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Hilda Hilst


Hilda Hilst was born in 1930 in Jaú. Her father owned a coffee plantation but was also a journalist, poet, and essayist. Her father had mental health problems and her mother was very conservative and also had mental health problems, both of which influenced her writings. Both parents would end up in an asylum. Her parents divorced when she was young and Hilda was brought up by her mother. She graduated from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo and then studied law at the University of São Paulo. Under the influence of Lygia Fagundes Telles. she became interested in poetry and published her first book of poems in 1950, which was well received. She received her law degree in 1952.
After reading Nikos Kazantzakis‘ Αναφορά στον Γκρέκο (Report to Greco), she decided to quit the noisy life of São Paulo and return to ehr childhood home. She built a new house and moved in with the sculptor Dante Casarini. She remained there for the rest of her life. The house became an artists’ retreat and many artists stayed there. She went on to write numerous books of poetry, prose fiction, drama and journalism. She died in 2004. The house became the Hilda Hilst Institute (link in Portuguese).

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Hilda Hilst
Hilda Hilst
Hilda Hilst
6 Reasons Why You Should Read Hilda Hilst
The Hilda Hilst Roundtable
Hilda Hilst (in Portuguese)
Hilda Hilst (in Portuguese)
Hilda Hilst (in Portuguese)
Hilda Hilst (in Portuguese)
Nunca houve uma mulher como Hilda (in Portuguese)
Por que a escritora Hilda Hilst não fez sucesso em vida? (in Portuguese)


1950 Presságio (poetry)
1951 Balada de Alzira (poetry)
1955 Balada do festival (poetry)
1959 Roteiro do Silêncio (poetry)
1959 Trovas de muito amor para um amado senhor (poetry)
1961 Ode Fragmentária (poetry)
1962 Sete cantos do poeta para o anjo (poetry)
1967 Poesia (1959/1967) (poetry)
1969 Amado Hilst (poetry)
1970 Fluxo – Floema (Fluxo-Floema) (fiction)
1973 Qadós (fiction)
1974 Júbilo, memória, noviciado da paixão (poetry)
1977 Ficções (fiction)
1980 Poesia (1959/1969) (poetry)
1980 Tu não te moves de ti (fiction)
1980 Da Morte. Odes mínimas (Of Death : Minimal Odes) (poetry)
1980 Cantares de perda e predileção (poetry)
1982 A obscena senhora D (The Obscene Madame D) (novel)
1984 Poemas malditos, gozosos e devotos (poetry)
1986 Sobre a tua grande face (poetry)
1986 Com meus olhos de cão e outras novelas (With My Dog Eyes) (fiction)
1989 Amavisse (poetry)
1990 O Caderno Rosa de Lory Lamby (fiction)
1990 Contos D’Escárnio / Textos Grotescos (fiction)
1990 Alcoólicas (poetry)
1991 Cartas de um sedutor (Letters from a Seducer) (fiction)
1992 Bufólicas (poetry)
1992 Do Desejo (poetry)
1993 Rútilo Nada (fiction)
1995 Cantares do Sem Nome e de Partidas (poetry)
1997 Estar Sendo/ Ter Sido (fiction)
1998 Cascos e Carícias – crônicas reunidas (1992-1995) (journalism)
1999 Do Amor (poetry)
2001 Kadosh (fiction)
2001 Exercícios (poetry)
2001 Baladas (poetry)
2001 Cantares (poetry)
2008 Teatro completo (drama)
2012 Uma superfície de gelo ancorada no riso (anthology of her work)
2014 Pornô chic (fiction)
2014 Obscénica : textos eróticos & grotescos (fiction)
2017 Da poesiar (poetry)
2018 De amor tenho vivido (poetry)
2018 Eu sou a monstra : Hilda Hilst para crionças (poetry)
2018 Da Prosa