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Raja Rao


Raja Rao was born in 1908 in Hassan. He graduated from Aligarh Muslim University in English and history. With a government scholarship, he then went to study in France, where he married a French academic. He was later appointed to the editorial board of theMercure de France. He made a brief trip to India in 1933 and lived for a while in an ashram before returning to France, after his marriage broke up. He left France shortly before the German invasion. He again lived in ashrams, including in Gandhi’s for a short while. He was also active in the struggle against British occupation, which is used as a basis for his first novel, Kanthapura. After the war, he returned to France and then went to the United States where he met and married the actress, Katherine Jones. He taught at the University of Austin for nearly twenty years. He did not publish his second novel –The Serpent and the Rope – till more than twenty years after his first. Amazingly enough, his greatest work –The Chessmaster and His Moves – has never been published in Britain or the United States (though has been distributed there). He died in 2006. Sadly, his legacy seems to have been forgotten after his death and the two remaining novels of the The Chessmaster and His Moves remain unpublished.

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Raja Rao
Raja Rao
Raja Rao, Indian English Litterateur


1938 Kanthapura
1939 Changing India: An Anthology (with Iqbal Singh)
1947 The Cow of the Barricades and Other Stories
1948 Whither India (with Iqbal Singh)
1960 The Serpent and the Rope
1965 The Cat and Shakespeare
1976 Comrade Kirilov
1978 The Policeman and the Rose
1988 The Chessmaster and His Moves
1989 On the Ganga Ghat
1996 The Meaning of India
1998 The Great Indian Way: A Life of Mahatma Gandhi
1998 The Best of Raja Rao