Home » Argentina » Sergio Chejfec

Sergio Chejfec


Sergio Chejfec was born in Buenos Aires in 1956. He lived in Venezuela from 1990 to 2005 and currently lives in New York where he teaches at New York University. He has written novels, stories, essays and poetry. He died in 2022.

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Sergio Chejfec
Sergio Chejfec
Simple Language, Name (article by Chejfec)
Sergio Chejfec (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)


1990 Lenta biografía
1990 Moral
1992 El aire
1996 Cinco
1999 Los planetas (The Planets)
2000 Boca de lobo (The Dark)
2004 Los incompletos (The Incompletes)
2005 El punto vacilante
2007 Baroni: un viaje (Baroni, a Journey)
2008 Mis dos mundos (My Two Worlds)
2010 Sobre Giannuzzi
2012 La experiencia dramática
2012 Hacia la ciudad eléctrica
2013 Modo linterna
2015 Últimas noticias de la escritura
2016 Teoría del ascensor
2019 5
2020 Apuntes para un panfleto (Notes Towards a Pamphlet)