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Erico Veríssímo


Erico Veríssímo was born in 1905 in Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul. While his father, a pharmacist, came from a rich family. When he was four he contracted meningitis, with bronchopneumonic complications, and nearly died. His father later lost ownership of his pharmacy and his parents separated. He had to leave school and worked as a warehouse clerk and as a bank assistant. He later became a partner in a pharmacy with a friend of his father but that, too failed. He later taught English.

Veríssímo then moved to Porto Alegre. He had been reading extensively and published a first short story. He worked as a journalist but was also translating, with his major translation being Aldous Huxley‘s Point Counter Point. Soon after, he published his own first novel, though his second novel – Caminhos cruzados (Crossroads) – was considered subversive by the Catholic Church. He continued to publish further novels, children’s books, travel books, memoirs and essays. He died in 1975.

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Erico Veríssímo
Erico Veríssímo
Erico Veríssímo (in Portuguese)
Erico Veríssímo (in Portuguese)
Erico Veríssímo (in Portuguese)
Erico Veríssímo (in Portuguese)


1933 Clarissa (novel)
1935 Caminhos cruzados (Crossroads) (novel)
1935 A vida de Joana d’Arc (children’s)
1936 Música ao longe (novel)
1936 Um lugar ao sol (novel)
1936 As aventuras do avião vermelho (children’s)
1936 Os três porquinhos pobres (children’s)
1936 Rosa Maria no castelo encantado (children’s)
1936 Meu ABC (children’s)
1937 As aventuras de Tibicuera (children’s)
1938 Olhai os lírios do campo (Consider the Lilies of the Field) (novel)
1938 O urso com música na barriga (children’s)
1939 A vida do elefante Basílio (children’s)
1939 Outra vez os três porquinhos (children’s)
1939 Viagem à aurora do mundo (children’s)
1939 Aventuras no mundo da higiene (children’s)
1940 Saga (novel)
1941 Gato preto em campo de neve (A Black Cat on a Field of Snow) (travel)
1943 O resto é silêncio) (The Rest is Silence) (novel) (travel)
1945 Brazilian Literature – an Outline (literature)
1946 A volta do gato preto (travel)
1949 Ana Terra (novel)
1949 O tempo e o vento (1st part — O continente) (Time and the Wind) (novel)
1951 O tempo e o vento (2nd part — O retrato) (Time and the Wind) (novel)
1954 Noite (Night; later : Evil in the Night) (novel)
1954 Lembrança de Pôrto Alegre (Souvenir of Pôrto Alegre) (travel)
1956 Gente e bichos (children’s)
1957 México (Mexico) (travel)
1962 O tempo e o vento (3rd part — O arquipélago) (Time and the Wind) (novel)
1965 O senhor embaixador (His Excellency, the Ambassador)( novel)
1966 O escritor diante do espelho (autobiography)
1967 O prisioneiro (novel)
1969 Israel em abril (travel)
1971 Incidente em Antares (novel)
1973 Mundo velho sem porteira (essays)
1973 Solo de clarineta – Memórias (memoirs)
1976 Solo de clarineta – Memórias 2 (memoirs)
1995 Breve história da literatura brasileira (literature)