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Laura Alcoba


Laura Alcoba was born was born in 1968 in La Plata, Argentina. Her family fled Argentina to France when she was ten, as both parents were in opposition to the military dictatorship. She studied modern literature at the École normale supérieure de Fontenay-aux-Roses. She completed her doctorate and worked both as a publisher (for Editions du Seuil) and as a university lecturer. Since 2007 she has written several well-received novels and has also translated several works from Spanish into French. Two of her novels have been translated into English.

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Laura Alcoba
Growing up in Argentina’s dirty war
Laura Alcoba (in French)
Laura Alcoba, la funambule (in French)


2007 Manèges (The Rabbit House) (novel)
2009 Jardin blanc (novel)
2011 Les Passagers de l’« Anna C. » (novel)
2013 Le Bleu des abeilles (novel)
2017 La Danse de l’araignée (novel)
2022 Par la forêt (Through the Forest) (novel)
2023 Les rives de la mer Douce (novel)