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Books reviewed in chronological order – 1990-1999
César Aira: Los fantasmas (Ghosts)
Al-Atrash: مرأة للفصول الخمسة، (A Woman of Five Seasons)
Nicholson Baker: Room Temperature
T. Coraghessan Boyle: East Is East
A S Byatt: Possession: a Romance
Héctor Aguilar Camín: La Guerra de Galio [Galio’s War]
Mircea Cărtărescu: Levantul [The Levant]
Alice Ceresa: Bambine [Girls]
Syl Cheney-Coker: The Last Harmattan of Alusine Dunbar
J M Coetzee: Age of Iron
Giuseppe Conte: I giorni della nuvola [The Days of the Cloud]
Michael Cunningham: A Home at the End of the World
Susan Daitch: The Colorist
Moussa Ould Ebnou: L’amour impossible [Impossible Love]
Germán Espinosa, : Sinfonía desde el nuevo mundo [Symphony from the New World]
Péter Esterházy: Hrabal könyve (The Book of Hrabal)
Eric Gamalinda: Confessions of a Volcano
Gao Xingjian: 灵山 (Soul Mountain)
George Garrett: Entered from the Sun
Russell Celyn Jones: Soldiers and Innocents
Ahmadou Kourouma: Monnè (Monnew)
Hanif Kureishi: The Buddha of Suburbia
Mark Leyner: My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist
Luigi Malerba: Il fuoco Greco [Greek Fire]
David Malouf: The Great World
Dacia Maraini: La lunga vita di Marianna Ucrìa (The Silent Duchess)
Ian McEwan: The Innocent
John McGahern: Amongst Women
Nicholas Mosley: Hopeful Monsters
Mpoudi Ngollé: Sous la cendre le feu [No Smoke Without Fire]
Geoff Nicholson: What We Did On our Holidays
Joyce Carol Oates: Because It Is Bitter, and Because It Is My Heart
Mariko Ōhara: ハイブリッド・チャイルド (Hybrid Child)
Orhan Pamuk: Kara Kitap (The Black Book)
Thomas Pynchon: Vineland
Peter Rosei: Rebus [Rebus]
Jean Rouaud: Les champs d’honneur (Fields of Glory)
Saulius Šaltenis: Kalės vaikai (Bees on the Snow)
Joanna Scott: Arrogance
W G Sebald: Schwindel. Gefühle (Vertigo)
Fríða Á. Sigurðardóttir: Medan nóttin lídur (Night Watch)
John Updike: Rabbit At Rest
Luisa Valenzuela: Novela negra con argentinos (Black Novel with Argentines)
Sebastiano Vassalli: La chimera (The Chimera)
Sandro Veronesi: Gli sfiorati [The Detached]
William T. Vollmann: The Ice-Shirt
Carmine Abate: Il ballo tondo (The Round Dance)
César Aira: La liebre (The Hare)
, Ghazaleh Alizadeh: خانه ادریسیها (The House of The Edrisis (Volume 1)
Liana Badr: رج عين المرآة (Eye of the Mirror)
Pat Barker: Regeneration
John Barth: The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor
Madison Smartt Bell: Doctor Sleep
Guðbergur Bergsson: Svanurinn (The Swan)
Carmen Boullosa: Son vacas, somos puercos (They’re Cows, We’re Pigs)
Harold Brodkey: The Runaway Soul
Chico Buarque: Estorvo (Turbulence)
Paola Capriolo: Il doppio regno (The Dual Realm)
Peter Carey: The Tax Inspector
Finn Carling: Oppdrag (Commission)
Angela Carter: Wise Children
Amit Chaudhuri: A Strange and Sublime Address
Maryse Condé: Les derniers rois mages (The Last of the African Kings)
Robert Coover: Pinocchio in Venice
Louis de Bernières: The War of Don Emmanuel’s Nether Parts
Don DeLillo: Mao II
Roberto Drummond: Hilda Furacão (Hilda Hurricane)
Duong Thu Huong: Tiểu Tuyết Vô Đề (Novel Without a Name)
Kaori Ekuni: きらきらひかる (Twinkle Twinkle)
Diamela Eltit: Vaca sagrada (Sacred Cow)
Alberto Fuguet: Mala onda (Bad Vibes)
Güneli Gün : On the Road to Baghdad
Rodney Hall: The Second Bridegroom (First of Yandilli trilogy)
Wolfgang Hilbig: Alte Abdeckerei (Old Rendering Plant)
Patrick Ilboudo: Le héraut têtu [The Stubborn Herald]
Agota Kristof: Le Troisième mensonge (The Third Lie)
Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky: Клуб убийц букв (The Letter Killers Club)
Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky: Странствующее Странно (Stravaging Strange)
Feri Lainšček: Namesto koga roža cveti (Instead Of Whom Does The Flower Bloom)
J. M. G. Le Clézio: Onitsha (Onitsha)
Claudio Magris: Un altro mare (A Different Sea)
Norman Mailer: Harlot’s Ghost
Eduardo Mendoza: Sin noticias de Gurb (No Word from Gurb)
Antonio Muñoz Molina: El jinete polaco [The Polish Horseman]
Satendra Nandan: The Wounded Sea
Cees Nooteboom: Het volgende verhaal (The Following Story)
Lewis Nordan: Music of the Swamp
Lawrence Norfolk: Lemprière’s Dictionary
Yōko Ogawa: 余白の愛 [Love at the Margin]
Kirsti Paltto: Guržo luottat
Peter Pišt’anek: Rivers of Babylon (Rivers of Babylon)
Richard Powers: The Gold Bug Variations
Anacristina Rossi: La Loca de Gandoca (The Madwoman of Gandoca)
Norman Rush: Mating
Lydie Salvayre: La Vie commune (Everyday Life)
José Saramago: O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo (The Gospel According to Jesus Christ)
Leslie Marmon Silko: Almanac of the Dead
Chantal Spitz: L’île des rêves écrasés (Island of Shattered Dreams)
Miklós Szentkuthy: Barokk Róbert [Robert Baroque]
Rupert Thomson: The Five Gates of Hell
Martin Walser: Die Verteidigung der Kindheit [The Defence of Childhood]
Tim Winton: Cloudstreet
Peter Ackroyd: English Music
César Aira: El llanto [Crying]
César Aira: El volante [The Flyer]
César Aira: Embalse [Reservoir]
César Aira: La guerra de los gimnasios [The War of the Gymnasia]
César Aira: La prueba (The Proof)
António Lobo Antunes: A Ordem Natural das Coisas (The Natural Order of Things)
Nicholson Baker: Vox
Richard Bausch: Violence
Calixthe Beyala: Le Petit prince de Belleville (Loukoum : the”Little Prince” of Belleville)
François Bon: L’enterrement [The Funeral]
Patrick Chamoiseau: Texaco
Mia Couto: Terra Sonámbula (Sleepwalking Land)
Jim Crace: Arcadia
Sebastian Faulks: A Fool’s Alphabet
Leon Forrest: Divine Days
Hella Haasse: Heren van de thee (The Tea Lords)
Ismail Kadare: Pluhuri mbreteror; Piramida (The Pyramid)
Mark Leyner: Et Tu, Babe
Hilary Mantel: A Place of Greater Safety
Javier Marías: Corazón tan blanco (A Heart So White)
Cormac McCarthy: All the Pretty Horses
Ian McEwan: Black Dogs
Mo Yan: 酒国 (The Republic of Wine)
Patrick Modiano: Un cirque passe (After the Circus))
Harry Mulisch: De ontdekking van de hemel (The Discovery of Heaven)
Geoff Nicholson: Hunters & Gatherers
Joyce Carol Oates: Black Water
Michael Ondaatje: The English Patient
Glenn Patterson: Fat Lad
Victor Pelevin: Омон Ра (Omon Ra)
Daniel Pennac: Comme un roman (Better than Life; Reads Like a Novel)
Ricardo Piglia: La ciudad ausente (The Absent City)
Rober Racine: Le Mal de Vienne [The Vienna Sickness]
W G Sebald: Die Ausgewanderten (The Emigrants)
Anne Serre: Les Gouvernantes (The Governesses)
Vladimir Sharov: Репетиции (Rehearsals)
Josef Škvorecký: Nevesta z Texasu (The Bride from Texas)
Dag Solstad: Ellevte roman, bok atten (Novel 11, Book 18)
Robert Stone: Outerbridge Reach
Donna Tartt: The Secret History
Adam Thorpe: Ulverton
Barry Unsworth: Sacred Hunger
Sebastiano Vassalli: Marco e Mattio [Marco and Mattio]
José Luis de Vilallonga: Le gentilhomme européen [The European Gentleman]
Marina Warner: Indigo
Walter Abish: Eclipse Fever
Peter Ackroyd: The House of Doctor Dee
César Aira: Cómo me hice monja (How I Became a Nun)
Michal Ajvaz: Druhé Město (The Other City)
Vassily Aksyonov: Поколение зимы (Generations of Winter)
Sherman Alexie: The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
Idris Ali: دنقلة : رواية نوبية (Dongola)
Yuri Andrukhovych: Московіада (The Moscoviad))
John Banville: Ghosts
Pat Barker: The Eye in the Door
Richard Bausch: Rebel Powers
Madison Smartt Bell: Save Me, Joe Louis
Carmen Boullosa: La Milagrosa (The Miracle-Worker)
T. Coraghessan Boyle: The Road to Wellville
Anthony Burgess: A Dead Man in Deptford
Alain de Botton: Essays in Love (US: On Love)
Mircea Cărtărescu: Nostalgia (Nostalgia)
Upamanyu Chatterjee: The Last Burden
Amit Chaudhuri: Afternoon Raag
Fernando Contreras Castro: Única mirando al mar (Única Looking at the Sea)
Kathryn Davis: The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf
Joseph Diescho: Troubled Waters
Philippe Djian: Sotos
Roddy Doyle: Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
Sebastian Faulks: Birdsong
rhea Galanaki: ” Ο βίος του Ισμαήλ Φερίκ Πασά (The Life of Ismail Ferik Pasha)
Juan Goytisolo: La saga de los Marx (The Marx Family Saga)
Rodney Hall: The Grisly Wife (Second of Yandilli trilogy)
James Hamilton-Paterson: Griefwork
Wilson Harris: Resurrection at Sorrow Hill
Drago Jančar: Posmehljivo poželenje (Mocking Desire)
A L Kennedy: Looking for the Possible Dance
Jan Kjaerstad,: Forføreren (The Seducer)
Adam Lively: Sing the Body Electric: A Novel in Five Movements
David Malouf: Remembering Babylon
Juan Marsé: El embrujo de Shanghai (Shanghai Nights)
Danielle Mémoire: Lecture publique suivie d’un débat (Public Reading Followed by Discussion)
Gombojav Mend-Ooyo: Altan Ovoo (Golden Hill)
João Gilberto Noll: Harmada (Harmada)
Lewis Nordan: Wolf Whistle
Amélie Nothomb: Le sabotage amoureux (Loving Sabotage)
Anna Maria Ortese: Il cardillo addolorato (The Lament of the Linnet)
Victor Pelevin: Жизнь насекомых (The Life of Insects)
Victor Pelevin: Жёлтая стрела (The Yellow Arrow)
Caryl Phillips: Crossing the River
Boris Poplavsky: Аполлон Безобразов (Apollon Bezobrazov)
Boris Poplavsky: Домой с небес (Homeward from Heaven)
Richard Powers: Operation Wandering Soul
E. Annie Proulx: The Shipping News
Richard Russo: Nobody’s Fool
Vikram Seth: A Suitable Boy
Vladimir Sharov: До и во время (Before and During)
H Nigel Thomas: Spirits in the Dark
Sebastiano Vassalli: Il cigno (The Swan)
Ivan Vladislavic: The Folly
William T. Vollmann: The Rifles
Irvine Welsh: Trainspotting
Peter Ackroyd: Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem (US: The Trial of Elizabeth Cree)
César Aira: La costurera y el viento (The Seamstress and the Wind)
César Aira: Los misterios de Rosario [The Mysteries of Rosario]
Thani Al-Suwaidi: الديزل (The Diesel)
Ghazi Algosaibi: شقة الحرية (An Apartment Called Freedom)
Radwa Ashour : ثلاثية غرناطة (Granada Trilogy))
Thea Astley: Coda
Alessandro Baricco: Novecento [Twentieth Century]
Mario Bellatin: Salón de belleza (Beauty Salon)
Yuri Buida: Дон Домино (Zero Train)
Peter Carey: The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith
Mircea Cărtărescu: Travesti [Travesty]
J M Coetzee: The Master of Petersburg
Edwidge Danticat: Breath, Eyes, Memory
Louis de Bernières: Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (US: Corelli’s Mandolin)
Mário de Carvalho: Um Deus Passeando pela Brisa da Tarde (A God Strolling in the Cool of the Evening)
John Dufresne: Louisiana Power & Light
Moussa Ould Ebnou: Barzakh
Richard Flanagan: Death of a River Guide
William Gaddis: A Frolic of His Own
Almudena Grandes: Malena es un nombre de tango [Malena is the Name of a Tango]
Arnon Grunberg: Blauwe maandagen (Blue Mondays)
David Guterson: Snow Falling on Cedars
Peter Handke: Mein Jahr in der Niemandsbucht. Ein Märchen aus den neuen Zeiten (My Year in the No-Man’s-Bay)
Dermot Healy: A Goat’s Song
Kerstin Hensel: Tanz am Kanal [Dance at the Canal]
Ismail Kadare: Hija (L’ombre) [The Shadow]
György (George) Konrád: Koóra (Stonedial)
Jonathan Lethem: Gun, with Occasional Music
Hilary Mantel: A Change of Climate
Dacia Maraini: Voci (Voices)
Javier Marías: Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí (Tomorrow in the Battle Think On Me)
Cormac McCarthy: The Crossing
Duncan McLean: Blackden
Michel Miniussi: Lei Passatemps [The Pastimes]
Lorrie Moore: Who Will Run the Frog Hospital?
Herta Müller: Herztier (The Land of Green Plums)
Haruki Murakami: ねじまき鳥クロニクル (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle)
Geoff Nicholson: Everything and More
Geoff Nicholson: Still Life with Volkswagens
Tim O’Brien: In the Lake of the Woods
Yōko Ogawa: 密やかな結晶 (The Memory Police)
Orhan Pamuk: Yeni Hayat (The New Life)
Marie Redonnet: Nevermore (Nevermore)
Carol Shields: The Stone Diaries
Vladimir Sorokin: Сердца Четырех (Their Four Hearts)
Antonio Tabucchi: Sostiene Pereira (UK: Declares Pereira; Pereira Maintains; US: Pereira Declares)
Marlene van Niekerk: Triomf (Triomf)
Yvonne Vera: Without a Name
Georgi Vladimov: Генерал и его армия [The General and His Army]
Yi Mun-Yol: 아우와의만남 (An Appointment with My Brother; later: Meeting with My Brother)
Sherman Alexie: Reservation Blues
İhsan Oktay Anar: Puslu Kıtalar Atlası [The Atlas of Misty Continents]
John Banville: Athena
Pat Barker: The Ghost Road
Ann Beattie: Another You
Héctor Aguilar Camín: El error de la luna [The Moon’s Mistake]
Héctor Aguilar Camín: El error de la luna [The Moon’s Mistake]
Russell Celyn Jones: An Interference of Light
Alan Cherchesov: Реквием по живущему (Requiem for the Living)
Stefan Chwin: Hanemann (Death in Danzig)
Evan Dara: The Lost Scrapbook
José Donoso: Dónde van a morir los elefantes [Where Elephants Go To Die]
Anne Enright: The Wig My Father Wore
Rosario Ferré: La casa de la laguna (The House on the Lagoon)
Jon Fosse: Melancholia I (Melancholy)
William H. Gass: The Tunnel
Barbara Gowdy: Mister Sandman
Juan Goytisolo: El sitio de los sitios (State of Siege)
Günter Grass: Ein weites Feld (Too Far Afield)
Nedim Gürsel: Boğazkesen, Fatih’in Romanı (The Conqueror)
Epeli Hau’ofa: Kisses in the Nederends
Nick Hornby: High Fidelity
Kazuo Ishiguro: The Unconsoled
Elfriede Jelinek: Die Kinder der Toten [The Children of the Dead]
Ismail Kadare: Shkaba (L’aigle) [The Eagle]
J. M. G. Le Clézio: La quarantaine [The Quarantine]
Jonathan Lethem: Amnesia Moon
Roger Manderscheid: Feier a Flam [Fire and Flame]
Hilary Mantel: An Experiment in Love
Pierre Mertens: Une paix royale [A Royal Peace]
Minae Mizumura: 私小説 from left to right (An I-Novel)
Patrick Modiano: Du plus loin de l’oubli (Out of the Dark)
Bradford Morrow: Trinity Fields
Nicholas Mosley: Children of Darkness and Light
Geoff Nicholson: Footsucker
Glenn Patterson: Black Night at Big Thunder Mountain
Daniel Pennac: Monsieur Malaussène (Monsieur Malaussène)
Richard Powers: Galatea 2.2
Christopher Priest: The Prestige
“>Lydie Salvayre: La Puissance des mouches (The Power of Flies)
José Saramago: Ensaio sobre a cegueira (Blindness)
W G Sebald: Die Ringe des Saturn. Eine englische Wallfahrt (The Rings of Saturn)
Abdulai Sila: A Última Tragédia (The Ultimate Tragedy)
Andrzej Stasiuk: Biały kruk (White Raven)
Francis Tekonnang: Beia and Ioane
Adam Thorpe: Still
Hasan Ali Toptaş: Gölgesizler (Shadowless)
Alan Warner: Morvern Callar
Yasmin Zahran: Beggar at Damascus Gate
Ghassan Zaqtan: لنقل القديم مع الستائر، (An Old Carriage with Curtains)
Peter Ackroyd: Milton in America
Ingvar Ambjørnsen: Brødre i blodet (UK: Beyond the Great Indoors; US: Elling)
António Lobo Antunes: O Manual dos Inquisidores (The Inquisitors’ Manual)
J. G. Ballard: Cocaine Nights
Alessandro Baricco: Setà (Silk)
Mario Benedetti: Andamios [Scaffolds]
Roberto Bolaño: Estrella distante (Distant Star)
Roberto Bolaño: Literatura nazi en América (Nazi Literature in the Americas)
A S Byatt: Babel Tower
Mircea Cărtărescu: Orbitor Vol 1, Aripa stângă (Blinding – The Left Wing)
Rafael Chirbes: La larga marcha [The Long March]
Merle Collins: The Colour of Forgetting
Robert Coover: Briar Rose
Robert Coover: John’s Wife
Fred d’Aguiar: Dear Future
Seamus Deane: Reading in the Dark
Þórarinn Eldjárn: Brotahöfuð (The Blue Tower)
Fadia Faqir: Pillars of Salt
Jon Fosse: Melancholia II (Melancholy II)
David Foster: The Glade Within the Grove
Nikolaj Frobenius: Latours katalog (De Sade’s Valet)
Yoshikichi Furui: 白髪の唄 (White-Haired Melody)
George Garrett: The King of Babylon Shall Not Come Against You
Axel Gauvin: Cravate et fils [Tie and Son]
Yasmine Gooneratne: The Pleasures of Conquest
Hallgrímur Helgason: 101 Reykjavík (101 Reykjavik)
Ismail Kadare: Spiritus [Spiritus]
Andrey Kurkov: Смерть постороннего (Death and the Penguin)
Fouad Laroui: Les Dents du topographe [The Teeth of the Topographer]
Deirdre Madden: One by One in the Darkness
David Markson: Reader’s Block
Joaquin Mbomio Bacheng: El párroco de Niefang [The Priest of Niefang]
Eduardo Mendoza: Una comedia ligera (A Light Comedy)
Amanda Michalopoulou: Η γυναίκα του Θεού (God’s Wife)
Rohinton Mistry: A Fine Balance
Mo Yan: 丰乳肥臀 (Big Breasts and Wide Hips)
Yōko Ogawa: ホテル・アイリス (Hotel Iris)
Victor Pelevin: Чапаев и Пустота (UK: The Clay Machine-Gun; US: Buddha’s Little Finger)
André Salifou: Tels pères tels fils [Like Father, Like Son]
Muriel Spark: Reality and Dreams
Joanna Scott: The Manikin
Graham Swift: Last Orders
Ta-wei Chi: 膜 (Membranes)
Rupert Thomson: The Insult
Colin Thubron: Distance
Olga Tokarczuk: Prawiek i inne czasy (Primeval and Other Times)
Dumitru Tsepeneag: Hotel Europa (Hotel Europa)
Vassilis Vassilikos: Γλαύκος Θρασάκης (The Few Things I Know about Glafkos Thrassakis)
Yvonne Vera: Under the Tongue
David Foster Wallace: Infinite Jest
Oksana Zabuzhko: Польові дослідження з українського сексу (Fieldwork In Ukrainian Sex)
José Eduardo Agualusa: Nação Crioula (Creole)
César Aira: El congreso de literatura (The Literary Conference)
Vassily Aksyonov: Новый сладостный стиль (The New Sweet Style)
Yuri Andrukhovych: Рекреації (Recreations)
Yuri Andrukhovych: Перверзія (Perverzion)
Kate Atkinson: Human Croquet
John Banville: The Untouchable
Lluís-Anton Baulenas: Alfons XIV : un crim d’estat [Alfonso XIV: A Crime of State]
Suzanne Brøgger: Jadekatten (Jade Cat)
Luís Cardoso: Crónica de uma travessia: A época do ai-dik-funam (The Crossing)
Peter Carey: Jack Maggs
Horacio Castellanos Moya: El Asco. Thomas Bernhard en San Salvador [Revulsion. Thomas Bernhard in San Salvador]
Jonathan Coe: House of Sleep
J M Coetzee: Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life
Achmat Dangor: Kafka’s Curse
Juan Manuel de Prada: La tempestad (The Tempest)
Don DeLillo: Underworld
Zee Edgell: The Festival of San Joaquin
Robert Edric: In Desolate Heaven
Charles Frazier: Cold Mountain
Santiago Gamboa: Perder es cuestión de método [Losing is a Question of Method]
Juan Goytisolo: Las semanas del jardín (The Garden of Secrets)
Arnon Grunberg: Figuranten (Silent Extras)
David Ireland: The Chosen
Hamid Ismailov: Железная Дорога (Railway)
A L Kennedy: Original Bliss
Sergio Kokis: L’art du maquillage (The Art of Deception)
Ian McEwan: Enduring Love
Pauline Melville: The Ventriloquist’s Tale
Patrick Modiano: Dora Bruder (Dora Bruder)
Bradford Morrow: Giovanni’s Gift
Herta Müller: Heute wär ich mir lieber nicht begegnet (The Appointment)
Geoff Nicholson: Bleeding London
Ricardo Piglia: Plata quemada (Money to Burn)
Thomas Pynchon: Mason & Dixon
Astrid Roemer: Lijken op liefde [Looks Like Love]
Aline Pettersson: La noche de las hormigas [The Night of the Ants]
Richard Russo: The Straight Man
José Saramago: Todos os nomes (All the Names)
Ali Smith: Like
<Laila Stien: Vekselsang (Antiphony)
Oum Suphany : រោមតំណក់ទឹកភ្លៀង (Under the Drops of Falling Rain)
Antonio Tabucchi: La testa perduta di Damasceno Monteiro (Lost Head of Damasceno Monteiro; The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro)
Dubravka Ugrešić: Muzej bezuvjetne predaje (The Museum of Unconditional Surrender)
Buket Uzuner : Kumral Ada Mavi Tuna (Mediterranean Waltz))
Mario Vargas Llosa: Los cuadernos de don Rigoberto (The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto)
Sakinu Ahronglong: 山豬 (Hunter School)
Alai: 尘埃落定 (Red Poppies)
Rabih Alameddine: Koolaids
Pat Barker: Another World
Julian Barnes: England, England
Jorge Barón Biza: El desierto y su semilla (The Desert and Its Seed)
Mario Bellatin: Poeta ciego [Blind Poet]
Salvador Benesdra: El traductor [The Translator]
Roberto Bolaño: Los Detectives Salvajes (The Savage Detectives)
Robert Coover: Ghost Town
Shaw Dallal: Scattered Like Seeds
Marie Darrieussecq: Naissance des fantômes (My Phantom Husband)
Marie Desplechin: Sans moi (Sans moi)
Patrick DeVille: Longue Vue [Telescope]
Daša Drndić: Canzone di guerra
Aslı Erdoğan: Kırmızı Pelerinli Kent (The City in Crimson Cloak)
Lucia Etxebarría: Beatriz y los cuerpos celestes [Beatrice and the Heavenly Bodies]
Sebastian Faulks: Charlotte Gray
Ibrahim Fawal: On the Hills of God
Alberto Fuguet: Tinta roja [Red Ink]
Espido Freire: Irlanda (Irlanda)
Tim Gautreaux: The Next Step in the Dance
Leonid Girshovich: Прайс [Preis]
Nana Grey-Johnson: The Magic Calabash
Michel Houellebecq: Les particules élémentaires (UK: Atomised; US: The Elementary Particles)
Thomas Hürlimann: Der große Kater [The Big Cat]
Moses Isegawa: Abessijnse kronieken (Abyssinian Chronicles)
Ahmadou Kourouma: En attendant le vote des bêtes sauvages (Waiting for the Vote of the Wild Animals; Waiting for the Wild Beasts to Vote)
Jaan Kross: Paigallend (Treading Air)
Hilary Mantel: The Giant, O’Brien
Cormac McCarthy: Cities of the Plain
Ian McEwan: Amsterdam
Antonio Moresco:Gli Esordi [The Beginnings]
Eto Mori, カラフル (Colourful)
Harry Mulisch: De Procedure (The Procedure)
Les Murray: Fredy Neptune
<Yōko Ogawa: Y 凍りついた香り [The Scent of Ice]
Ruth Ozeki: My Year of Meats
Christopher Priest: Extremes
Orhan Pamuk: Benim Adım Kırmızı (My Name Is Red)
Richard Powers: Gain
John Pule: Burn My Head in Heaven (Tugi e ulu haaku he langi)
Victor Rangel-Ribeiro: Tivolem
Keith Ridgway: The Long Falling
Dina Salustio: A Louca de Serrano (The Madwoman of Serrano)
Ingo Schulze: Simple Storys (Simple Stories)
Josef Škvorecký:: Nevysvetlitelný príbeh aneb Vyprávení Questa Firma Sicula (An Inexplicable Story or the Narrative of Questus Firmus Siculus)
Peter Stamm:: Agnes (Agnes)
Rupert Thomson: Soft!
Adam Thorpe: Pieces of Light
Olga Tokarczuk: Dom dzienny, dom nocny (House of Day, House of Night)
Hans-Ulrich Treichel: Der Verlorene (Lost)
Ludmila Ulitskaya: Веселые похороны (The Funeral Party)
Yvonne Vera: Butterfly Burning
Abdourahman Waberi: Balbala [Balbala]
Colson Whitehead: The Intuitionist
Yahya Yakhlif: بحيرة وراء الريح، (A Lake Beyond the Wind)
Isabel Allende: Hija de la fortuna (Daughter of Fortune)
Thea Astley: Drylands
Alessandro Baricco: City (City)
Carmen Boullosa: Treinta años (Leaving Tabasco)
Leopoldo Brizuela: Inglaterra. Una fábula [England. A Fable]
Augustin Buzura: Recviem pentru nebuni și bestii (Requiem for Fools and Beasts)
Martín Caparrós: La Historia [History]
J M Coetzee: Disgrace
Carlos Cortés: Cruz de olvido [Cross of Oblivion]
Jim Crace: Being Dead
Marie Darrieussecq: Le Mal de mer (UK: Breathing Underwater; US: Undercurrents)
KAren Duve: Regenroman (Rain)
Peter Elmore: Las pruebas del Fuego [The Trials of Fire]
Filomena Embaló: Tiara
Espido Freire: Melocotones helados [Frozen Peaches]
Georgi Gospodinov: Естествен роман (Natural Novel)
Ann Harries: Manly Pursuits
Roy Jacobsen: Grenser (Borders)
Wayne Johnston: The Colony of Unrequited Dreams
Ismail Kadare: Qorrfermani (Le Firman aveugle) [The Blind Firman]
A L Kennedy: Everything You Need
László Krasznahorkai: Háború és háború (War and War)
David Mitchell: Ghostwritten
E A Markham: Marking Time
Geoff Nicholson: Female Ruins
Amélie Nothomb: Stupeur et tremblements (Fear and Trembling)
Victor Pelevin: Поколение «П» (UK: Babylon; US: Homo zapiens)
Roberto Quesada: Big Banana (The Big Banana)
Thomas Rosenboom: Publieke werken [Public Works]
Vikram Seth: An Equal Music
Daren Shiau: Heartland
Mikhail Shishkin: Взятие Измаила [The Taking of Izmail]
Antonio Soler: El nombre que ahora digo (Soldiers in the Fog)
Dag Solstad: T. Singer (T. Singer)
Ahdaf Soueif: The Map of Love
Regis Stella: Gutsini Posa (Rough Seas)
Rupert Thomson: The Book of Revelation
Barry Unsworth: Losing Nelson
Enrique Vila-Matas: El viaje vertical [The Vertical Voyage]
Jorge Volpi: En busca de Klingsor (In Search of Klingsor)
Other links
Publishers Weekly list of bestselling novels in the United States in the 1990s
The Books of the Century: 1990-1999
Modern Literature Time Chart (1990 – 1999)
Modern US literature chronological order