Yan Lianke
Yan Lianke was born in Song County, Henan Province in 1958. He entered the army in 1978. He graduated from Henan University in 1985 with a degree in politics and education. In 1991, he graduated from the People’s Liberation Army Art Institute with a degree in Literature. He has published many short stories and novels. He also written works of literary criticism on 19th and 20th century literature and many essays.
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Yan Lianke
Yan Lianke
Yan Lianke
Being Alive Is Not Just An Instinct (article by Lianke)
(Only books translated into English)
2001 堅硬如水 (Hard like Water)
2001 耙耧天歌 (Marrow)
2002 年月日 (The Years, Months, Days)
2004 受活 (Lenin’s Kisses)
2005 为人民服务 (Serve the People!)
2006 丁庄梦 (Dream of Ding Village)
2009 阎连科 (Three Brothers : Memories of My Family)
2011 四书 (The Four Books)
2013 炸裂志 (The Explosion Chronicles)
2015 日熄 (The Day the Sun Died)