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Rómulo Gallegos


Rómulo Gallegos was born in Caracas in 1884. He initially studied law but gave it up and worked first in a railway station and then as a teacher. He started to write, first publishing short stories, often based on rural Venezuelan life. He then started writing novels and had his greatest success with Doña Bárbara (Doña Bárbara), which was highly critical of the regime of Juan Vicente Gómez. Gómez first appointed him as a senator but Gallegos decided to flee the country and he went to Spain, where he continued writing novels. He returned to Venezuela in 1936, after the death of Gómez, and became involved in public life, serving as minister, congressman, and mayor of Caracas. He was elected president in 1947, taking office in 1948, but he was overthrown later that year by the military and fled to Cuba and then to Mexico. He returned to Venezuela in 1958 but did not take up politics again. He died in 1969.

Books about Rómulo Gallegos

Lowell Dunham: Rómulo Gallegos
José Ramón Medina : Rómulo Gallegos; ensayo biográfico

Other links

Rómulo Gallegos
Rómulo Gallegos (in Spanish)
Rómulo Gallegos (in Spanish)
Rómulo Gallegos (in Spanish)
Rómulo Gallegos (in Spanish)
Rómulo Gallegos (in Spanish)
Rómulo Gallegos, el maestro (in Spanish)
24 de noviembre de 1948: Auge y caída de Rómulo Gallegos (in Spanish)


1913 Los aventureros (stories).
1920 Reinaldo Solar (later: El último Solar) (novel)
1925 La trepadora (novel)
1929 Doña Bárbara (Doña Bárbara) (novel)
1934 Cantaclaro (novel)
1935 Canaima (Canaima) (novel)
1937 Pobre negro (novel)
1941 Programa político y discursos del candidato popular Rómulo Gallegos
1942 El forastero (novel)
1943 Sobre la misma tierra (novel)
1946 La rebelion y otros cuentos (stories)
1949 Obras completas
1952 La brizna de paja en el viento (novel)
1954 Una posición en la vida
1957 La doncella y El ultimo patriota (drama and stories)
1959 Obras selectas
1959 Sus mejores cuentos (stories)
1966 Antologia de Romulo Gallegos
1966 Cuentos venezolanos (stories)
1971 La tierra bajo los pies
1973 Cuentos (stories)
1973 Cuentos venezolanos (stories)
1977 Vida y literatura
1981 Cuentos completos
1985 Apreciación de Andres Eloy Blanco
1985 Pensamiento y acción política de Rómulo Gallegos
1985 Rómulo Gallegos, la “segura inmortalidad”
1986 Rómulo Gallegos, multivisión