Home » Ecuador » Alfredo Pareja Díez Canseco

Alfredo Pareja Díez Canseco


Alfredo Pareja Díez Canseco was born in Guayaquil 1908. His mother’s father had been President of Peru. He had to support his family from the age of fourteen. In 1930 he won a bursary to the United States but, as a result of the Depression, had to work in the docks. His 1933 novel El muelle [The Dockyards] describes this experience. He returned to Ecuador and became professor of history and of Spanish and Spanish American literature at Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil. He also served as a Superintendent of Secondary Education and as a Deputy of Guayas Province. During the dictatorship of Federico Páez (1935–37) he was sent to prison and then exiled to Chile. On his return to Ecuador, he became a member fo the National Assembly but was again imprisoned. In 1944, he was appointed chargé d’affaires to Mexico and he later became Minister of Foreign Affairs. He wrote many novels, generally of a realist nature and often using Ecuadorian history, He also wrote a biography of Ecuadorian president Eloy Alfaro (who also appears in his novel Las tres ratas [The Three Rats].) He also wrote stories and non-fiction. He died in 1993. None of his work has been translated into English.

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Alfredo Pareja Díez Canseco
Alfredo Pareja Díez Canseco
Alfredo Pareja Díez Canseco (in Spanish)
Alfredo Pareja Díez Canseco (in Spanish)
Alfredo Pareja Díez Canseco: paisajes del narrador (in Spanish)


1930 La señorita Ecuador (novel)
1932 Río arriba (novel)
1933 El muelle (novel)
1935 La Beldaca (novel)
1938 Baldomera (novel)
1939 Hechos y hazañas de don Balón de Baba y su amigo don Inocente Cruz (novel)
1941 Hombres sin tiempo (novel)
1944 La hoguera bárbara, vida de Eloy Alfaro (biography)
1944 Las tres ratas [The Three Rats] (novel)
1946 Breve historia del Ecuador (history)
1952 Vida y leyenda de Miguel de Santiago (biography)
1954 Historia del Ecuador (history)
1954 Los gorgojos (stories)
1956 La advertencia (novel)
1956 La lucha por la democracia en el Ecuador (politics)
1956 Thomas Mann y el nuevo humanismo (literature)
1959 El aire y los recuerdos (novel)
1964 Los poderes omnímodos (novel)
1966 El Ecuador de Eloy Alfaro (history)
1970 Las pequeñas estaturas (novel)
1974 Historia de la República del Ecuador de 1830 a 1972 (history)
1974 La manticora (novel)
1975 Las Instituciones y la Administración en la Real Audiencia de Quito (politics)
1978 Ecuador: de la prehistoria a la conquista española (history)
1979 Ecuador: la República de 1830 a nuestros días (history)
1981 Ensayos de ensayos (essay)
1986 Notas de un viaje a China (travel)