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Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill
Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill (frequently known simply as simply Fogwill) was born in 1941 in Buenos Aires. His mother’s family was from HGenoa and she apparently descended from Martín Alonso Pinzón who accompanied Columbus on his voyages. He took a degree in sociology from the University of Buenos Aires and then worked as a teacher. When the dictatorship took over he was fired for being a communist and went into marketing.
In 1979 he founded the publisher Tierra Baldía (=Waste Land) and published his first collection of poetry. He also published other Argentinian writers, such as César Aira. He wento on to write more poetry as well as short stories and, later, novels. While a few of his stories and poems have been published in English only one of his novels has. Fogwill is very well-known and influential in Argentina but is little known in the English-speaking world.
He died from pulmonary emphysema in 2010. His daughter Vera helped publish several of his works posthumously.
Books on Fogwill
Ricardo Strafacce: Rodolfo Fogwill. Una monografía (in Spanish)
Other links
Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill
On Fogwill
Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill
Remembering Fogwill
Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill (in Spanish)
1979 El efecto de realidad (poetry)
1980 Mis muertos punk (stories)
1982 Música japonesa (stories)
1983 Ejércitos imaginarios (stories)
1983 Los pichiciegos (Malvinas Requiem) (novel)
1985 Pájaros de la cabeza (story)
1990 La buena nueva de los Libros del Caminante (novel)
1991 Una pálida historia de amor (novel)
1991 Partes del todo (poetry)
1992 Muchacha punk (stories)
Restos diurnos (stories)
1998 Vivir afuera ( (novel)
1998 Cantos de marineros en La Pampa (novel)
2001 La experiencia sensible (novel)
2001 Lo dado (poetry)
2002 En otro orden de cosas (novel)
2003 Urbana (novel)
2003 Runa ( (novel)
2004 Últimos movimientos (poetry)
2003 Canción de paz (poetry)
2008 Un guión para Artkino (novel)
2009 Cuentos completos (stories)
2013 La gran ventana de los sueños (stories)
2014 Nuestro modo de vida (novel)
2016 La introducción (novel)
2016 Poesía completa (poetry)
2018 Memoria romana y otros relatos inéditos (stories)