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Zou Jingzhi


Zou Jingzhi was born in 1952 in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. The family moved to Beijing when he was one. He initially wanted to be an animal breeder. However he switched his interest to music and spent a long time studying music. He almost became an opera actor. However, after studying he went to work at the Coal Research Institute. He published fiction and poetry and became the poetry editor of Poetry Magazine. He then turned to drama and television where he had considerable success. He has written numerous screenplays and plays and won many awards, as well as writing prose fiction and poetry.

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Zou Jingzhi
Zou Jingzhi
Zou Jingzhi (go to page 5)
On Translating Zou Jingzhi
His IMDB page


(Only books translated into English)

2010 九栋 (Ninth Building)