Mancassola: La vita erotica dei superuomini (Erotic Lives of the Superheroes)
Ana María Matute: Paraíso inhabitado [Uninhabited Paradise]
Eduardo Mendoza: El misterio de la cripta embrujada (Mystery of the Enchanted Crypt)
Sue Miller: The Senator’s Wife
Toni Morrison: A Mercy
Akram Musallam: اسيرة العقرب الذي يتصبب عرقا (The Dance of the Deep-Blue Scorpion)
Guram Odisharia: პრეზიდენტის კატა (The President’s Cat)
Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir: Afleggjarinn (The Greenhouse)
Joseph O’Neill: Netherland
Orhan Pamuk: Masumiyet Müzesi (The Museum of Innocence)
Oubone-lat Papet: Au-delà du Mékong [Beyond the Mekong]
Hariton Pushwagner: Soft City
Ross Raisin: God’s Own Country (US: Out Backward)
Marilynne Robinson: Home
Daniel Sada: Casi nunca (Almost Never)
José Saramago: A Viagem do Elefante (The Elephant’s Journey)
Igiaba Scego: Oltre Babilonia (Beyond Babylon)
Pierre Senges: Fragments de Lichtenberg (Fragments of Lichtenberg)
Vladimir Sharov: Будьте как дети (Be As Little Children)
Sjón: Rökkurbýsnir (From the Mouth of the Whale)
Cecilia Stefanescu: Intrarea soarelui (Sun Alley)
Chiew-Siah Tei: Little Hut of Leaping Fishes
Uwe Tellkamp: Der Turm (The Tower)
Dana Todorović: Tragična sudbina Morica Tota (The Tragic Fate of Moritz Toth)
Christos Tsiolkas: The Slap
Kirmen Uribe: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao (Bilbao-New York-Bilbao)
Tim Winton: Breath
Youssef Ziedan: Azazeel


Sulaiman Addonia: The Consequences of Love
César Aira: La confesión [The Confession]
Tullio Avoledo, : L’anno dei dodici inverni [The Year of the Twelve Winters]
Nicholson Baker: The Anthologist
Laurent Binet: HHhH (HHhH)
Carmen Boullosa: El complot de los románticos [The Romantics’ Plot]
Chico Buarque: Leite Derramado (Spilt Milk)
Zaza Burchuladze: რომანი (Adibas)
A S Byatt: The Children’s Book
Peter Carey: Parrot and Olivier in America
Anthony Cartwright: Heartland
Javier Cercas: Anatomía de un instante (The Anatomy of a Moment)
Elena Chizhova: Время женщин (The Time of Women)
J M Coetzee: Summertime
Fernando Contreras Castro: Cierto azul (Blue Note)
Mia Couto: Jesusalém (Brazil: Antes de nascer o mundo) (Tuner of Silences)
Rana Dasgupta: Solo
Mahmoud Dowlatabadi: زوالِ کلنل (The Colonel)
Milena Ercolani:: Figlie della luna [Daughters of the Moon]
Tomas Espedal: Imot kunsten (Against Art)
Bernardo Esquinca: Los escritores invisibles [The Invisible Writers]
Sebastian Faulks: A Week in December
Juan Francisco Ferré: Providence
Adam Foulds: The Quickening Maze
Chantal Fraïsse: La bèstia de totas las colors [The Beast of All Colours]
Santiago Gamboa: Necrópolis (Necropolis)
Maha Gargash: The Sand Fish
Sarah Hall: How to Paint a Dead Man
Yuri Herrera: Señales que precederán al fin del mundo (Signs Preceding the End of the World)
Ismail Kadare: E penguara: Requiem për Linda B. (A Girl in Exile)
Walter Kappacher: Der Fliegenpalast (Palace of Flies)
Mieko Kawakami: ヘヴン (Heaven)
Sema Kaygusuz, : Yüzünde Bir Yer (Every Fire You Tend)
Karl Ove Knausgård: Første bok (UK: A Death in the Family; US: My Struggle)
Karl Ove Knausgård: Min kamp. Andre book (Book Two: A Man In Love)
Reif Larsen: The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet
Norman Manea: Vizuina (The Lair)
Hilary Mantel: Wolf Hall
Colum McCann: Let the Great World Spin
Vincent Message: Les Veilleurs [The Watchmen]
Philipp Meyer: American Rust
Sarah Mkhonza: Weeding the Flowerbeds
Mo Yan: 蛙 (Frog)
Lorrie Moore: A Gate at the Stairs
Terézia Mora: Der einzige Mann auf dem Kontinent [The Only Man on the Continent]
Herta Müller: Atemschaukel (The Hunger Angel)
Antonio Muñoz Molina: La noche de los tiempos (UK: The Depths of Time; US: In the Night of Time)
Haruki Murakami: 1Q84 (1Q84)
Michela Murgia: Accabadora (Accabadora)
Gerald Murnane: Barley Patch
Paul Murray: Skippy Dies
Andrés Neuman: El viajero del siglo (Traveller of the Century)
Geoff Nicholson: Gravity’s Volkswagen
Andrej Nikolaidis: Dolazak (The Coming)
Carlos Paradona Rufino Roque: Tchanaze, a donzela de Sena (Tchanaze
Ioana Pârvulescu: Viața începe vineri (Life Begins On Friday)
Edmundo Paz Soldán: Los vivos y los muertos [The Living and the Dead]
Richard Powers: Generosity
Thomas Pynchon: Inherent Vice
Rodrigo Rey Rosa: El material humano (Human Matter)
Joanna Scott: Follow Me
Clemens J Setz: Die Frequenzen [Frequencies]
Kamila Shamsie: Burnt Shadows
Ragna Sigurðardóttir: Hið fullkomna landslag (The Perfect Landscape)
Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Góði Elskhuginn [The Good Lover]
Kjersti Skomsvold: Jo fortere jeg går, jo mindre er jeg (The Faster I Walk, The Smaller I Am)
David Szalay: The Innocent
Adam Thorpe: Hodd
Colm Tóibín: Brooklyn
Olga Tokarczuk: Prowadź swój pług przez kości umarłych (Drive Your Plough over the Bones of the Dead)
Clara Usón: Corazón de napalm [Heart of Napalm]
Eugene Vodolazkin: Соловьёв и Ларионов (Solovyov and Larionov)
Wu Ming: Altai (Altai)
Evie Wyld: After the Fire, a Still Small Voice

Other links

Publishers Weekly list of bestselling novels in the United States in the 2000s
Modern Literature Time Chart (2000 – 2003)
Modern US literature chronological order