Home » Colombia » Juan Gabriel Vásquez
Juan Gabriel Vásquez
Juan Gabriel Vásquez was born in Bogota in 1973. He studied law at the University of Rosario in Bogota. He then went to France where he took a doctorate in Latin American literature at the Sorbonne. After living in Belgium for a year, he finally moved to Barcelona. He has written five novels (though disowns the first two) as well as essays and short stories.
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A life in writing: Juan Gabriel Vásquez
Juan Gabriel Vásquez
Juan Gabriel Vásquez
Juan Gabriel Vásquez (in Spanish)
Las Barcelonas de Juan Gabriel Vásquez (in Spanish)
Articles by Vásquez in the Malpensante (in Spanish)
Diez iluminaciones (his introduction to a collection of Colombian stories – in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
1997 Persona (novel)
1999 Alina suplicante (novel)
2001 Los amantes de Todos los Santos (The All Saints’ Day Lovers (UK); Lovers on All Saints’ Day(US)) (stories)
2004 Joseph Conrad: el hombre de ninguna parte (biography)
2004 Los informantes (The Informers) (novel)
2006 El regreso (stories)
2007 Historia secreta de Costaguana (The Secret History of Costaguana) (novel)
2009 El arte de la distorsión (essays)
2009 Hiroshima y otros ensayos (essays)
2011 El ruido de las cosas al caer (The Sound of Things Falling) (novel)
2013 Las reputaciones (Reputations) (novel)
2016 La forma de las ruinas (The Shape of the Ruins) (novel)
2018 Viajes con un mapa en blanco (literature)
2019 Canciones para el incendio (Songs for the Flames) (stories)
2020 Volver la vista atrás (Retrospective)
2023 La traducción del mundo (essay)
2024 Los nombres de Feliza (novel)