Home » Guatemala » Rodrigo Rey Rosa

Rodrigo Rey Rosa


Rodrigo Rey Rosa was born in Guatemala City in 1958. As a child, he travelled a lot with his parents, though only started travelling on his own when he was eighteen, when he went to Britain, Germany and Spain. After returning to Guatemala for a year, he left because of the unrest and went to New York, where he studied at the School of Visual Arts but later dropped out. He then went to Morocco where he met Paul Bowles, with whom he kept in touch. Since then he has lived between Guatemala,Colombia, New York and Morocco. He has written novels, stories and non-fiction and made several films.

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Rodrigo Rey Rosa
Rodrigo Rey Rosa
Rodrigo Rey Rosa (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)


1986 El cuchillo del mendigo (The Beggar’s Knife) (stories)
1989 Dust on Her Tongue (stories)
1991 Cárcel de árboles (The Pelicari Project)
1993 El salvador de buques
1994 Lo que soñó Sebastián
1996 Con cinco barajas
1996 El cojo bueno (The Good Cripple)
1997 Que me maten si…
1998 Ningún lugar sagrado
1999 La orilla africana (The African Shore)
2001 Piedras encantadas
2001 El tren a Travancore
2006 Caballeriza
2007 Otro zoo
2008 Siempre juntos y otros cuentos
2009 El material humano (Human Matter)
2011 Severina (Severina)
2012 Los sordos
2014 Imitación de Guatemala (short novels
2014 La cola del dragón (essays)
2016 Fábula asiática (Chaos: A Fable)
2018 Cárceles de invención
2018 El país deToó (The Country of Toó)
2020 Carta de un ateo guatemalteco al Santo Padre