Bradford Morrow
Bradford Morrow was born in 1951 in Baltimore but grew up in Colorado and now, natch, lives in NYC. Like many good writers, he has worked at a variety of jobs and bummed his way round the world. In 1981 he founded Conjunctions, a well-respected and very worthwhile literary magazine. He is one of those writers – aren’t there a lot of them? – who has looked for some time as though he is about to become famous, particularly after the publication of Trinity Fields but it ain’t happened yet. He is currently Professor of Literature at Bard College.
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Bradford Morrow
Bradford Morrow
Giovanni’s Rift
1971 Passing from the Provinces: Three Fragments (poems)
1978 A bibliography of the writings of Wyndham Lewis (with Bernard Lafourcade)
1981 A Bibliography of the Black Sparrow Press, 1966-1978 (with Seamus Cooney)
1982 Danaë’s Progress (poems)
1982 Posthumes (poems)
1983 The Preferences (poems)
1984 After a Charme (poems)
1988 Come Sunday (novel)
1991 A Bestiary (fables)
1991 The Almanac Branch (novel)
1995 Trinity Fields (novel)
1997 Giovanni’s Gift (novel)
2002 Ariel’s Crossing (novel)
2007 Didn’t Didn’t Do It (children’s)
2011 The Diviner’s Tale (novel)
2011 Fall of the Birds (story)
2011 The Uninnocent (stories)
2014 The Forgers (novel)
2014 The Nature of My Inheritance (story)
2017 The Prague Sonata (novel)
2020 The Forger’s Daughter (novel)
2025 The Forger’s Requiem (novel)