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Books reviewed in chronological order – 1960-1969
Chinua Achebe: No Longer at Ease
John Barth: The Sot-Weed Factor
Mario Benedetti: La tregua (The Truce)
Gérard Bessette: Le Libraire (Not for Every Eye)
Olympe Bhêly-Quenum: Un piège sans fin (Snares without End)
Marie-Claire Blais: Tête blanche (Tête Blanche)
Kay Boyle: Generation without Farewell
Michel Butor: Degrés (Degrees)
Louis-Ferdinand Céline: Nord (North)
Julio Cortázar: Los premios (The Winners)
Carlos Droguett: Eloy [Eloy]
Lawrence Durrell: Clea
Witold Gombrowicz: Pornografia (Pornografia)
Wilson Harris: Palace of the Peacock
L P Hartley: Facial Justice
Oles Honchar: Людина і зброя (Man and Arms)
Vintila Horia: Dieu est né en exil (God Was Born in Exile)
Ismail Kadare: Gjenerali i ushtërisë së vdekur (The General of the Dead Army)
George Lamming: Season of Adventure
Hubert Lampo: De Komst van Joachim Stiller (The Coming of Joachim Stiller)
Halldór Laxness: Paradísarheimt (Paradise Reclaimed)
Colin MacInnes: Mr. Love and Justice
Olivia Manning: The Great Fortune
Ana María Matute: Primera memoria (School of the Sun)
Wright Morris: Ceremony in Lone Tree
Flannery O’Connor: The Violent Bear It Away
Ferdinand Oyono: Chemin d’Europe (Road to Europe)
Joan Perucho: Les històries naturals (Natural History)
Anthony Powell: Casanova’s Chinese Restaurant
James Purdy: The Nephew
Raja Rao: The Serpent and the Rope
Augusto Roa Bastos: Hijo de hombre (Son of Man)
Ousmane Sembène: Les Bouts de bois de Dieu (God’s Bits of Wood)
Claude Simon: La Route des Flandres (The Flanders Road)
William Styron: Set This House on Fire
Stratis Tsirkas: Ακυβέρνητες Πολιτείες (Drifting Cities)
John Updike: Rabbit, Run
Henry Williamson: A Test to Destruction
Jorge Amado: Os Velhos Marinheiros (Home is the Sailor)
Samuel Beckett: Comment c’est (How It Is)
Giuseppe Berto: Il Male Oscuro (Incubus)
Fausta Cialente: Ballata Levantina (The Levantines)
Cyprian Ekwensi: Jagua Nana
George Garrett: Which Ones Are the Enemy?
Natalia Ginzburg: Le voci della sera (Voices in the Evening)
José María Gironella: Un millón de muertos (One Million Dead)
Günter Grass: Katz und Maus (Cat and Mouse)
Gabriel García Márquez: La Mala Hora (In Evil Hour)
Wilson Harris: The Far Journey of Oudin
John Hawkes: The Lime Twig
Joseph Heller: Catch-22
Gloria Guardia: Tiniebla blanca [White Darkness]
Jiang Gui: 重阳 (Rival Suns)
Hans Henny Jahnn: Epilog [Epilogue]
Uwe Johnson: Das dritte Buch über Achim (The Third Book about Achim)
Cheikh Hamidou Kane: L’aventure ambigue (Ambiguous Adventure)
Raffaele La Capria: Ferito a morte (The Mortal Wound)
Stanisław Lem: Pamietnik znaleziony w wannie (Memoirs Found in a Bathtub)
Stanisław Lem: Solaris (Solaris)
Clarice Lispector: A maçã no escuro (The Apple in the Dark)
Naguib Mahfouz: اللص والكلاب (The Thief and the Dogs)
Bernard Malamud: A New Life
Carson McCullers: Clock Without Hands
V. S. Naipaul: A House for Mr. Biswas
Flann O’Brien: The Hard Life
Flann O’Brien: The Dalkey Archive
Walker Percy: The Moviegoer
Max Rouquette: Verd Paradís I (Green Paradise)
Leonardo Sciascia: Il giorno della civetta (Mafia Vendetta; The Day of the Owl)
Jun’ichiro Tanizaki: 瘋癲老人日記 (Diary of a Mad Old Man)
Evelyn Waugh: Unconditional Surrender (US: The End of the Battle)
Patrick White: Riders in the Chariot
Henry Williamson: The Innocent Moon
Angus Wilson: The Old Men at the Zoo
Richard Yates: Revolutionary Road
Kōbō Abe: 砂の女 (The Woman in the Dunes)
Thea Astley: The Well Dressed Explorer
James Baldwin: Another Country
Marie-Claire Blais: Le Jour est noir (The Day is Dark)
Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange
Alejo Carpentier: El siglo de las luces (Explosion in a Cathedral)
Rosario Castellanos: Oficio de tinieblas (The Book of Lamentations)
Mohammed Dib: Qui se souvient de la mer (Who Remembers the Sea)
Ellen Douglas: A Family’s Affairs
Petru Dumitriu: Incognito (Incognito)
Cyprian Ekwensi: Burning Grass
William Faulkner: The Reivers
Carlos Fuentes: La muerte de Artemio Cruz (The Death of Artemio Cruz)
James Hanley: Say Nothing
Wilson Harris: The Whole Armour
Heere Heeresma: Een dagje naar het strand (A Day at the Beach)
Aldous Huxley: Island
Yasunari Kawabata: 古都 (The Old Capital)
William Melvin Kelley: A Different Drummer
Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Doris Lessing: The Golden Notebook
Naguib Mahfouz: السمان والخريف (Autumn Quail)
Naguib Mahfouz: اولاد حارتنا (Children of Gebelawi; Children of the Alley) (serialized in newspaper form in 1959)
Olivia Manning: The Spoilt City
Vladimir Nabokov: Pale Fire
Anthony Powell: The Kindly Ones
Dawn Powell: The Golden Spur
Mercè Rodoreda: La plaça del Diamant (UK: The Pigeon Girl; US: The Time of the Doves)
Dido Sotiriou: Ματωμενα Χωματα (Farewell, Anatolia)
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar: Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü (The Time Regulation Institute)
Triveni: ಶರಪಂಜರ (Sharapanjara; Cage of Arrows; The Mad Woman)
Edward Upward: In the Thirties
Paolo Volponi: Memoriale (My Trouble Began; The Memorandum)
Henry Williamson: It Was the Nightingale
Vassily Aksyonov: Апельсины из Марокко [Oranges from Morocco]
Miguel Ángel Asturias: Mulata de tal (UK: The Mulatta and Mr. Fly; US: Mulata)
Max Aub: Campo del Moro [The Moor’s Camp]
Heinrich Böll: Ansichten eines Clowns (The Clown)
Elizabeth Bowen: The Little Girls
Anthony Burgess: Honey for the Bears
Anthony Burgess: Inside Mr. Enderby
Italo Calvino: Marcovaldo, ovvero le stagioni in città (Marcovaldo or The Seasons in the City)
Vincenzo Consolo: La ferita dell’aprile [The Wound of April]
Julio Cortázar: Rayuela (Hopscotch)
Robert Creeley: The Island
Alba de Céspedes: Il rimorso (Remorse)
Joan Didion: Run River
J. P. Donleavy: A Singular Man
Cyprian Ekwensi: Beautiful Feathers
John Fowles: The Collector
Carlo Emilio Gadda: La cognizione del dolore (Acquainted with Grief)
Elena Garro: Los recuerdos del porvenir (Recollections of Things to Come)
Natalia Ginzburg: Lessico famigliare (Family Sayings; The Things We Used to Say)
Günter Grass: Hundejahre (Dog Years)
Wilson Harris: The Secret Ladder
Marlen Haushofer: Die Wand (The Wall)
B. S. Johnson: Travelling People
Ghassan Kanafani: رجال في الشمس (Men in the Sun)
J. M. G. Le Clézio: Le Procès-verbal (The Interrogation)
Sum Marky: Vila Flogá [Villa Flogá]
Mary McCarthy: The Group
Luigi Meneghello: Libera nos a Malo [Deliver Us from Evil]
V. S. Naipaul: Mr. Stone and the Knights Companion
Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar
Kukrit Pramoj: ยิวสี่แผ่นดิน (Four Reigns)
Thomas Pynchon: V
Paavo Rintala: Sissiluutnantti (The Long-Distance Patrol)
Edoardo Sanguineti: Capriccio italiano
Nathalie Sarraute: Les Fruits d’or (The Golden Fruits)
Susan Sontag: The Benefactor
Muriel Spark: The Girls of Slender Means
Jun’ichiro Tanizaki: 台所太平記 (The Maids)
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester: Don Juan [Don Juan]
Alexander Trocchi: Cain’s Book
Mario Vargas Llosa: La ciudad y los perros (The Time of the Hero)
Tarjei Vesaas: Is-slottet (The Ice Palace)
Henry Williamson: The Power of the Dead
Christa Wolf: Der geteilte Himmel (Divided Heaven)
Kōbō Abe: 他人の顔 (The Face of Another)
Chinua Achebe: Arrow of God
Jorge Amado: Os pastores da noite (Shepherds of the Night)
José María Arguedas: Todas las sangres [All the Bloodlines]
Saul Bellow: Herzog
Anthony Burgess: Nothing like the Sun
William Burroughs: Nova Express
Vasil Bykaŭ: Альпийская баллада (Alpine Ballad)
Albert Cossery: La violence et la dérision (The Jokers)
Mohammed Dib: Cours sur la rive sauvage [A Walk on the Wild Side]
Andreas Embirikos: Ἄργώ ἤ Πλούς Αεροστάτου (Argo or Aerostat Flight)
George Friel: The Boy who Wanted Peace
George Friel: Grace and Miss Partridge
Max Frisch: Mein Name sei Gantenbein (A Wilderness of Mirrors; Gantenbein)
William Golding: The Spire
Wilson Harris: Heartland
Peter Härtling: Niembsch oder Der Stillstand. Eine Suite [Niembsch or The Deadlock]
John Hawkes: Second Skin
Bohumil Hrabal: Tanecní hodiny pro starsí a pokrocilé (Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age)
Bohumil Hrabal: Ostre sledované vlaky (A Close Watch on the Trains; Closely Watched Trains; Closely Observed Trains)
Jorge Ibargüengoitia: Los relámpagos de agosto (The Lightning of August)
B. S. Johnson: Albert Angelo
Ken Kesey: Sometimes a Great Notion
Clarice Lispector: A paixão segundo G.H. (The Passion according to G.H.)
Ana María Matute: Los soldados lloran de noche (Soldiers Cry by Night)
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: Weep Not, Child
Joyce Carol Oates: With Shuddering Fall
Kenzaburo Oe: 個人的な体験 (A Personal Matter)
Anthony Powell: The Valley of Bones
James Purdy: Cabot Wright Begins
Ann Quin: Berg
Mario Soldati: Le due cittá (The Malacca Cane)
Zinaida Tulub: безкраїм за Уралом (The Exile)
Angus Wilson: Late Call
Hubert Aquin: Prochain épisode (Next Episode)
Max Aub: Campo francés [French Camp]
Taner Baybars: A Trap for the Burglar
Mario Benedetti: Gracias por el fuego [Thanks for the Light]
Gérard Bessette: L’incubation (Incubation)
Marie-Claire Blais: Une saison dans la vie d’Emmanuel (A Season in the Life of Emmanuel)
Alan Burns: Europe after the Rain
Guillermo Cabrera Infante: Tres tristes tigres (Three Trapped Tigers)
Italo Calvino: Le cosmicomiche (Cosmicomics)
Edmundo Desnoes: Memorias del subdesarrollo (Inconsolable Memories; Memories of Underdevelopment)
John Fowles: The Magus
George Garrett: Do, Lord, Remember Me
Witold Gombrowicz: Kosmos (Cosmos)
Wilson Harris: The Eye of the Scarecrow
Wolfgang Hildesheimer: Tynset
Emyr Humphreys: Outside the House of Baal
Masuji Ibuse: 黒い雨 (Black Rain)
Jerzy Kosinski: The Painted Bird
Doris Lessing: Landlocked
Norman Mailer: An American Dream
Mouloud Mammeri: L’Opium et le Bâton [Opium and the Stick]
Olivia Manning: Friends and Heroes
Cormac McCarthy: The Orchard Keeper
Alberto Moravia: L’attenzione (The Lie)
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: The River Between
Anna Maria Ortese: L’iguana (The Iguana)
Parijat: शिरिषको फूल (Blue Mimosa)
Georges Perec: Les Choses: Une histoire des années soixante (Things: A Story of the Sixties)
Thomas Pynchon: The Crying of Lot 49
Yordan Radichkov: Les récits de Tcherkaski [Tales from Cherkazki]
John Rowlands: Lenctid yw’ Mhechod (A Taste of Apples)
Ernesto Sabato: Sobre heroes y tumbas (On Heroes and Tombs)
Antonis Samarakis: Το λάθος (The Flaw)
Stephen Schneck: The Nightclerk
Ousmane Sembène: Vehi-Ciosane ou Blanche-genèse suivi du Mandat (The Money Order With White Genesis)
Ólafur Jóhann Sigurðsson: Bréf séra Böðvars (Pastor Bodvar’s Letter)
Wole Soyinka: The Interpreters
Muriel Spark: The Mandelbaum Gate
Mario Vargas Llosa: La casa verde (The Green House)
Paolo Volponi: La macchina mondiale (The Worldwide Machine)
John Williams: Stoner
Henry Williamson: The Phoenix Generation
Chinua Achebe: A Man of the People
José Agustín: De perfil [In Profile]
Jorge Amado: Dona Flor e seus dois maridos (Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands)
Reinaldo Arenas: El mundo alucinante (UK: Hallucinations; US: Hallucinations or The Ill-Fated Peregrinations of Fray Servando)
John Barth: Giles Goat-Boy or the Revised New Syllabus
John Barth: Giles Goat-Boy or the Revised New Syllabus
JensBjørneboe: Frihetens øyeblikk (Moment of Freedom)
Marie-Claire Blais: L’Insoumise (The Fugitive)
Robert Coover: The Origin of the Brunists
Maria Judite de Carvalho, Mário de Carvalho: Os Armários Vazios (Empty Wardrobes)
J. P. Donleavy: The Saddest Summer of Samuel S
José Donoso: Este domingo (This Sunday)
Shūsaku Endō: 沈黙 (Silence)
William H. Gass: Omensetter’s Luck
José María Gironella: Ha estallado la paz (Peace after War)
Juan Goytisolo: Señas de identidad (Marks of Identity)
Graham Greene: The Comedians
Peter Handke: Die Hornissen [The Hornets]
Ghassan Kanafani: ما تبقى لكم (All That’s Left to You)
José Lezama Lima: Paradiso (Paradiso)
Luigi Malerba: Il serpente (The Serpent)
Juan Marsé: Ultimas tardes con Teresa [Last Afternoons with Teresa]
Saiichi Maruya: 笹まくら (Grass for My Pillow
Joseph McElroy: A Smuggler’s Bible
Nicholas Mosley: Assassins
Walker Percy: The Last Gentleman
Georges Perec: Quel petit vélo à guidon chromé au fond de la cour? (Which Moped with Chrome-plated Handlebars at the Back of the Yard?)
Anthony Powell: The Soldier’s Art
Ann Quin: Three
Jean Rhys: Wide Sargasso Sea
Mercè Rodoreda: El carrer de les Camèlies (Camellia Street)
Leonardo Sciascia: A ciascuno il suo (A Man’s Blessing; To Each His Own)
Christina Stead: Cotters’ England (US: Dark Places of the Heart)
Rink van der Velde: De Fûke (The Trap)
Martin Walser: Das Einhorn (The Unicorn)
Patrick White: The Solid Mandala
Kōbō Abe: 燃えつきた地図 (The Ruined Map)
Reinaldo Arenas: Celestino antes del alba (republished as Cantando en el pozo) (Singing from the Well)
Donald Barthelme: Snow White
Thomas Bernhard: Verstörung (Gargoyles)
Peter Bichsel: Die Jahreszeiten [The Seasons]
Mikhail Bulgakov: Мастер и Маргарита (The Master and Margarita)
A S Byatt: The Game
Italo Calvino: Ti con zero (t zero)
Autran Dourado: Opera dos mortos (The Voices of the Dead)
Gabriel García Márquez: Cien Años de Soledad (One Hundred Years Of Solitude)
Nâzım Hikmet: Yaşamak Güzel Şey Be Kardeşim (Life’s Good, Brother)
Legson Kayira: The Looming Shadow
Milan Kundera: Žert (The Joke)
Naguib Mahfouz: ميرامار (Miramar)
Norman Mailer: Why Are We in Vietnam?
Anand Mulloo: Watch Them Go Down
Vera Mutafchieva: Случаят Джем (The Case of Cem)
V. S. Naipaul: The Mimic Men
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: A Grain of Wheat
Barry Oakley: A Wild Ass of a Man
Joyce Carol Oates: A Garden of Earthly Delights
Flann O’Brien: The Third Policeman
Kenzaburo Oe: 万延元年のフットボール (The Silent Cry)
James Purdy: Eustace Chisholm and the Works
Dorothy Richardson: March Moonlight
Mercè Rodoreda: Jardí vora el mar (Garden by the Sea)
James Salter: A Sport and a Pastime
Thomas Savage: The Power of the Dog
Andrew Sinclair: Gog
Susan Sontag: Death Kit
Robert Stone: A Hall of Mirrors
William Styron: The Confessions of Nat Turner
CostasTaktsis: Το τρίτο στεφάνι (The Third Wedding)
Michel Tournier: Vendredi ou les Limbes du Pacifique (Friday or The Other Island)
Henry Williamson: A Solitary War
Henry Williamson: Lucifer Before Sunrise
Angus Wilson: No Laughing Matter
Kastuś Akuła: Tomorrow is Yesterday
Brian Aldiss: Report on Probability A
Hubert Aquin: Trou de mémoire (Blackout)
Max Aub: Campo de los almendros [Field of the Almond Trees]
Agustí Bartra: Crist de 200.000 braços [Christ of 200,000 Arms]
Mourad Bourboune: Le Muezzin [The Muezzin] (later: Le Muezzin bègue)
Anthony Burgess: Enderby Outside (US: Enderby)
Robert Coover: The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop.
Mohammed Dib: La Danse du Roi [Dance of the King]
Lawrence Durrell: Tunc
Salvador Elizondo : El hipogeo secreto (The Secret Crypt)
Beppe Fenoglio: Il partigiano Johnny (Johnny the Partisan)
Oles Honchar: Собор (The Cathedral)
David Ireland: The Chantic Bird
Jerzy Kosinski: Steps
Stanisław Lem: Głos Pana (His Master’s Voice)
Siegfried Lenz: Deutschstunde (The German Lesson)
Luigi Malerba: Salto mortale (What Is This Buzzing, Do You Hear It Too?)
Cormac McCarthy: Outer Dark
Julian Mitchell: The Undiscovered Country
Patrick Modiano: La Place de l’Étoile (La Place de l’Étoile)
N. Scott Momaday: House Made of Dawn
Nicholas Mosley: Impossible Object
Joyce Carol Oates: Expensive People
Yambo Ouologuem: Le Devoir de violence (Bound to Violence)
Anthony Powell: The Military Philosophers
Manuel Puig: Auto de fe (Auto-da-fé)
Carlos Rojas: La Traición de Rita Hayworth (Betrayed by Rita Hayworth)
Garth St. Omer: The Lights on the Hill
Andrew Salkey: The Late Emancipation of Jerry Stover
Magda Szabó: Katalin utca (Katalin Street)
Rosemary Tonks: The Bloater
Christa Wolf: Nachdenken über Christa T. (The Quest for Christa T)
Antoine Abel: Coco sec [Dry Coconut]
Dritëro Agolli: Komisari Memo (The Bronze Bust)
Brian Aldiss: Barefoot in the Head
Jorge Amado: Tenda dos milagres (Tent of Miracles)
Halim Barakat: عودة الطائر الى البحر (Days of Dust)
Rachid Boudjedra: التطليق (La répudiation) (The Repudiation)
Angela Carter: Heroes and Villains
Camilo José Cela: Víspera, festividad y octava de San Camilo del año 1936 en Madrid (San Camilo 1936)
Àlvaro Cunqueiro: Un hombre que se parecía a Orestes [A Man Who Was Like Orestes]
John Fowles: The French Lieutenant’s Woman
Günter Grass: Örtlich betäubt (Local Anaesthetic)
Marlen Haushofer: Die Mansarde (The Loft)
Svava Jakobsdóttir: Leigjandinn (The Lodger)
B. S. Johnson: The Unfortunates
Legson Kayira: Jingala
György (George) Konrád: A látogató (The Case Worker)
Doris Lessing: The Four-Gated City
Richard Marius: The Coming of Rain
Ana María Matute: La trampa (The Trap)
Joseph McElroy: Hind’s Kidnap: A Pastoral on Familiar Airs
Terenci Moix: El dia que va morir Marilyn [The Day Marilyn Died]
Vladimir Nabokov: Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle
Joyce Carol Oates: them
Georges Perec: La Disparition (A Void)
Andrei Platonov: Котлован (The Foundation Pit)
Elena Poniatowska: Hasta no verte, Jesus mío (Until We Meet Again; later: Here’s to you Jesusa!)
Philip Roth: Portnoy’s Complaint
Josef Škvorecký: Lvíce (Miss Silverstein’s Past; Miss Silver’s Past)
Andrew Salkey: The Adventures of Catullus Kelly
Thomas Savage: The Liar
Edward Upward: The Rotten Elements
Mario Vargas Llosa: Conversación en la catedral (Conversation in the Cathedral)
Oswald Wiener: Die Verbesserung von Mitteleuropa [The Improvement of Central Europe]
Henry Williamson: The Gale of the World
Rudolph Wurlitzer: Nog (UK: The Octopus)
Other links
Publishers Weekly list of bestselling novels in the United States in the 1960s
The Books of the Century: 1960-1969
Modern Literature Time Chart (1960 – 1969)
Modern US literature chronological order