Lima Barreto
Alfonso Henriques Lima Barreto was born in 1881. His father was a typesetter and his mother a teacher. His father determined that his son should train as an engineer. However, before he graduated from school, his father went mad and Lima Barreto had to leave school to support his family. He started working as a minor civil servant in the Ministry of War but also started writing, publishing his first novel Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha in Lisbon in 1909. However, its bitter satire on Rio notables was not well received. He worked as a journalist for much of his life, publishing some of his works in the newspaper before they were published in book form. However, he turned to drink and became an alcoholic. He spent periods in an asylum but died in 1922 at the age of 41. His work was often vitriolic, attacking the society of the day, with his sad heroes unable to cope with the changing world around them.
Books about Lima Barreto
Luís Alberto deAbreu: Lima Barreto, ao terceiro dia
Francisco de Assis Barbosa, : Aldebará ou, A vida de Lima Barreto, 1881-1922
Other links
Lima Barreto
Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto
Afro-Brazilian Crusader: On Lima Barreto
Lima Barreto (in Portuguese)
Lima Barreto (in Portuguese)
Lima Barreto (in Portuguese)
Lima Barreto (in Portuguese)
Lima Barreto (in Portuguese)
1909 Recordações do Escrivão
1915 Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma (The Patriot; later: The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma)
1915 Numa e a ninfa
1919 Vida e morte de M. J. Gonzaga de Sá
1920 Histórias e sonhos
1923 Os bruzundangas
1923 Bagatelas
1930 Os bruzundangas
1948 Clara dos Anjos
1952 Outras histórias e Contos argelinos
1953 Coisas do Reino do Jambom
1953 Feiras e Mafuás
1953 Marginália
1953 Vida urbana
1953 Diário íntimo
1953 O cemitério dos vivos
1956 Impressões de leitura
1956 Correspondência ativa e passiva
1956 Coisas do reino do Jambon
1965 Quelé do Pajeu
1982 A nova Califórnia
1984 O cangaceiro
1988 Diário do hospício ; O cemitério dos vivos
1988 Tristes rumos, tristes fins
1990 Contos reunidos
1993 Um Longo Sonho do Futuro
1997 O Subterrâneo do Morro do Castelo
2016 Sátiras e outras subversões: textos inéditos