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Khaled Khalifa


Khaled Khalifa was born in a village near Aleppo in 1964. He obtained a law degree from the University of Aleppo, where he started writing poetry. He went on to become a scriptwriter for TV and cinema. His books have had difficulty in getting published. His second novel was suppressed by the Union of Arab Writers for four years. His third novel, مديح الكراهية : رواية (In Praise of Hatred), was banned in Syria and had to be published in Beirut. His fourth novel – لا سكاكين في مطابخ هذه المدينة (No Knives in the Kitchens of This City) – was published in Cairo

Other links

Khaled Khalifa
Khaled Khalifa
Living in a void: life in Damascus after the exodus (article by Khalifa)
Why Khaled Khalifa Chose to Stay in Syria
Khaled Khalifa: Syria has new stories every day and we must tell the world about them


(Only books translated into English)

2006 مديح الكراهية : رواية (In Praise of Hatred)
2013 لا سكاكين في مطابخ هذه المدينة (No Knives in the Kitchens of This City)
2016 الموت عمل شاق (Death Is Hard Work)
2023 لم يُصلِّ عليهم أحد (No One Prayed Over Their Graves)