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Books reviewed in chronological order – 1970-1979
Samuel Beckett: Mercier et Camier (Mercier and Camier)
Saul Bellow: Mr. Sammler’s Planet
Abdelhamid Benhadouga: ريح الجنوب (Le vent du sud) [The Wind from the South]
Thomas Bernhard: Das Kalkwerk (The Lime Works)
Alfredo Bryce Echenique: Un mundo para Julius (A World for Julius)
Joan Didion: Play It As It Lays
José Donoso: Obsceno pájaro de la noche (The Obscene Bird of Night)
Autran Dourado: O Risco do bordado (Pattern for a Tapestry)
Lawrence Durrell: Nunquam
J. G. Farrell: Troubles
Sergio Galindo: Nudo [Knot]
Gabriel García Márquez: El Otoño del Patriarca (The Autumn of the Patriarch)
Nadine Gordimer: A Guest of Honour
Juan Goytisolo: Reivindicación del conde don Julián (Count Julian; Don Julián)
Vasily Grossman: Всё течёт… (Forever Flowing; Everything Flows)
Peter Handke: Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter (The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick)
Uwe Johnson: Jahrestage. Band 1 (Anniversaries: from the Life of Gesine Cresspahl; Christmas, 1967 is an excerpt)
Ismail Kadare: Kështjella (The Castle; The Siege)
William Melvin Kelley: Dunfords Travels Everywheres
Ahmadou Kourouma: Les soleils des indépendances (The Suns of Independence)
Jaan Kross: Kolme katku vahel; Balthasar Russowi 1 (Betweeen Three Plagues: The Ropewalker)
Thomas McMahon: Principles of American Nuclear Chemistry
Shiva Naipaul: Fireflies
Joyce Carol Oates: Wonderland
Manuel Puig: Boquitas pintadas (Heartbreak Tango)
Yuri Rytkheu: Сон в начале тумана (A Dream in Polar Fog)
Zigmunds Skujiņš: Kailums (Nakedness)
Muriel Spark: The Driver’s Seat
Magda Szabó: Abigél (Abigail)
Michel Tournier: Le Roi des Aulnes (The Erlking; The Ogre)
Ludvík Vaculík: Morčata (The Guinea Pigs)
Eudora Welty: Losing Battles
Patrick White: The Vivisector
Rudolph Wurlitzer: Flats
Rosa Maria Arquimbau: Quaranta anys perduts (Forty Lost Years)
Oğuz Atay: Tutunamayanlar (The Disconnected)
Kofi Awoonor: This Earth, My Brother … An Allegorical Tale of Africa
Ingeborg Bachmann: Malina (Malina
Heinrich Böll: Gruppenbild mit Dame (Group Portrait with Lady)
Miloš Crnjanski: Roman o Londonu [London Novel]
Don DeLillo: Americana
Jorge Eduardo Eielson: El cuerpo de Giulia-no [The Body of Julia-n]
Leylâ Erbil: Tuhaf Bir Kadın (A Strange Woman)
George Garrett: Death of the Fox
Willem Frederik Hermans: Herinneringen van een engelbewaarder (A Guardian Angel Recalls)
Bohumil Hrabal: Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (I Served the King of England)
David Ireland: The Unknown Industrial Prisoner
Uwe Johnson: Jahrestage. Band 2 (Anniversaries: from the Life of Gesine Cresspahl)
Ismail Kadare: Kronikë në gur (Chronicle in Stone)
Jerzy Kosinski: Being There
Stanisław Lem: Ze wspomnień Ijona Tichego. Kongres Futurologiczny (The Futurological Congress: from the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy)
Doris Lessing: Briefing for a Descent into Hell
Chadraabalyn Lodoidamba: Тунгалаг Тамир [The Clear Tamir]
Naguib Mahfouz: المرايا (Mirrors)
Joseph McElroy: Ancient History: A Paraphase
Henry de Montherlant: Un assassin est mon maître [A Murderer Is My Master]
Nicholas Mosley: Natalie Natalia
V. S. Naipaul: In a Free State
Joyce Carol Oates: Wonderland
Walker Percy: Lancelot
Louang Phouy: Les gars du 97 (The Men of 97)
Anthony Powell: Books Do Furnish a Room
Tayeb Salih: بندر شاه مريود (Bandarshah)
Chris Scott: Bartleby
Indriði G. Þorsteinsson: Norðan við stríð (North of War)
João Ubaldo Ribeiro: Sargento Getúlio (Sergeant Getúlio)
John Updike: Rabbit Redux
Ibrahim Ahmad: ژانی گەل [Suffering of the People]
Jorge Amado: Tereza Batista Cansada de Guerra (Tereza Batista : Home from the Wars)
Thea Astley: The Acolyte
Margaret Atwood: Surfacing
Pierre Makombo Bamboté: Princesse Mandapu [Princess Mandapu]
Hortense Calisher: Standard Dreaming
Italo Calvino: Le città invisibili (Invisible Cities)
Angela Carter: The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr. Hoffman (US: The War of Dreams)
Don DeLillo: End Zone
Regina Ezera: Aka [The Well]
George Friel: Mr Alfred M.A.
Goh Poh Seng: If We Dream Too Long
Günter Grass: Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke (From the Diary of a Snail)
Peter Handke: Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied (Short Letter, Long Farewell)
James Hanley: Another World
Barry Hannah: Geronimo Rex
Wilson Harris: Black Marsden
David Ireland: The Flesheaters
Jaan Kross: Kolme katku vahel; Balthasar Russowi 2 (Between Three Plagues: A People Without a Past)
Milan Kundera: Valcík na rozloucenou (The Farewell Party; Farewell Waltz)
George Lamming: Natives of My Person
Patrick Modiano: Les Boulevards de ceinture (Ring Roads)
Theodore Odrach: Вошадь (Wave of Terror)
Sergio Pitol, : El tañido de una flauta [The Tune of a Flute]
Andrei Platonov: Чевенгур (Chevengur)
Montserrat Roig: Ramona, adéu! (Goodbye, Ramona)
Vasyl Shevchuk: Побратими, або Пригоди двох запорожців на суходолі, в морі та під водою (Blood Brothers)
Andrew Sinclair: Magog
Josef Škvorecký: Mirákl (The Miracle Game)
Rosemary Tonks: The Halt during the Chase
José Gonzalo Torrente Ballester: La saga/fuga de J.B [The Saga/Flight of J. B.]
Theodore Weesner: The Car Thief
Eudora Welty: Optimist’s Daughter
John Williams: Augustus
Rudolph Wurlitzer: Quake
Dritëro Agolli: Shkëlqimi dhe rënia e shokut Zylo [The Rise and Fall of Comrade Zylo]
Frank Martinus Arion: Dubbelspel (Double Play)
Amadou Hampâté Bâ: L’étrange destin de Wangrin ou Les roueries d’un interprète africain (The Fortunes of Wangrin)
John Banville: Birchwood
Brian Burland: The Sailor and the Fox
Don DeLillo: Great Jones Street
Mohammed Dib: Le maître de chasse [The Hunting Master]
Ellen Douglas: Apostles of Light
Carlos Droguett: El Hombre Que Trasladaba Las Ciudades [The Man Who Moved Cities]
Lygia Fagundes Telles: As Meninas (The Girl in the Photograph)
J. G. Farrell: The Siege of Krishnapur
Leon Forrest: There Is a Tree More Ancient Than Eden
Paul Gadenne: Les Hauts-Quartiers [The Upper Districts]
Luis Goytisolo: Recuento [Retelling] (1st part of Antagonía [Antagonism])
Graham Greene: The Honorary Consul
Bessie Head: A Question of Power
B. S. Johnson: Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry
Uwe Johnson: Jahrestage. Band 3 (Anniversaries II: from the Life of Gesine Cresspahl)
Milan Kundera: Život je jinde (Life Is Elsewhere)
Doris Lessing: The Summer Before the Dark
Yulisa Pat Amadu Maddy: No Past, No Present, No Future
Luigi Malerba: Il protagonista [The Protagonist]
Juan Marsé: Si te dicen que caí (The Fallen)
Thomas McGuane: Ninety-Two in the Shade
Toni Morrison: Sula
V. Y. Mudimbe: Entre les eaux (Between Tides)
Dominic Mulaisho: The Tongue of the Dumb
Shiva Naipaul: The Chip-Chip Gatherers
Joyce Carol Oates: Do with Me What You Will
Anthony Powell: Temporary Kings
Thomas Pynchon: Gravity’s Rainbow
Elena Quiroga: Presente profundo [Profound Present]
Philip Roth: The Great American Novel
Ousmane Sembène: Xala (Xala)
Wole Soyinka: Season of Anomy
Muriel Spark: The Hothouse by the East River
Mario Vargas Llosa: Pantaleón y las visitadoras (Captain Pantoja and the Special Service)
Angus Wilson: As If By Magic
Patrick White: The Eye of the Storm
Daniachew Worku: The Thirteenth Sun
Walter Abish: Alphabetical Africa
Alfred Andersch: Winterspelt (Winterspelt)
Thea Astley: A Kindness Cup
Xavier Benguerel: Icària, Icària
Heinrich Böll: Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum oder wie Gewalt enstehen und wohin sie führen kann (The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum: How Violence Develops and Where It Can Lead)
Jean Boudou: La Quimèra [The Chimaera]
Anthony Burgess: The Clockwork Testament
Anthony Burgess: Napoleon Symphony
Guillermo Cabrera Infante: Vista del amanecer en el trópico (View of Dawn in the Tropics)
Alejo Carpentier: El recurso del método (Reasons of State)
Faarax Cawl: Aqoondarro waa u nacab jacayl (Ignorance is the Enemy of Love)
J M Coetzee: Dusklands
Lawrence Durrell: Monsieur or The Prince of Darkness
Knut Faldbakken: Aftenlandet (Twilight Country)
Nadine Gordimer: The Conservationist
Emile Habiby: فاء سعيد أبي النحس (The Secret Life of Saeed the Pessoptimist)
Peter Härtling: Eine Frau (A Woman)
Bohumil Hrabal: Postřižiny (Cutting it Short)
David Ireland: Burn
Harold Sonny Ladoo: Yesterdays
Doris Lessing: The Memoirs of a Survivor
Rosetta Loy: La bicicletta [The Bicycle]
Alison Lurie: The War between the Tates
Naguib Mahfouz: الكرنك (Al-Karnak; Karnak Café)
Cormac McCarthy: Child of God
Joseph McElroy: Lookout Cartridge
Jacques Mercanton: L’été des Sept-Dormants [The Summer of the Seven Sleepers]
Elsa Morante: La storia (History)
Augusto Roa Bastos: Yo el Supremo (I, the Supreme)
Mercè Rodoreda: Mirall trencat (A Broken Mirror)
Max Rouquette: Verd Paradís II (Green Paradise)
Ernesto Sabato: Abaddón, el exterminador (The Angel of Darkness)
Juan José Saer: El limonero real (The Regal Lemon Tree)
Gustavo Sainz: La princesa del Palacio de Hierro (The Princess of the Iron Palace)
Branimir Šćepanović: Usta puna zemlje (Mouth Full of Earth)
George Seferis: Έξι νύχτες στην Ακρόπολη (Six Nights on the Acropolis)
Zigmunds Skujiņš: Vīrietis labākajos gados (A Man in His Prime)
Mario Soldati: Lo smeraldo (The Emerald)
Robert Stone: Dog Soldiers
Francis Tekonnang: A Villager
Llorenç Villalonga: Andrea Víctrix (Andrea Víctrix)
Paolo Volponi: Corporale [Corporal]
Edward Whittemore: Quin’s Shanghai Circus
Aris Alexandrou: Το Κιβώτιο (Mission Box)
Ron Arias: The Road to Tamazunchale
Donald Barthelme: The Dead Father
Saul Bellow: Humboldt’s Gift
Horst Bienek: Die erste Polka (The First Polka)
Robertson Davies: World of Wonders
Regina Ezera: Šūpoles (The Swing)
Max Frisch: Montauk (Montauk)
Carlos Fuentes: Terra Nostra (Terra Nostra)
William Gaddis: J R
Chinghiz Gusseinov: Магомед, Мамед, Мамиш (Mahomet, Mahmed, Mamish)
Peter Handke: Die Stunde der wahren Empfindung (A Moment of True Feeling
Sigbjørn Hølmebakk : Karjolsteinen (The Carriage Stone)
Elfriede Jelinek: Die Liebhaberinnen (Women as Lovers)
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala: Heat and Dust
William Kennedy: Legs
David Lodge: Changing Places
David Malouf: Johnno
Eduardo Mendoza: La verdad sobre el caso Savolta (The Truth about the Savolta Case)
V. S. Naipaul: Guerrillas
Georges Ngal: Giambatista Viko ou Le Viol du discours africain [Giambatista Viko or the Rape of African Discourse]
Joyce Carol Oates: The Assassins: A Book of Hour
Anthony Powell: Hearing Secret Harmonies
James Salter: Light Years
Sevgi Soysal: Şafak (Dawn)
Michel Tournier: Les Météores (Gemini)
Georgi Vladimov: Верный Руслан (Faithful Ruslan)
Vladimir Voinovich: Жизнь и необычайные приключения солдата Ивана Чонкина (The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin)
Jorge Enrique Adoum: Entre Marx y una mujer desnuda [Between Marx and a Naked Woman]
Ivo Andrić: Ivo Andrić: Omerpaša Latas (Omer Pasha Latas: Marshal to the Sultan)
Margaret Atwood: Lady Oracle
John Banville: Dr Copernicus
Ann Beattie: Chilly Scenes of Winter
Louky Bersianik: L’Euguélionne (The Euguelionne; The Euguelion)
Jurij Brezan: Krabat oder Die Verwandlung der Welt [Krabat or the Transformation of the World]
Piero Chiara: La stanza del vescovo (The Bishop’s Bedroom)
Fausta Cialente: Le quattro ragazze Wieselberger [The Four Wieselberger Girls]
Vincenzo Consolo: Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio (The Smile of the Unknown Mariner)
Don DeLillo: Ratner’s Star
Cyprian Ekwensi: Survive the Peace
Nabile Farès: La Découverte du nouveau monde (Discovery of the New World)
Luis Goytisolo: Los verdes de mayo hasta el mar [The Green Shoots of May Down to the Sea] (2nd part of Antagonía [Antagonism])
Peter Handke: Die linkshändige Frau (The Left-Handed Woman)
James Hanley: A Dream Journey
David Ireland: The Glass Canoe
Ismail Kadare: Muzgu i perendive te stepes (Twilight of the Eastern Gods)
Sahar Khalifeh: رواية (Wild Thorns)
Joseph Leydenbach: Jeu d’Echecs [Game of Chess]
Svend Åge Madsen: Tugt og utugt i mellemtiden (Virtue and Vice in the Middle Time)
Richard Marius: The Coming of Rain
Patrick Modiano: Villa Triste (Villa Triste)
V. Y. Mudimbe: Le bel immonde (Before the Birth of the Moon)
Ryu Murakami: 限りなく透明に近いブルー (Almost Transparent Blue)
Gerald Murnane: A Lifetime on Clouds
Meja Mwangi: Going Down River Road
Michael Ondaatje: Coming Through Slaughter
Joyce Carol Oates: Childwold
Manuel Puig: El beso de la mujer araña (Kiss of the Spider Woman)
Abdullah Sadiq: Dhon Hiyala and Ali Fulhu
Márcio Souza: Galvez, imperador do Acre (The Emperor of the Amazon)
David Storey: Saville
Patrick White: A Fringe of Leaves
Kōbō Abe: 密会 (Secret Rendezvous)
Francis Bebey: Roi Albert d’Effidi (King Albert)
Horst Bienek: Septemberlicht (September Light)
Gerd Brantenberg: Egalias døtre (UK: The Daughters of Egalia ; US: Egalia’s Daughters)
Anthony Burgess: Abba Abba
Robert Coover: The Public Burning
Don DeLillo: Players
Anita Desai: Fire on the Mountain
Joan Didion: A Book of Common Prayer
Buchi Emecheta: Slave Girl
Benedict Erofeev: Москва — Петушки (UK: Moscow Circles; US: Moscow to the End of the Line)
Stuart Evans: The Caves of Alienation
Timothy Findley: The Wars
John Fowles: Daniel Martin
Oliver Friggieri: L-Gidba (The Lie)
Fazil Iskander: Сандро из Чегема (Sandro of Chegem)
Ismail Kadare: Dimri i madh (L’hiver de la grande solitude; Le Grand Hiver) [The Great Winter]
György (George) Konrád: A városalapító (The City Builder)
Wyndham Lewis: Mrs. Dukes’ Million
Clarice Lispector: A hora da estrela (The Hour of the Star)
Maria Gabriela Llansol: O Livro das Comunidades (The Book of Communities) (Book 1 of Geografia de Rebeldes (Geography of Rebels trilogy))
Olivia Manning: The Danger Tree
Joseph McElroy: Plus
Toni Morrison: Song of Solomon
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: Petals of Blood
Christopher Priest: A Dream of Wessex (US: The Perfect Lover)
Nicola Pugliese: Malacqua (Malacqua)
Montserrat Roig: El temps de les cireres [The Time of Cherries]
Peter Rosei: Wer war Edgar Allan? [Who Was Edgar Allan?]
Leonardo Sciascia: Candido ovvero un sogno fatto in Sicilia (Candido or A Dream Dreamed in Sicily)
Leslie Marmon Silko: Ceremony
Josef Škvorecký: Basaxofon (The Bass Saxophone)
Josef Škvorecký: Príbeh inzenýra lidských dusí (The Engineer of Human Souls)
José Gonzalo Torrente Ballester: Fragmentos de Apocalipsis [Fragments of Apocalypse]
Edward Upward: No Home But the Struggle
Mario Vargas Llosa: La tía Julia y el escribidor (Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter)
Enrique Vila-Matas: La asesina ilustrada [The Illustrated Murderess]
R.G. Vliet: Soledad (aka Solitudes)
Edward Whittemore: Sinai Tapestry
Jessica Anderson: Tirra Lirra by the River
Yoshio Aramaki: 神聖代 (The Sacred Era)
Andrei Bitov: Пушкинский дом (Pushkin House)
A S Byatt: The Virgin in the Garden
Achmat Dangor: Waiting for Leila
Don DeLillo: Running Dog
Ingeborg Drewitz: Gestern war heute [Yesterday Was Today]
Lawrence Durrell: Livia or Buried Alive
J. G. Farrell: The Singapore Grip
Marianne Fritz: Die Schwerkraft der Verhältnisse (The Weight of Things)
Graham Greene: The Human Factor
Lars Gustafsson: En biodlares död (Death of a Beekeeper)
James Hanley: A Kingdom
Bohumil Hrabal: Městečko, kde se zastavil čas (The Little Town Where Time Stood Still)
Jabra Ibrahim Jabra: البحث البحث عن وليد مسعودد (In Search of Walid Masoud)
Ismail Kadare: Prilli i thyer (Broken April)
William Kennedy: Billy Phelan’s Greatest Game
György (George) Konrád: Cinkos (The Loser)
Jaan Kross: Keisri hull (The Czar’s Madman)
Enrique Lihn: El arte de la palabra [The Way of Speaking]
David Malouf: An Imaginary Life
Olivia Manning: The Battle Lost and Won
Charly Mbock: Quand saigne le palmier [When the Palm Tree Bleeds]
Ian McEwan: The Cement Garden
Thomas McGuane: Panama
Patrick Modiano: Rue des Boutiques obscures (Missing Person)
Augusto Monterroso: Lo demás es silencio [The Rest Is Silence]
Alberto Moravia: La vita interiore (Time of Desecration)
Joyce Carol Oates: Son of the Morning
Tim O’Brien: Going After Cacciato
Georges Perec: La Vie mode d’emploi (Life: A User’s Manual)
Carlos Rojas: El valle de los caídos [The Valley of the Fallen]
Begenas Sartov: Мамыры Гулдогон Маалды (Russian: Когда цветут эдельвейсы) (When the Edelweiss Flowers Flourish)
Bapsi Sidhwa: The Crow Eaters
Henrico Teixeira de Sousa: Ilhéu de Contenda [Squabbling Islander]
Esther Tusquets: El mismo mar de todos los veranos (The Same Sea as Every Summer)
Edward Whittemore: Jerusalem Poker
Vassily Aksyonov: Остров Крым (The Island of Crimea)
Jorge Amado: Farda, fardão, camisola de dormir : fábula para acender uma esperança (Pen, Sword, Camisole : a Fable to Kindle a Hope)
Rudolfo Anaya: Tortuga
António Lobo Antunes: Os Cus de Judas (South of Nowhere)
Margaret Atwood: Life Before Man
Arturo Azuela: Manifestación de Silencios (Shadows of Silence)
Mariama Bâ: Une si longue lettre (So Long a Letter)
Liana Badr: بوصلة من أجل عباد الشمس (Compass of the Sunflower)
John Barth: LETTERS
Sylvain Bemba: Rêves portatifs [Portable Dream
Agustina Bessa-Luís: Rêves portatifsFanny Owen [Fanny Owen]
Horst Bienek: Zeit ohne Glocken (Time Without Bells)
Italo Calvino: Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore (If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler)
Per Denez: Glas evel daoulagad c’hlas ha ne oant ket ma re (Blue Like Blue Eyes Which Were Not My Own)
Maro Douka: Η αρχαία σκουριά (Fool’s Gold)
Jean Echenoz: Le Méridien de Greenwich [The Meridian of Greenwich]
Buchi Emecheta: Joys of Motherhood
Nuruddin Farah: Sweet and Sour Milk
Max Frisch: Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän (Man in the Holocene)
William Golding: Darkness Visible
Nadine Gordimer: Burger’s Daughter
Luis Goytisolo: La cólera de Aquiles [The Anger of Achilles] (3rd part of Antagonía [Antagonism])
Qurratulain Hyder: نام سے شائع ہوا (Fireflies in the Mist)
Jorge Ibargüengoitia: Dos crímenes (Two Crimes)
David Ireland: A Woman of the Future
Ismail Kadare: Ura me tri harqe (The Three-Arched Bridge)
Sony Labou Tansi: La vie et demie (Life and a Half)
Doris Lessing: Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta
Cecilie Løveid: Sug (Sea Swell)
Bernard Malamud: Dubin’s Lives
Giorgio Manganelli: Centuria (One Hundred Ouroboric Novels)
Cormac McCarthy: Suttree
Mary McCarthy: Cannibals and Missionaries
John McGahern: The Pornographer
Thomas McMahon: McKay’s Bees
V. S. Naipaul: A Bend in the River
Georges Ngal: L’Errance [Wandering]
Park Kyŏng-ni: 토지 (Land)
James Salter: Solo Faces
Wilton Sankawulo: The Rain and the Night
Sahle Sellassie: Firebrands
Grieve Sibale: Between Two Worlds
Aminata Sow Fall: La Grève des bàttu (The Beggars’ Strike)
William Styron: Sophie’s Choice
Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Bumi manusia (This Earth of Mankind)
Yūko Tsushima: 光の領分 (Territory of Light)
Esther Tusquets: El amor es un juego solitario (Love is a Solitary Game)
Vladimir Voinovich: Претендент на престол (Pretender to the Throne: The Further Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin)
Patrick White: The Twyborn Affair
Albert Wendt: Leaves of the Banyan Tree (US: The Banyan)
Other links
Publishers Weekly list of bestselling novels in the United States in the 1970s
The Books of the Century: 1970-1979
Modern Literature Time Chart (1970 – 1979)
Modern US literature chronological order