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Yōko Ogawa


Yōko Ogawa was born in Okayama in 1962. She studied creative writing at Waseda University. She has since gone on to write numerous works of fiction and non-fiction.

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Yōko Ogawa
Harmonica Hare (story by Ogawa)
The Cafeteria in the Evening and a Pool in the Rain (story by Ogawa)
Pregnancy Diary (story by Ogawa)


(Only works translated into Western European languages)

1990 ダイヴィング・プール (The Diving Pool: Three Novellas)
1991 余白の愛 [Love at the Margin]
1994 密やかな結晶 (The Memory Police)
1996 ホテル・アイリス (Hotel Iris)
1998凍りついた香り [The Scent of Ice]
1998 寡黙な死骸みだらな弔い (Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales)
2000 沈黙博物館 [Museum of Silence]
2003 博士の愛した数式 (The Housekeeper and the Professor)
2006 ミーナの行進 (Mina’s Matchbox)