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Tomás González


Tomás González was born in Medellin in 1950. His uncle was the philosopher Fernando González, with whom he had a close relationship as they lived near to one another. However, it was his mother who gave him a love for reading. He studied chemical engineering at the Universidad Bolivariana de Medellín but then switched to philosophy. He travelled abroad and spent three years in Miami and sixteen years in New York. He started writing poetry but then switched to prose and has written novels and stories.

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Tomás González
Tomás González (in Spanish)
Tomás González (in Spanish)
Tomás González (in Spanish)
Tomás González (in Spanish)
Los 5 libros favoritos de Tomás González (in Spanish)
Tomás González: el escritor del mar, los atardeceres y los contrastes (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)


1983 Primero estaba el mar (In the Beginning Was the Sea) (novel)
1987 Para antes del olvido (novel)
1995 El rey del Honka-Monka (stories)
1997 Manglares, (poetry)
2000 La historia de Horacio (novel)
2003 Los caballitos del diablo (novel)
2010 Abraham entre bandidos (novel)
2011 La luz difícil ( Difficult Light) (novel)
2013 Temporal (The Storm) (novel)
2013 El lejano amor de los extraños (stories)
2015 Niebla al mediodía (Fog at Noon) (novel)
2016 El expreso del sol (stories)
2018 Las noches todas (novel)