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Margaret Atwood


Margaret Atwood was born in Ottawa in 1939 but lived in Toronto from the age of six. Her father was a forest entomologist and, through him, she got to know the forest area of Northern Ontario. She took her B.A. from Victoria College (now Victoria University), University of Toronto. She did a Masters at Radcliffe College in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She also studied at Harvard. She taught in various Canadian universities and also worked as an editor for the House of Anansi publishers. Atwood was a highly competent poet before turning to prose fiction but she is now best known for her novels in which women, often because of societal constraints, are forced to re-examine their roles.

Books about Margaret Atwood

Nathalie Cooke: Margaret Atwood A Biography
Alan J Horne: Margaret Atwood Prose (bibliography)
Coral Ann Howells: Margaret Atwood
Jerome Rosenberg: Margaret Atwood
Karen F. Stein: Margaret Atwood Revisited

Other links

Her home page
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood (on Desert Island Discs – brief bio and her choices)
Margaret Atwood (mainly summaries of some of the novels)
Margaret Atwood (1939-)
Margaret Atwood – Writer
Profile: Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood: Queen of CanLit
The Margaret Atwood Society
Featured Author: Margaret Atwood (New York Times – you’ll have to register first)
To be creative is, in fact, Canadian (article by Atwood)
Spotty-Handed Villainesses: Problems Of Female Bad Behaviour In The Creation Of Literature (article by Atwood)
Our romance with debt — we’ll pay for it later (article by Atwood)
The Writing Life (article by Atwood)
The Beetle and the Teacup (article by Atwood on national literature)
Writing Philosophy (talk by Atwood)


1961 Double Persephone (poetry)
1964 The Circle Game (poetry)
1965 Expeditions (poetry)
1966 Speeches for Doctor Frankenstein (poetry)
1968 The Animals in That Country (poetry)
1969 The Edible Woman (novel)
1970 Procedures for Underground (poetry)
1970 The Journals of Susanna Moodie (poetry)
1971 Power Politics (poetry)
1972 Surfacing (novel)
1972 Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature
1974 You Are Happy (poetry)
1976 Selected Poems
1976 Lady Oracle (novel)
1977 Dancing Girls and Other Stories
1977 Days of the Rebels: 1815-1840 (children’s)
1978 Up in the Tree (children’s)
1978 Two-Headed Poems
1979 Life Before Man (novel)
1980 Anna’s Pet (children’s)
1981 Bodily Harm (novel)
1981 True Stories (poetry)
1982 Second Words: Selected Critical Prose
1983 Bluebeard’s Egg (US: Bluebeard’s Egg and Other Stories) (stories)
1983 Murder in the Dark: Short Fictions and Prose Poems
1983 Love Songs of a Terminator (poetry)
1984 Interlunar (poetry)
1985 The Handmaid’s Tale (novel)
1986 Through the One-Way Mirror (stories)
1986 Selected Poems II: Poems Selected and New, 1976-1986
1987 Selected Poems 1965-1975
1988 Cat’s Eye (novel)
1990 Selected Poems: 1966-1984
1990 For the Birds (children’s)
1991 Wilderness Tips (stories)
1992 Good Bones (stories)
1993 The Robber Bride (novel)
1994 Good Bones and Simple Murders (stories from Murder in the Dark and Good Bones) (UK: Bones and Murder)
1995 Morning in the Burned House (poetry)
1995 Strange Things: The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature
1995 Princess Prunella and the Purple Peanut (children’s)
1996 Alias Grace (novel)
1996 The Labrador Fiasco (stories)
1997 The Journals of Susanna Moodie (poetry)
1997 A Quiet Game and Other Early Works
1997 Days of the Rebels 1815-1840 (history)
1998 Eating Fire: Selected Poems, 1965-1995
1998 Two Solicitudes: Conversations
2000 The Blind Assassin (novel)
2002 Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing
2003 Oryx and Crake (novel)
2003 Rude Ramsay and the Roaring Radishes (children’s)
2004 Moving Targets: Writing with Intent, 1982-2004
2005 The Penelopiad (novel)
2005 Writing with Intent: Essays, Reviews, Personal Prose–1983-2005 (UK: Curious Pursuits)
2006 Moral Disorder (novel)
2006 Bashful Bob and Doleful Dorinda (children’s)
2006 The Tent (poetry)
2007 The Door (poetry)
2008 Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth (essays)
2009 The Year of the Flood (novel)
2010 I Dream of Zenia with the Bright Red Teeth (stort)
2011 Wandering Wenda and Widow Wallop’s Wunderground Washery (children’s)
2011 In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination (literature)
2013 MaddAddam (novel)
2014 Stone Mattress (stories)
2015 The Heart Goes Last (novel)
2015 Dire Cartographies (on writing The Handmaid’s Tale)
2016 Hag-Seed
2019 The Testaments
2020 Dearly (poetry)
2022 Burning Questions: Essays 2004-2021
2023 Old Babes in the Wood (stories)
2024 Fourteen Days (with Douglas Preston)
2025 Book of Lives (memoirs)
2113 Scribbler Moon (novella) (the date is not a mistake; the book has been buried till 2113)