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Louky Bersianik
Louky Bersianik was born Lucille Durand in Montreal in 1930. She studied French literature at the University of Montreal and then at the Sorbonne in Paris. She worked in radio, television and cinema, first in Paris and then back in Canada. She subsequently taught creative writing. Her first published works were stories for children. She has published poetry, novels and short stories. She is best known for her first novel for adults, L’Euguélionne (The Euguelionne; The Euguelion), a feminist parable. Much of her work since has had feminist themes. She died in 2011.
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Louky Bersianik
Bersianik, Louky, 1930-
Bersianik, Louky, 1930- (scroll down)
Louky Bersianik (in French)
Louky Bersianik (in French)
Louky Bersianik, poète et féministe (in French)
Bersianik, Louky, 1930- (in French)
Bibliographie de Louky Bersianik (in French)
L’utopie de la gynilité, un non-lieu provisoire (article by Bersianik – in French)
1964 Koumic : le petit Esquimau (children’s)
1964 Le Cordonnier Pamphile mille-pattes (children’s)
1965 La montagne et l’escargot (children’s)
1966 Togo, apprenti-remorqueur (children’s)
1976 L’Euguélionne (The Euguelionne; The Euguelion) (novel)
1978 La page de garde (poetry)
1979 Le pique-nique sur l’Acropole (novel)
1980 Maternative : Les Pré-Ancyl (poetry)
1982 Les Agénésies du vieux monde (essay)
1983 Au beau milieu de moi (poetry)
1984 Axes et Eau. Poèmes de La Bonne Chanson (poetry)
1987 Kerameikos (poetry)
1990 La main tranchante du symbole, textes et essais féministes (essay)
1997 Permafrost 1937-1938 (novel)
2007 L’archéologie du futur (selections of her work)
2011 L’écriture, c’est les cris (conversation)
2019 Eremo (novel)